Do you think it's likely they'll throw out 2 or 3 songs and add new ones? Does anybody do that these days?
The last time I can remember a song being replaced in a Broadway musical during previews was during Cry-Baby when they cut "Class Dismissed" and replaced it with "A Whole Lot Worse."
There have been many instances where songs have been cut, but it seems like by the time a show has reached previews it is very rare that any new musical material is added.
This sounds really great and fun! (It's almost reminding me of Kinky Boots, how the show was beautiful when you SEE it, but kind of underwhelming when you just listen to the cast recording… no?)
I was in NYC with my mom when they were putting the marquee up and she sounded so excited for this. Hopefully I will be able to bring her to see it before summer!
Overall I agree with most of the comments here, and that the score is not particularly strong, but it certainly does service the show. I think the book is a lot stronger than most people here are giving it credit for, but maybe that's just me. But really, there is no reason to separate out any of those things. As a whole, the show works like gangbusters, as you can tell by the people who got nit-picky with their reviews still were rather blown away. A very, very theatrical experience, and don't think for a moment that you shouldn't see it because it doesn't appeal to you. Everyone here is raving for a reason.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/14
So Rocky If/tHEN,After Midnight and Gentlemans Guide for Tony Noms
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
The title of the first song is "Ain't Down Yet," eerily calling to mind the title of the triumphant opening song "I Ain't Down Yet," of a musical that played the very same theatre some 50+ years ago. To be sure, I would have preferred seeing the latter last night, but all in all, I found Rocky to be a good show. It's a surprisingly sweet and warm show, with a number of very nice soft ballads. The other songs were serviceable. I didn't like Adrian's get-the-hell-out-of-here power number, very much in the spirit of the same type of number in Nine to Five. Both were loud and undstinguished. I think in both cases, it would have been better to throw the bums out with a plain verbal tongue-lashing.
The first act is quite good, then the show gets a little rubber-legged. It manages to hold on to the well-staged boxing match. Thomas Meehan is our most accomplished book writer, and his hand is weloome here. The staging and set design are both smooth and polished. I thought Andy Karl was excellent in a very thoughtful, nuanced performance. The rest of the cast members were all fine.
I think it could be a crowd pleaser.
Updated On: 2/14/14 at 07:57 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/10/08
Whizzer, you stated that center mezz was a great seat. You didn't state the row. I haven't been in the Winter Garden for several years. My tickets for Rocky are in the center mezz,row D. What is your opinion of that view? When I purchased I purposely felt like it was best to sit further away and of course the price was lower. Thanks for the info.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/8/12
"For my money, Margo Seibert is the best part of the show. She has a beautiful presence onstage and a unique and gorgeous voice. She performs both of her songs beautifully, but her act two number, as has been said, stopped the show entirely."
I have a friend who was a rehearsal musician on ROCKY and said that Margo Seibert is going to blow everyone away. He said she is a newcomer to Broadway who is giving a star performance.
I have Golden Circle tickets for March 12th -- I figure any technical problems will be worked out by then.
Can anyone who saw it say if there was blood spilled in the climatic fight scene?
Can you guys who saw it post the running time? What time did you get out?
Not seen the Broadway one but seen the German one and from what I hear little has changed. I thought the score (bar a couple of songs) worked very well, it feels quite small (the score) which I loved in contrast to the big show. Also I don't agree at all that the book was kinda weak, again it's a small story with a big ending just as the film was, I thought the charachters were very well drawn. The finale is electrifying but I think it has goosebump moments all the way through (Eye of the Tiger, Adriane's act 2 solo etc). I think this is a show that had managed huge spectacle and intimate story incredibly well.
I'm a little confused. Everyone is raving about the ending and the huge pay off. Is that primarily the actual fight scene? As someone who can't stand watching a boxing match and would rather leave to the lobby while an actual fight is being staged, is there enough to make me still get the "pay off" or do you actually have to be moved by or at least tolerate a boxing match to be impressed.
I am also in the camp of those who thought that the show was well executed, but otherwise pretty banal.
Alex Timbers has once again shown himself to be a most original and imaginative director and the finale is quite a coup de theatre, but the musical is bogged down by callow, cringe-worthy, lyrics and careless music. As impressed as I was with the show’s conclusion (and sporadic moments in between), the music and lyrics were so poor that I couldn’t imagine sitting through the show again.
I have no doubt that this will be a phenomenal success and probably run for years - the name recognition and spectacle within the show are enough to insure that. But is it a great, or even good musical? In my opinion, it's neither.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/15/07
"As someone who can't stand watching a boxing match and would rather leave to the lobby while an actual fight is being staged, is there enough to make me still get the "pay off" or do you actually have to be moved by or at least tolerate a boxing match to be impressed."
If you can't even watch two people pretend fight after watching them build toward said fight for two hours, this might not be the show for you.
Glad to hear the show is stronger than folks were anticipating. I know this is just a preview and, while spectacle and strong staging can be very entertaining, I find it kind of dismaying that these days a show with what's almost universally being described as a serviceable and undistinguished score can be considered a huge success. I know this isn't the opera, but it's a shame that great musical scores aren't needed for (anticipated, in this case) success on Broadway. Guess Encores won't be performing this one in 40 years.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"I am also in the camp of those who thought that the show was well executed, but otherwise pretty banal. "
Add me to that list.
I, too, am somewhat baffled by the overwhelming amount of love this mediocre musical is getting. The final 20 minutes is thrilling and entertaining but a musical of this length needs more than a strong ending. If you took away the final moments, this show would be getting ripped to shreds on here by mostly everyone. Clearly, the writers and creative team were banking on this final sequence and put all of their eggs in that one basket. Hope they go back and rework the other moments of the show now. It's desperately needed.
"If you took away the final moments, this show would be getting ripped to shreds on here by mostly everyone."
I don't know about that. I was certainly won over during the first act.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/19/06
Sat directly behind the conductor last night. I would say I was underwhelmed by this show. I was extremely excited to see it but the score is seriously mediocre. Some of the melodies and lyrics are painful. "You digging it?... We're digging it." Woof! The performances are fine and the design was spectacular. The last 20 minutes onstage are incredible and worth the chatter. But the score is just so bad I can't get past it.
Is that Andy Karl on all the ROCKY BROADWAY posters? If so, he looks so different from all of the publicity stills/curtain call shots. When I first saw the billboard in NY I had to message a friend of mine, a journalist and former model, because the looked exactly like him. He insisted it wasn't. Ha.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/31/03
Broadway Star Joined: 8/15/06
There's no nudity, but lots of shirtless guys. Josh Logan could have picked out this chorus!
No nudity but a LOT of beefcake.
Act 1
"Ain't Down Yet" - Company
"My Nose Ain't Broken" - Rocky
"Philly Pie"- Gloria, Angie, Joanne
"Raining" - Adrian
"Patriotic" - Apollo Creed, his manager, Miles Jergens, Apollo Girls
"My Nose Ain't Broken (Reprise)" - Rocky
"The Flip Side" - Rocky, Adrian
"Adrian" - Rocky
"Wanna Know Why" - Gazzo, Buddy, Rocky, Mickey
"Fight From the Heart" - Rocky
"One of Us" - Company
Act 2
"Training Montage 1" - Company
"In the Ring" - Mickey
"Training Montage 2" - Company
"Happiness" - Rocky, Adrian
"I'm Done" - Adrian
"Southside Celebrity" - Company
"Adrian (Reprise)"- Adrian
"Keep On Standing" - Rocky
"Undefeated Man"- Apollo, Entourage
"The Fight" - Company
Broadway Star Joined: 8/15/06
The posts make it sound "banal" yet "exciting". Like the movie was?
Broadway Star Joined: 9/27/13
I just grabbed a ticket for ROCKY for TONIGHT! TDF = $49.00