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Roger Rees

gleek4114 Profile Photo
#50Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 1:15pm

I'm devastated. I knew he was sick, but I had no idea it was this severe. We lost a wonderful member of not just the theatre community, but the community in general. Such a wonderful performer and person. Also, how sad that he passed away the day the CD was officially released. He will be deeply missed. I wouldn't be surprised if the cast of The Visit held some kind of concert in his honor. 

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#51Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 2:37pm

"Is there any footage around of him getting the Best Actor Tony for Nicholas Nickleby?
He unfortunately couldn't make it to the Tonys that night as he was filming in Bangkok."

 Thanks for the information! That's a shame. Glad they at least filmed NN so his performance was recorded. I've seen the show done by a few other companies, but nobody ever did  a better job as Nicholas.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#52Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 4:04pm

"This saddens me deeply, he is gone far too soon. I had the great pleasure of seeing on stage several times at the RSC and in New York. Among them was an amazing performance as Malcolm in "Macbeth" and the title role in "Nicholas Nickleby" both in London and NYC.
One of my fondest theatre memories happened during the performance of "Nicholas Nickleby" in New York. During the intervals the actors strolled through the audience, talking to them. During the first interval I struck up a conversation with him. We were so engrossed in talking he hadn't noticed the act was about to begin. Another actor came forward to the edge of the stage and called out to him. He quickly said goodbye and ran up the aisle, jumped on stage and the act began immediately.  He returned to me after each act and we continued our conversation. When he came back to Broadway in "Indiscretions" I actually waited at the stage door to say hi (I never stage door). He actually remembered me and he took me out for an after show drink.
He was an amazing actor and an even nicer person and he will be missed."


SOUTHIE, that is such a wonderful memory!  Thanks for sharing.  

#53Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 4:06pm

I really enjoyed The Visit.  I found it quite mesmerizing, and the music was beautiful.

I thought Roger Rees was just great in the part.  Nothing overpowering or over the top in voice or acting, but just a natural portrayal of his character.  A very believable performance.

Updated On: 7/12/15 at 04:06 PM

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#54Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 7:18pm

Glad to have been able to see him  in his last performance in The Visit

According to the Hollywood Reporter, the cause of death was cancer but it did not specify what type.

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 7/11/15 at 07:18 PM

BIG BALONEY Profile Photo
#55Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 8:40pm

A true Prince of the Theatre.  So many theatre credits. A Gentleman of the highest order. Like Roxy, I was able to see his performance in The Visit.  So glad I did.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#56Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 8:54pm

"A true Prince of the Theatre. "

A "true prince" is true.

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#57Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 10:31pm

I woke up to this news and my jaw literally dropped. I knew he was sick when he left THE VISIT but I had no clue it was this bad. My heart hurts, especially given all the wonderful things people are saying about him. Rest in Peace, Mr. Rees! You're performing for the Lord now!

#58Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 10:32pm

For those who never saw Nicholas Nickelby, you missed one of the great productions of the 20th Century.  He was astounding in the role and supported by a top notch cast.

If anyone ever tells you that you put too much Parmesan cheese on your pasta, stop talking to them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#59Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 10:45pm

The eeriest part is the nature of his final role, Anton. Maybe it was a cathartic experience for him. I'm going to have a difficult time listening to the cast recording for a while, but he sounds great on it and it's a wonderful reminder of his excellent performance in the role. 

sarahb22 Profile Photo
#60Roger Rees
Posted: 7/11/15 at 10:59pm

So sad to hear this news.  He was a fantastic actor, and I can't even imagine the amount of stamina and determination he possessed to be able to bring Nicholas Nickleby to life.

He created the part - eight and a half hours on stage, and Nicholas is in just about every single scene! Tons of dialogue and action, and with Dickens there's so much emotion that it had to be exhausting, but he did it.  I'm not sure it could ever be done again!

He was the consummate Nicholas, never slipping into hamminess or camp but giving the character a fierce anger that gave him depth and helped the audience push through the Victorian trappings and see Nicholas as an everyman worth cheering for.

If you've never seen the show, I think all of it is available on YouTube. Definitely hunt it down.  The entire cast is superb, but you'll never take your eyes off Rees.  I couldn't!

And from everything I've heard, he was a real sweetheart of a guy to boot.  We were lucky he shared his talent and his humanity with us! 

And I'm pretty sure when he got up to heaven he got a hearty handshake from Dickens himself, and they're probably having a fantastic conversation right about now...

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#61Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 12:12am

"And I'm pretty sure when he got up to heaven he got a hearty handshake from Dickens himself, and they're probably having a fantastic conversation right about now..."

 Well-said :)

#62Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 12:15am

I thought it was lovely that on Facebook both WEST WING fans and Shakespeare fans wrote such glowing memories of Roger Rees. Such a broad range of performances to remember him by. How I wish I had seen Nickleby!

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#63Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 3:14am

The reason for his death was floating around today but I think I will respect his privacy especially since I don't know if it was true. RIP nice man...

ljay889 Profile Photo
#64Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 3:29am

You don't need to speculate. His representative told the NY Times that it was a year bout with cancer. It's admirable  that he did the WTF and Broadway prodution knowing this. Maybe it really was cathartic for him. The urgency to get it to Broadway this year must have been due to Roger as well as Chita. Two amazing performances.

Updated On: 7/12/15 at 03:29 AM

Liza's Headband
#65Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 8:10am

As I said in the previous thread, which was deleted before most of you could see it, Mr. Rees had been battling brain cancer off and on for several years. It sadly returned at some point prior to THE VISIT and he stayed in the show as long as he possibly could. He departed the show to get treatment and continue fighting. Unfortunately, he could no longer battle and succumbed to it. 

May he finally rest in peace now that he is no longer suffering. Peace and prayers to his family. 

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#66Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 8:27am

Next time you hear about someone unable to do a show as he needs vocal rest (in probably the least taxing vocal role on Broadway), remember Rees. When you see that someone needs to have an alternate to do matinees because it is to demanding, remember Rees

The man was literally dying and fighting cancer yet he found the stamina to get himself up on a stage and perform 8 times a week. This is the meaning of a true professional unlike the big names who come in for 4 months wanting a Tony and than leaving

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 7/12/15 at 08:27 AM

#67Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 8:27am

I keep finding my mind drifting to Roger... I keep thinking about the courage it must have taken him to get on stage in THE VISIT, playing a man looking death in the eye, while he was fighting a battle for his own life. And even sick, how he took the time to stop at the stage door and chat with me about his tour-de-force performance in The Winslow Boy. How brave, kind and passionate he was. And so dedicated to our community. We are ALL better for having spent time with such a wonderful man, and such an extraordinary actor. What a tremendous loss. But, oh, what a gift he gave us...

"I know now that theatre saved my life." - Susan Stroman

Ado Annie D'Ysquith Profile Photo
Ado Annie D'Ysquith
#68Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 10:48am

Artistic irony at its finest...

Did you guys read what Chita wrote on her Facebook page about this? It's so beautifully said, so loving, and so very Chita...

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#69Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 8:11pm

"I thought it was lovely that on Facebook both WEST WING fans and Shakespeare fans wrote such glowing memories of Roger Rees. Such a broad range of performances to remember him by. How I wish I had seen Nickleby!"

Check it out on YouTube, the whole thing is on there. It's not the same as seeing it live, but Rees is still awesome! Sure am glad they decided to film it.

You might also recognize Alun Armstrong, who originated the role of Thendardier in the musical "Les Miserables", and Bob Peck who played the gamekeeper Muldoon in "Jurassic Park", in the cast.

#70Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 8:14pm

Thanks - I will definitely look for Nickleby on youtube.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#71Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 8:14pm

Was The Visit filmed for Lincoln Center archives?

If not, thank God for naughty versions.

Poster Emeritus

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#72Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 8:56pm

"Thanks - I will definitely look for Nickleby on youtube."

 Sure! It's long (nine hours all told) but worth every minute of time.

HorseTears Profile Photo
#73Roger Rees
Posted: 7/12/15 at 11:56pm

I completely forgot about Rees' hilarious turn in Robin Hood Men in Tights until someone mentioned it on Facebook.  On a far more superficial note, if you want to appreciate his... full body of work, you can't miss Going Under.  Though, you may want to if you're at work.  Really impressive considering it was made in 2004.  


FishermanBob Profile Photo
#74Roger Rees
Posted: 7/13/15 at 2:54am

"I thought it was lovely that on Facebook both WEST WING fans and Shakespeare fans wrote such glowing memories of Roger Rees."

What's fascinating is that there were 154 episodes filmed of the West Wing and if I am not mistaken, he was in a total of 5 of them.  Just 5, yet in that brief time on screen, perhaps not more than a total of 30 or 40 minutes if that, he was able to create such a memorable, fully formed and iconic character that anyone with even a passing knowledge of the show is not only familiar with Lord John Marbury but considers the character one of their favorites. Just another measure of his excellence at his craft.
