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Rumor about next Reno Sweeney

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#25Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/15/11 at 5:08pm

It would be pretty cool for Tari Kelly to take on the role. She really deserves to make a break and have her own leading role on Broadway. I would definitely take her over Block.

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#26Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/15/11 at 6:41pm

Tari indeed deserves to replace Sutton. I consider myself very lucky to have seen the show on a night she went on for Sutton. I would definitely go see her again if given the chance and I'd tell everyone I know to make sure to see her. I imagine I'd hardly be alone in spreading the word that the girl is terrific!

Updated On: 10/15/11 at 06:41 PM

Tamerlano Profile Photo
#27Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/15/11 at 8:22pm

Its great to see this Tari support..I will never forget going into the theatre and hearing the audience bitchin as Sutton was off.

Auggie27 Profile Photo
#28Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/15/11 at 9:05pm

The show was at the TKTS book last night, a Friday in October. I was startled. I don't think it has a life after this cast exits.

"I'm a comedian, but in my spare time, things bother me." Garry Shandling

AC126748 Profile Photo
#29Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/15/11 at 9:08pm

It's been up to TKTS for most performances, recently.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

theatreguy Profile Photo
#30Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/15/11 at 11:54pm

It being at TKTS doesn't indicate much. You'd need to know what and how many seats they sent to TKTS last night. If it's hundreds of orchestra seats - that's not so good. If it's scattered side seats that are harder to sell at full price - that's pretty standard.

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#31Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 3:04am

I can't imagine they'd replace the ball of energy that is Sutton Foster with Stephanie J. Block who not only can't act but has absolutely no star presence. Replacing Foster is going to be quite a challenge.

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

#32Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 3:12am

I'm pretty sure that this is where the rumor comes from...about halfway through, the woman talking says straight up that she got a call and Stephanie Block "will be replacing Sutton Foster in Anything Goes."

alterego Profile Photo
#33Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 7:25am

Here is a fabulous Reno ..... Sherie Rene Scott.

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#34Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 8:32am

Alterego, have you seen Tari?

random person 112
#35Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 8:46am

I assume like me he hasn't but let's be honest tari kelly will not a keep a show up and running those people are not coming to hear cole porter. There to see a great broadway production with sutton foster and joel grey, have you seen the reciepts from when tari was in it was a very very steep drop. If they do want a name and a perfect reno they would get it with scott and frankly i don't see kelly getting promoted this show will need some broadway or otherwise names to keep going.

AC126748 Profile Photo
#36Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 9:59am

Sherie Rene Scott has always been one of my dream Renos, along with Leslie Kritzer.

I'm guessing those who *claim* Stephanie Block can't act didn't see her near-flawless performance in BY THE WAY, MEET VERA STARK, in which she didn't sing a note...

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#37Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 11:29am

Random, I think you are putting the cart before the horse.

My theory is this, replace Sutton with Tari and Tari will become the star people will want to see. The reason will be that people like me, who have seen her, will make it happen. The press will also make it happen. Talent will win out, find its champions, and keep a show, especially one as wonderful as Marshall's production of Anything Goes - which many have said is even better with Kelly than with Foster - going as far as it can.

A purpose of casting is to make stars, not just to recycle - whoops, perhaps "reshuffle" would be the better term - them.

Also, with due respect to Ms. Scott or Ms. Block, who might also do quite well in the role, they are not necessarily going to sell tickets on the basis of brand recognition either. If you want to go that route, get Jane Krakowski (who btw would probably be great).

Tari Kelly is a star waiting to happen. (Just like Sutton Foster was before Millie). I am sure there are some people who have seen Tari's Reno who would say I am overstating her star power. But I would venture to say they would be few and far between and wouldn't know talent if it woke them up in the night with a sledgehammer.

If Broadway is concerned about nurturing it's top talent, then it has to do just that. And she's the top!

Updated On: 10/16/11 at 11:29 AM

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#38Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 11:38am

The reason it was a steep drop was because the star was out of the show.

Hell, when I sat in my seat and unexpectedly read that card telling me that Sutton was out that night I was tempted to run to the box office and see if I could get an exchange for a future performance.

If I had, and assuming - arguendo - that it would have worked, it would have been one of the biggest mistakes of my theater-going life, as I would have missed Tari Kelly's Reno.
Updated On: 10/16/11 at 11:38 AM

random person 112
#39Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 12:09pm

If it was starting a show henrik i would say cast kelly but if we want anything goes to last through the winter and not be beaten by the newer revivals and shows its going to need a little something extra. If we did want to promote kelly we would need to cast plenty of veterans around her who have selling power. Having a more established theater vetran mit help the show do a bit better than if kelly came. I'm not doudting you about her i'm just saying it's alot to put on her especially if they want the show to keep on.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#40Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 12:31pm

Both Grey and Foster have been out this week. It will be interesting to see the grosses.

#41Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 1:35pm

I was at the concert Friday night, and I can confirm it was NEITHER JRB or Shoshana that announced it, it was Shannon Forsell, who works for The Cabaret at the Columbia Club in Indianapolis, Indiana. As you can hear in the Tumblr link someone posted, she was saying that SJB called to let them know Thursday that she will be replacing Sutton, but she will still be doing the fundraising concert for The Cabaret in 2 weeks.

MikeInTheDistrict Profile Photo
#42Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 1:56pm

I mentioned in a previous thread that I'd seen Tari in another production of the show in Florida and was so impressed with her that I actually arranged my schedule so that I could drive up to NY from DC when I heard she was on this week. She was absolutely amazing and won over the initially disconcerted audience within moments of coming onstage. Even better than when I last saw her. I completely agree with henrik when he says Tari Kelly is a star waiting to be happen. She is not only a phenomenal singer and dancer, but she has charisma and presence emanating from every cell in her body. This woman needs a break.

All that said, I kind of agree with random person 112 in that I'm not sure that this production is the right vehicle for her at this point in her career. What Tari needs is a vehicle she can open herself, rather than taking over in Sutton Foster's shadow. From the beginning, Roundabout billed this production as "SUTTON FOSTER [and JOEL GREY] in 'Anything Goes.'" Let's face it, poor Porter got the crap end of the stick on this one. Sutton is the name and face on the posters and marquee, the Playbill and CD cover, she won the Tony and headed the television coverage. I'm not sure this production has much of a shelf life after Sutton leaves -- no matter who they replace her with. At this point, anyone short of the ghost of Ethel Merman isn't going to entice theatregoers in requisite numbers to keep it running more than a couple months.

In an ideal scenario, positive word-of-mouth would build around Tari (maybe a little press coverage in the NYTimes Arts blog or similar wouldn't hurt her chances) and she could take on the role without too much of a dip in ticket sales but that's a real long shot.
Updated On: 10/16/11 at 01:56 PM

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#43Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 1:59pm

Well said, Mike, good point on all fronts.

Bottom line: what we need are some great new productions- new shows and revivals of quality - presenting great new talents, and T.K. should be at the top of the list!

MikeInTheDistrict Profile Photo
#44Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 2:14pm

Bottom line: what we need are some great new productions- new shows and revivals of quality - presenting great new talents, and T.K. should be at the top of the list!

Agreed! I'm confident someone will find a great role for her, whether a revival or new show. She's too good to go unnoticed.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#45Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 2:18pm

I agree Steph's acting in VERA STARK.... was top notch.
I love Sherie, but she could never dance this production.
A lot of people couldn't see Sutton as Reno (I always could)
and she pretty much proved em wrong, I think Steph would surprise if this is true.

#46Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 2:24pm

I can't see Stephanie J. Block wearing a blonde wig. I just don't think will suit her skin tone and features. It works for Sutton, but I can't see it working for her.

random person 112
#47Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 3:25pm

Curtain you do know scott learned choregraphy meant for bebe neuwirth at the last minute in over and over right i imagine with lessons she'd be fine.

fingerlakessinger Profile Photo
#48Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 4:58pm

I think Block would def. be a interesting Reno. I agree she tends to overact alot but I've heard that Vera Stark was simply amazing in terms of her acting. And she does bring alot of presence to the stage and her HUGE voice would fill Reno quite well. Idk...she could be a total miscast but she could also be something really special.

"Life in theater is give and take...but you need to be ready to give more then you take..."

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#49Rumor about next Reno Sweeney
Posted: 10/16/11 at 5:05pm

No, I did not know that, good for her, can she tap too?
