If I remember correctly, Harvey Fierstein made it very well known during his Hairspray days he was shocked by the absenteeism there.
Julie Andrews found the role taxing at 20. And we saw the damage she permanently did to her vocal cords from going all out for all those years. Maybe it would have been smarter to have announced Lauren’s alternate before the show opened, but I have never understood the outrage over not seeing exactly the cast you thought you were going to see. If you’re that upset, you get a refund and you replan your trip. If you can’t replan, then suck it up and see the show and enjoy yourself. Enjoying theatre is a privilege, not a right.
I think it’s incredibly tacky to air this dirty laundry in that rag of a newspaper. Riedel is such a garbage person.
Also, frankly, I’d rather see performers showing up to work in tip-top shape than blowing their nose onstage or phoning it in just for brownie points. We’re humans. Our bodies sometimes fail us. As a performer myself, I am more than okay with that.
Understudy Joined: 6/10/13
The toxic self-destructive backstage culture is slowly (and thankfully) dying out with each new generation. Sacrificing a career's worth of potentially meaningful performances to vocal/emotional/physical/whatever harm for a role that is taxing on those facilities is just not worth it. Yes, most roles don't take this toll. Yes, it would be nice for every audience to see the intended principles. But that isn't always possible and claiming that they should tough it out to the point of harm is doing no good for anyone.
To be a working actor taking a stand against that is negligent, and to be proudly doing so is downright moronic.
Although I understand Miss Rigg's reasoning to a certain extent, I don't agree with it. Diana Rigg is no stranger to the stage. She has had years and years of experience honing her craft. During that time, Ms. Rigg has learned how to deal and cope with the demands of a theatrical role. She has the advantage in that sense. Ms. Ambrose, though lovely and talented, knows herself what she can and cannot do properly. She is learning to to deal with everything that is required to prepare and do justice for her current role. There is no shame in having a day off to be better prepared for the next performance. Having a day off also allows an understudy to have her day in the sun, so to speak. Though I love Diana Rigg to bits, she is wrong for being annoyed.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/16/18
Of all the shows I've seen, I've seen an understudy for probably around half of them, so I don't mind seeing an understudy going on at all. I actually quite enjoy it as it makes my experience more unique. When I saw DEH, both Will Roland and Kristolyn Lloyd were out so I saw Ben Ross & Olivia instead, and I believe is the only time they've both been on for those roles at the same time, meaning only around 1000 people in the world have seen the show with that exact cast and I'm one of them.
Back to the original topic, I'd much rather see an understudy or alternate in top condition than a principle who is struggling with the 8 shows a week schedule. It's important to remember that actors are people too and they get sick or need time off from time to time just like the rest of us.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/16/17
Brava Dame Rigg
Cast members should not be informed through any other channel than the production company that their co-stars will not be performing.
Secondly, there should have been foresight that this situation would arise and it's peculiar that posters would attack Dame Ring for insisting on producers respecting audiences. I am sure Dame Rigg has the intelligence and empathy to understand the audiences who would have paid for flights, tickets and accommodation to see this production and now may not see the original cast instead of the alternate.
Thirdly, you don't know who the email was addresses to and why would she deny it when NYPOST would run with it anyway.
Dame Rigg compliments Ambrose on a 'definitive performance' but bemoans the loss of the tradition 'the show must go on'. Alternates/Understudies are luxury afforded to big-budget productions.
Easily avoidable with a clearly published schedule and the respect to inform the cast and audience of such.
CATSNYrevival said: "Having said that, as far as I’m aware, Eliza has never been one of those roles."
South Fl Marc said: "Every other actress who has done this part has managed to do 8 shows a week"
The US national tour of Cameron Macintosh's production had an Eliza alternate for two shows a week: Lisa O'Hare full time, Dana DeLisa as the alternate. I believe that same London production with Martine McCutcheon also used an alternate. So there is precedent.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
everythingtaboo said: "If I remember correctly, Harvey Fierstein made it very well known during his Hairspray days he was shocked by the absenteeism there."
That’s great for a guy who could barely speak-sing the songs that were written for him.
And i I think some of you may need to re-read the article. Rigg went on the record with Reidel about this, it’s not only some lazy recap of a leaked email.
Ms. Ambrose is 40 years old, and seems to be quite a frail wisp of a thing. I imagine her physical stamina at this juncture in her life would prohibit a comfort level with performing eight shows a week, even if the role (contrary to popular opinion) is far from wearying. Eliza's tessitura is not at all unusually wide (C to G, a mid-range octave and 5); she hits 2 high Gs per performance (not difficult for any real soprano), only sings 3 solos and one rather brief trio, and is vocally finished quite early in Act 2 (with only one song in that act). The growling of "Just You Wait" would probably require the most technique to navigate without causing undue strain.
Anyway, having seen many young sopranos breeze through the role and still have the oomph to go out drinking afterwards, I would imagine that Ms. Ambrose's issues stem from age and a lack of stamina and/or technique.
The important thing here is if this will affect the box office.
I'm so tired of this fetishization of how things were done "in the good old days" -- mostly because it's largely mythologizing.
Actors missed performances. Alternates were far more common then than now. Artists who felt pressured to go on when ill gave substandard performances. There just wasn't social media and a callout culture documenting every move.
Lauren Ambrose is a star. The whole point is people want to see HER. People are traveling across the country... in some cases across the world to see her. She's not a clerk at Walgreens. People are allowed to be disappointed the star that they wanted to see, who is advertised as the star of show, has decided not to perform. I don't think anyone is acting like it's the end of the world... but it is also a ****ty thing to do to your fans. Will they get over it? Of course. They might not be a fan anymore, tho. Not because they're mad at her... but because they don't trust her to respect them.
Is she allowed? Sure. Is it immoral? Heavens no. Is it ****ty? Yes.
Is what Diana Rigg did unprofessional? Yea. I think it's not great. Is it more unprofessional than what Lauren Ambrose is doing? No. Diana Rigg is sharing her feelings about something that is actually happening. She's not spilling any secrets. She's not smearing anywhere. She's just commenting on facts.
This is a separate thought... but... is it not odd she's still doing two show days? Wouldn't that be the first thing you'd cut if you were trying to preserve your voice? Rather than giving your self a two day weekend? I know it seems I'm asking to be nasty but I really don't know and I really am curious!
This seems to be far more about wanting to have a two day weekend so she and her kids can go up to the chateau than it does about preserving her voice.
She clearly wasn’t prepared for the rigor or demands of a Broadway schedule and has decided now that she wants more family time. That’s what bothers me, not so much the fact that she needs an alternate. It’s the fact that she knew going in she’d have one day a week off and has decided now that it’s suddenly insufficient.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
adamgreer said: "she knew going in she’d have one day a week off and has decided now that it’s suddenly insufficient. "
There’s an (easy) argument to be made that one day off to rest and recouperate has always been insufficient; nothing sudden about it.
"There’s an (easy) argument to be made that one day off to rest and recouperate [sic] has always been insufficient; nothing sudden about it."
I agree, if one is working five eight-hour days, 40 hours a week. But the cast of My Fair Lady (those doing eight shows, that it) is in the theatre for about 28 hours a week, and performing even less than that.
Idgi. Every Hamilton (including the tour Hamiltons) have a fixed alternate. So does Bette Midler. But nothing about LMM or any other Hamilton or Bette but Lauren Ambrose is unprofessional?
Those were all announced ahead of time. So. Yes. Doesn't mean she's a bad person. But. A little unprofessional? Yes.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/2/11
poisonivy2 said: "Idgi. Every Hamilton (including the tour Hamiltons) have a fixed alternate. So does Bette Midler. But nothing about LMM or any other Hamilton or Bette but Lauren Ambrose is unprofessional?"
The difference is those performers were up front about their absences before tickets were sold. Rigg seems concerned for those who bought tickets on the assumption they were seeing Ambrose (barring unforeseen emergencies).
Un how about Ben Platt?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
newintown said: ""There’s an (easy) argument to be made that one day off torest and recouperate [sic]has always been insufficient; nothing sudden about it."
I agree, if one is working fiveeight-hour days, 40 hours a week. But the cast ofMy Fair Lady(those doing eight shows, that it) is in the theatre for about 28 hours a week, and performing even less than that."
If you want to compare hours worked between an actor and, say, someone doing data entry, don’t forget to account for lessons, classes, press, gym, rehearsals... or we could just not compare apples to oranges.
"If you want to compare hours worked between an actor and, say, someone doing data entry, don’t forget to account for lessons, classes, press, gym, rehearsals... or we could just not compare apples to oranges."
Yes, that's not an unusual response, but it doesn't take into account that many performers don't do any of those things. "Lessons" and "classes" may be popular (or even necessary) for some, but then so would "professional development" be for those in many other industries. "Press" can sometimes take a lot of time, but the brunt of that happens during rehearsals and previews (and generally, only for a few principal performers). I would remove "gym" from the list, as that's an aspect life relevant to anyone, not just performers - we all have the same need to stay fit and healthy.
Entertainment fans do often like to believe the sentimental myth that performing is a dog's life, but I've found very few performers who would agree (there is one actor I know who occasionally bemoans all the parties and events he has to miss because he works nights, but he seems to me to be an anomaly.) Most actors (in my experience), even struggling ones, seem to shudder in horror at the thought of leaving the industry and moving into the World of Drudgery. Performing provides an ongoing high that accounting (or marketing or recruiting or event-planning or personal assisting or financial advising) simply doesn't.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
poisonivy2 said: "Idgi. Every Hamilton (including the tour Hamiltons) have a fixed alternate. So does Bette Midler. But nothing about LMM or any other Hamilton or Bette but Lauren Ambrose is unprofessional?"
Un how about Ben Platt?
Okay. I am glad you add 'how about ben platt' cause your first two comparisons are irrelevant to what grates here. Bette Midler and LMM both had alternates and the schedule announced with the ticket sales before opening night reviews. (LMM was a whole other thread let's not re-litigate here). Precedents established with those stars who had the ability to determine their own schedule for their own reasons were kept for their successors. Fine. The question here isn't the schedule per se - at least to me it is not - it's the way in which the schedule has been implemented - without notice, and basically a few weeks after the Tonys and mere months (3 months? No less, 2?) after opening night reviews, to let ticket sales boom the most, it seems.
Ben Platt might be a more comparative example. But i would say not, because he performed the role on Broadway without an alternate from the time it opened in early December until the following September - nearly the year - 10 months.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/2/11
poisonivy2 said: "Un how about Ben Platt? "
That's a much better example. Also the original star of School of Rock who went on a five show schedule. But both of those guys had missed performances due to poor vocal health, and were apparently reluctant to do so. Ambrose hasn't had those health issues, at least I haven't heard about them. It's implied that ambrose is taking the day off to spend more time with her kids. She knew what she was signing up for, then decided she didn't want to do it.
This may not be accurate, but it is what the article suggests, which is all we have to go on at this point.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/28/16
KJisgroovy I so agree with your post. Thanks for expressing it as clearly as I see it. Also re:
This is a separate thought... but... is it not odd she's still doing two show days? Wouldn't that be the first thing you'd cut if you were trying to preserve your voice? Rather than giving your self a two day weekend? I know it seems I'm asking to be nasty but I really don't know and I really am curious!"
I am really curious too. I don't comment on that because I am not a professional singer/actor. But I too did wonder.
Ben Platt, who another above brings up as comparison, cut his matinees on double day shows when he suddenly reduced his performance schedule 10 months into his Broadway run. His alternate was announced to go on Wed/Sat matinees.
I also recall how last year when I saw Miss Saigon on a Saturday matinee I was surprised/slightly disappointed to see the alternate for Eva Noblezada. After the show I learned that HAD I BEEN PAYING attention I would have known that she had an alternate for Saturday matinees to preserve her voice. Again, rest on a double day.
So I am just curious too? Are there different ways of doing this or is one method preferred as it seems?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
@newintown I don’t even know what you’re talking about any more, and most of what you’re saying is an argument against things I’ve never suggested.
My point is that civil society has accepted a two-day weekend as the norm, even for people whose job requires zero physical effort. It’s not unreasonable to suggest that performers could also benefit from a similar period of time to rest and recouperate.