I'm curious to see how this will do here. It's a big hit in Germany, but so is Tarzan, and we know how that ended up here.
They were smart to get a "downtown" theatre director, but the material just doesn't...excite me. I don't know. It should be a really exciting musical, but I'm just not compelled to see it.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
Lets not forget that huge hit, Dance of the Vampire. In Stuttgart, Germany it ran for over 7 years!
I think we can safely say, what plays in Germany isn't necessarily what plays on Broadway.
Stand-by Joined: 11/11/04
Sorry to correct you but its not that of a big hit here in Germany. It sells okay but its not a big hit. A lof of offers are floating around since the opening night.
Regarding Tarzan it is quite successful, played 5 years in Hamburg and is now in southern Germany in Stuttgart. I haven't seen the Broadway production but as far as I know they elaborated a lot of the technical aspects with much more flying sequences over the audience. Its more of a spectacle and thats why it works in Germany.
Stand-by Joined: 11/11/04
Dance of the Vampires was completely different on Broadway than the Austrian-German version. This crap that reached Broadway would have been a flop in Germany too.
Updated On: 2/16/14 at 10:06 AM
"Blaxx - thanks for your reasonable, well written, and thought out review. Finally someone else is speaking the truth about this incredibly mediocre musical."
This board never ceases to amuse, because someone agrees with you they've provided a "well written, thought out review." As someone trying to get a median response to the show from the posters I'd say Blaxx's is an outlier, too much venom between the lines to be objective.
Seeing it Thursday will let you know if it inspires or in Blaxx case enrages or just entertains - not that there's anything wrong with that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Dance of the Vampires was completely different on Broadway than the Austrian-German version. That crap that reached Broadway would have been a flop in Germany too."
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
^ confused
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
The producers of the Broadway production of Dance of the Vampires requested an extensive revision of the original version that's been such a hit in Germany. Long story short, it went from a sung-through musical to a book musical with a much more "comedic" edge. There's all kinds of stories about what really went on behind the scenes but again, long story short, the Broadway version was a huge step down (in my opinion). So the show that flopped on Broadway is not the same show that's been playing in Germany all these years.
I'd say Blaxx's is an outlier, too much venom between the lines to be objective.
I think you are right, I don't sugar coat things. If everyone is more benevolent with the material, so be it. I mostly would like the composing team's story. Something had to have gone seriously wrong from them to come up with this.
After decades of attending Broadway shows, there is no way I would be entertained by this; it is seriously dumbed down for the masses.
If everyone else adores it, so be it too. I just don't see it being anyone's favorite musical or have potential for repeat viewing.
" I always say, "if only there were a best PRODUCTION of a musical" award. (I felt similarly about MARY POPPINS, though the material itself is an ill comparison.)"
That's what Best Musical has been for some time now. That's why we have Tonys for the actual text and music of a musical.
"Finally someone else is speaking the truth about this incredibly mediocre musical."
Sorry my opinion was a lie designed to deceive people about the truth of this show! If only I had seen the beacon of truth before I had a reaction to the show!
Considering the reports of the tons of empty seats so far, I'm just really dumbfounded by the fact that the producers aren't putting this show up at TKTS.
By the way, are the fish in the pet store real? I couldn't tell from where I was sitting.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"Considering the reports of the tons of empty seats so far, I'm just really dumbfounded by the fact that the producers aren't putting this show up at TKTS."
Have there been a lot of empty seats? All I heard about was the walkouts after last night's performance.
From what I've read, it seems like the back of the orchestra section has been sparse at least. But it is February, so it really isn't a solid conclusion.
How long does it take to load the "golden circle" up onto the stage? That seems like it would be a real pace killer.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
i think the fish tanks were hi def tv screens.. strategically placed.
Makes sense, love. Thank you.
Last night, the far sides of the mezzanine and the back of the orchestra were empty.
I would have bet good money on the fish being real. If they were screens they did a REALLY good job with it.
The show is loved by the masses thus far and was not by any means lazy
It's only had like four previews so far, correct? It's a little early to be declaring that it's loved by the masses.
The reports so far are very polarizing, which makes me interested to see the show for myself, if only I wasn't 1500 miles away. I'm disappointed to hear that the score seems to be so lackluster - I'm a fan of Ahrens & Flaherty so it's my hope that they would deliver a score that would be of the same caliber of their previous shows. Hopefully I'll get to hear the score for myself when the recording comes out.
Broadway Star Joined: 8/5/13
I haven't seen the show, but I doubt very highly that real fish were used. I vote for the hi-def screens.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/15/07
I intentionally bought a ticket for March 12 way back in the Audience Rewards pre-sale, so it seems like that strategy was sound, since I'll be seeing the frozen show the day before opening.
There's all kinds of stories about what really went on behind the scenes but again, long story short, the Broadway version was a huge step down (in my opinion)
The show was an extravagant mess. A camptastic one that I loved everyone second of.
I am guessing that the orchestra is not in the pit for this show, correct?
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/23/05
"I'm a fan of Ahrens & Flaherty so it's my hope that they would deliver a score that would be of the same caliber of their previous shows."
It's definitely not their best score but honestly, for what it's worth, I like what I've heard so far. I really like "Raining", "Fight From The Heart" and "Happiness." That's just my two cents.
I found the Link to the German recording. Most of it sounds the same as whats on Broadway, but i think one or two of the songs later in Act 2 are different.
Oh and did anyone else notice the the "Opening number" of Rocky sounds EXACTLY like "Chasing the Who" from Seussical? LOL it made me chuckle.
Rocky Das Musical