Contact was its own thing and still probably had more substance then AAIP. Plus, it's season wasn't as competitive as this one
What do you mean by saying that Contact "was its own thing"? I agree that the year it won was not necessarily competitive, but it certainly set a precedent that a predominantly dance musical could win the top prize. I would also think An American in Paris would be in a better position, too, because it's based on a highly-regarded property.
Broadway is definitely changing people!!! yessssss
We've been getting so many new musicals within the last 2 seasons. I also think the "turn a movie into a musical" thing is starting to die out as we've been getting more completely original pieces!
Like the book, much of the storyline and characters, the choreography, the design elements, the performances, the orchestrations.......
As a resident of Michigan, I find it offensive that Michael Riedel doesn't think citizens of Grand Rapids would appreciate Hamilton; it's kind of a hip town so they might love it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
If they're as sharp as you say, they'll hate it.
It's just one more overhyped dud.
They just keep coming thick and fast.
Leaving the rest of us to muddle through the morass.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
"They just keep coming thick and fast."
Like the young man you'll never be again?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/5/03
And Riedel strikes again!
Updated On: 2/24/15 at 10:59 PM
Well I see he found his new favorite target. I do get the feeling that he hasn't seen the show, however.
new Riedel Article
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/24/14
The best part of this gong into the Richard Rodgers is it will be on TDF soon after it opens, YEA!!!! Cheap tickets with out rushing or lottery.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
From Riedel:
"Everybody on Broadway was snickering Tuesday at the self-importance of crew behind “Hamilton,”
I wasn't snickering --- just appalled at this grotesque display of ego.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/18/11
"I don’t recall Hugh Jackman, Bradley Cooper or Helen Mirren holding press conferences about their Broadway engagements."
If any of them had opened Off-Broadway in an original that received the reviews that greeted Hamilton, it's unlikely they *wouldn't* have held a press conference to announce its transfer to Broadway. And of course it's not the actors who are initiating the press conference but the producers and press agent. Such nonsense, it must have been a slow week for Riedel.
the exigesis of Riedel's little hissy fit is pretty transparent, but anyone who thinks this was a "grotesque display of ego" is just too attuned to Riedel's BS. This is a man who invested twice in columns that are dead wrong, so of course he had know choice but to double down and pretend he is not who everyone is snickering at. This is splendid PR for the best show in years and certainly in this century, and the foregone Pulitzer recipient. But it is also a show that arrives without the pathetic imprimatur of a brand name, so to me this feels like a display of smart producing and wonderfully calculated marketing. But follow little Michael if you prefer and see where you end up.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Because NOBODY with an ego ever got anywhere in showbiz.
"Let the “Hamilton” backlash begin!"- Michael Riedel, eagerly trying to start the Hamilton backlash.
Must be tough when he's still waiting for the Bullets Over Broadway raves to start.
lol he also said Bandwagon was gonna win the 2016 Tony a few weeks ago...things change so quickly in this business.
Chorus Member Joined: 6/27/10
Thank goodness for that! Was worried there for a moment.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
More from Riedel:
"Roy Clark, Buck Owens and Minnie Pearl are holding a press conference in Kornfield Kounty next week."
Whatever musical they could have come up with, it would have been a helluva lot more enjoyable than this one!
Mr. Riedel,
You were either naughty or naive by teasing us not once, but twice, about the latest critics' darling's possibly moving to Broadway this season. I didn't believe it for a minute. This year belongs to the little stinker that could. The plodding pachyderm will have to wait until next year. Still, this latest masterpiece will be stockpiling a whole heaping share of other awards in the meantime. What a world!
Updated On: 2/25/15 at 08:14 AM
@After Eight--it is disingenuous to label Hamilton as a critics' darling. That suggests it is not more generally loved, and that suggestion is overwhelmingly false. In fact, almost every intelligent person who has seen it has been awed by the accomplishment. Which makes me think you have not seen it. In fact, I'd be willing to bet the price of a rear mezz seat at the Rodgers you haven't. Either that or you are so bizarrely under the spell of Riedel's odiousness that you are non compos mentis.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Then you would lose your bet.
Too bad I don't know you to collect.
But then I would have to know you.
Considering that dire prospect, I'd rather forego my winnings.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/10/04
@After Eight--You don't have to know me to collect. I'll send it via paypal. Just prove to us that you have seen it by telling us something about it that has not been reported. I'll wait. Because I don't believe you. I do believe you think knowing me would be a dire prospect: because I have a feeling you would view a reality check as a source of dread.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
I don't want your money, and frankly, I don't give a damn whether you believe me or not.
If you're that interested, however, you can do a search and find my comments on the show in the Hamilton preview thread the first week it began.
Why would anyone waste their time searching for this rotten egg's older posts?
His current ones are already polluting the board as is.
Considering that dire prospect, I'd rather forego my winnings.
You mean "forgo" not "forego."
Only "forgo"--the spelling without the"e"--means "do without."
"Forego" (with the "e") means "go before."