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Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!

Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!

#1Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:01pm

In a production chalk full of wonderful, colorful performances, his was a snooze. I'd have rather seen tons of other fellas nominated over him.

Obviously, there's the Raul Esparza in LEAP OF FAITH snub (which really IS a snub, since the real problem-the musical itself-did somehow swing a nomination. Had it been shut out, the Esparza oversight would've been defensible).

As pretty as he's already sitting with a nomination for NEWSIES in the same category, Jeremy Jordan's work in BONNIE AND CLYDE was totally electric to a degree that his current Disney gig doesn't offer opportunity for. In a relatively bland season, his performance as Clyde was my favorite "good performance in a bad show." With that in mind, had LEAP OF FAITH been rightly ignored, I'd have rather seen Jordan nominated twice and Esparza not nominated, as much as I do adore him. He just couldn't overcome the material quite as well as Jordan did.

If you're unimpressed with Ron Raines's nomination, which performance would you rather see in its place?

Updated On: 5/1/12 at 07:01 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#2Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:06pm

I thought Raines was great.

tazber Profile Photo
#2Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:10pm

So did I.

I thought they were all great, even Bernadette.

The only switch I'd make in their nominees would be Terri White for Houdyshell.

....but the world goes 'round

macnyc Profile Photo
#3Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:12pm

I thought Raines was wonderful too. Gorgeous voice!

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#4Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:14pm

Ron Raines was wonderful, his voice was impeccable and actibg spot-on for the role.
He is the perfect 5th contender in the category,
the anti-the Raul.

#5Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:14pm

I guess I'm alone on this. His pipes are great, but I found him so boring. Huh.

Playbilly Profile Photo
#6Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:15pm

I would have gone with Teri White, as well. But Houdyshell was wonderful, too.

"Through The Sacrifice You Made, We Can't Believe The Price You Paid..For Love!"

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#7Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:16pm

I too thought Raines was one of the best parts about a show that had a lot of incredible parts to it. I'm still a bit surprised (in a good way) that Raines was nominated only because he has the least showy role of the four leads. He has no shot at winning so the nomination is really just giving some recognition to a stellar performance. I think the nominations for best actor in a musical were spot on.

I also wish Terri White was nominated (and even Elaine Paige - mostly because I'm in love with Elaine Paige!!)

Jayne Houdyshell definitely gave a solid performance of a classic (which is difficult to do in it of itself) but her role is tiny and the way it was staged made it even smaller at the end of Broadway Baby. Terri, on the other hand, elevated her character and stopped the show single handedly.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.
Updated On: 5/1/12 at 07:16 PM

macnyc Profile Photo
#8Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:16pm

I loved Terri White's performance too.
Updated On: 5/1/12 at 07:16 PM

#9Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:32pm

I agree that Raines' singing was great but his acting was wooden and on the level of his soap opera appearances. I also don't think Houdyshell needed to be nominated but it's always nice to recognize hard working actors who aren't in the limelight. I was especially pleased that Peters was overlooked because the three times I saw her she sang Losing My Mind like a zombie, seemed unsure how to act the part and kept had me yearning for Victoria Clark.

Mildred Plotka Profile Photo
Mildred Plotka
#10Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:43pm

Raines has probably the trickiest role in Follies. I thought he tackled it with great intricacy and detail. It could have easily been a ham-fest in other hands. It's probably the first time I really empathized with Ben. To each their own, I guess, but I found him moving and heartbreaking.

"Broadway...I'll lick you yet!"

followspot Profile Photo
#11Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 7:51pm

It somewhat depends on whether you saw his performance at the start of the run (wooden) or toward the end (human). (I saw both, and the improvement was impressive.) An unexciting but deserved nomination. (I would have preferred some recognition for Reeve Carney.)

"Tracy... Hold Mama's waffles."

SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#12Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 8:31pm

Raines gave a very good performance with the given material. Ben's such a skimpy role and Ron played it very well. I'm happy to see him recognized for his work in the show. He has a great set of pipes and he acted the role beautifully.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#13Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 8:51pm

I thought Raines gave an excellent performance. Of the four leads in that show, he had the most thankless and uninteresting role, and I thought he handled it extraordinarily well.

SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#14Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 10:10pm

Ben is also not exactly a "likeable" character, so that is an acting challenge in and of itself.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#15Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 10:17pm

I am truly happy for Ron Raines. I thought he was wonderful...and deserving of the nod.

To be honest, prior to FOLLIES, I did not know who Ron Raines was. I kept asking, "Why would they cast such well-known Broadway vets with 'this guy'?" I suppose that's one of the reasons I was so impressed by his performance. The main reason, of course, was that he was riveting.

His transition from smart-alecky, know-it-all SOB to frail, vulnerable damaged goods was remarkable, really. None of the other characters had that arc; they were pretty consistent throughout. Raines had to shatter our judgments about Ben and reveal something we didn't know he was hiding. He sang the part beautifully, too.

Congratulations, Mr. Raines!

P.S. Not to take anything away from Jane Houdyshell, but I, too, am disappointed for Terri White. She stopped every show...well, at least the 5 that I was lucky enough to see. Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!

"Be on your guard! Jerks on the loose!"


"If any relationship involves a flow chart, get out of it...FAST!"

~ Best12Bars

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#16Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 10:17pm

No, he isn't likeable throughout the show but if "Live, Laugh, Love" is acted, sang, and directed well he emerges as an incredibly tragic figure just as the curtain's about to fall. All of those boxes were checked off with Raines's performance and there's no doubt in my mind he deserves the nomination. The song, when done well, really changes the whole perspective of the show as we spend most of the time hating Ben only to realize the tremendous "folly" he's been living all of his life.

Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.
Updated On: 5/1/12 at 10:17 PM

#17Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 10:24pm

Was Ron Raines in "Caucasian Chock Circle"? I didn't see RR, I saw his understudy. Now that was not a Tony-level performance.

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#18Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 11:02pm

As I said I thought Raines sang the part well, but I've seen four different productions of the show and I found his interpretation of the part probably the weakest I've seen in terms of acting.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#19Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 11:07pm

Well I thought he was awful.

Awfully wonderful!

beagle Profile Photo
#20Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 11:07pm

I thought Raines was wonderful, and I'm very glad he's being recognized with a nomination. All the pre-awards buzz in terms of leading actors has been about Danny Burstein, and although I thought Burstein gave a great performance, I thought Raines was at least as good in what seems like a more difficult role.

Updated On: 5/1/12 at 11:07 PM

SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#21Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 11:10pm

His breakdown was superb (the Pirandello moment thru the end). I knew the show going in and had seen it before, but it still surprised me at the line-forgetting moment.

broadwaydevil Profile Photo
#22Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/1/12 at 11:12pm


Scratch and claw for every day you're worth! Make them drag you screaming from life, keep dreaming You'll live forever here on earth.

#23Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/2/12 at 12:00am

HOUDYSHEL deserves the nomination, Terri White was great, but I hope Houdyshel wins, she deserves it

PalJoey Profile Photo
#24Ron Raines for FOLLIES? Really?!
Posted: 5/2/12 at 12:13am

He was fine. You were gratuitously nasty to start this thread. And it's "chock full" not "chalk full."
