Ughhh. Block isn't terrible or anything, but I just cannot see her as Reno.
I have seen SJB in a couple top C.L.O. productions here in So. Cal. as Polly in "Crazy For You" and I can say that her singing and dancing were superb. I think she is a great addition to this production.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/16/11
Well... it's official. I love SJB and all, but i can't really see her as Reno Sweeney. Can she tap?
Just to throw in my 2 cents I suppose, but I too woulda loved to see some love for Tari Kelly. While I did have the pleasure of seeing Sutton in the role, I saw Tari Kelly both as Audrey in the Little Shop tour as well as Millie in a terrific regional TMM. And i remember watching her and talking with my mother who was with me (who loves sutton more than probably any other performer) and we both agreed everything about her reminded me of Foster. It was like poor man's Sutton. I think she has the making of star power if only to get a break like Sutton did. I love SJB's work in the past but not only do I not see her right in this production but I would have liked some kind of way to showcase Kelly.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
I am interested to see what she will bring to the role. I loved her as Elphaba when I saw the 1st national tour pf "Wicked" in 2005. I just hope they don't make her a blonde.
Based on reports here and elsewhere, Kelly's been going on quite a bit recently. There seem to be many opportunities to see her, if you want to.
Maybe, as someone suggested, they're trying Block out as a possible tour Reno during Sutton's absence--a la Judy Kaye in SWEENEY TODD. Or maybe they just want someone whose stature is fairly commensurate to Sutton if she's going to be out for a while.
What's interesting, though, is that the show doesn't seem to lose that much money when Sutton is gone. She was out most (all?) of last week and the gross only dropped by ~$30,000.
Horrible news. I had wanted to see Tari Kelly. If they weren't going to go with Kelly (who by all accounts is wonderful) it's a shame they couldn't find anyone better than the always bland, always boring SJB.
Being in Los Angeles sucks sometimes. That's all
Didn't read the whole thread but...
Is Foster over the title? Would Roundabout refund tickets for these dates, since Foster was not announced as out when said tickets were purchased? I have no desire to see Block in the role and bought tickets specifically for Foster.
This decision baffles me. Block has no marquee value, so why not just put on the divine Kelly (who is miles more unique and talented than Blockhead).
Understudies are Understudies...
They may be amazing but Steph has major BWay credits and sings like crazy.
If you saw her in BOY FROM.... and to a lesser extent PIRATE QUEEN, you would know she is a terrific dancer, I'm thinking she can tap because she is a well rounded performer.
Steph + Porter = Should be Gold.
Mildred Plotka, I'm in the same boat. I bought tickets for the first week of November to see Foster, I have zero interest in seeing Block in the role, just the mention of her name makes me yawn, and I'm hoping that they refund my tickets if the date matches with Foster's hiatus. I believe both Sutton Foster and Joel Grey are above the title so that's always good news.
Or you could.. give her a chance... Maybe she'll surprise you.
I initially didn't think Sutton as Reno Sweeney was a good idea when it was announced, but I thoroughly loved her performance. I'm willing to give Stephanie a chance, but I had wanted to see Tari Kelly in the role. I should have gone last week when she was on for Sutton.
Maybe, as someone suggested, they're trying Block out as a possible tour Reno during Sutton's absence--a la Judy Kaye in SWEENEY TODD. Or maybe they just want someone whose stature is fairly commensurate to Sutton if she's going to be out for a while.
I also imagine they'll call her back when Sutton has to take more time off early next year to direct The Drowsy Chaperone at Ball State.
Does anyone know a ballpark for the Ball State dates that will become the next speculation topic? Anything Goes was on my list for a trip from 1/5-1/ curious what my chances are for SJB as one of the excited few :)
Ball State isn't until early February, so you'll likely see Foster.
Understudy Joined: 3/28/05
Can Block handle the dance routines in this? I always wondered if Mara Davi would be like in the role - she would be an inspired choice, albeit young. Just my two cents.
Too bad someone like Jane Krakowski couldn't fill in.
This board is so funny, i remember when Foster was announced and many people on here (including people in this thread) were saying how horrible the casting was because she was not right for the role, was to sweet and innocent to play her blah blah blah. Now look what has happened, she has turned out to be wonderful and won the Tony. Instead of throwing the same things out there again about SJB why not wait and see how she does.
She is a great vocal performer, her acting is very good (even in the short lived Playboy Club she was incredible) and im sure will be fine with the dance aspect of the show.
She is a great vocal performer, her acting is very good (even in the short lived Playboy Club she was incredible) and im sure will be fine with the dance aspect of the show."
I think you might be confusing Stephanie Block with Laura Benanti. Stephanie wasn't on The Playboy Club.
I love Stephanie Block, and am cautiously optimistic that she will surprise us in this role. Her audition must have been excellent.
Updated On: 10/20/11 at 10:45 AM
Stephanie J. Block was never on The Playboy Club.
Having suffered through a number of SJB's "performances," I'm not inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt in this show.
To all those asking about refunding/exchanging tickets because of Sutton's absence, I think you should definitely go for it.
Back in the summer, I won a contest and the mutually agreed upon date was for Sutton Foster's vacation week. As soon as I found out, I contacted the people at Roundabout, and after some time, we worked it out that I could go a week later when Sutton was back from vacation. It's not that I hate Tari Kelly. It's that I particularly wanted to see Sutton Foster and that, with her name above the title, I was under the impression she would be there. I sympathize with those of your who wanted to see Sutton Foster specifically. You may or may not hate Stephanie J. Block, but you wanted to see the star as it was advertised to you: Sutton Foster in Anything Goes.
With her name (and Joel's as well) above the title, you should be able to get your refund or exchange. I don't see why not. As soon as specific dates are announced and you know that she'll be out for your scheduled performance, I would go to the box office to refund/exchange. If they don't honor your request immediately, I would call up the people at Roundabout and talk to them. They are usually really good with their customers. Good luck!
Good lord, i did get them mixed up, long day.
I still stand by what i said though, give the woman a chance, she may surpise you.
songanddanceman2 - I know what you mean and where you're coming from, but sometimes it's just so disappointing when this sort of thing happens and you REALLY wanted to see the star. If you had your heart set on seeing Sutton Foster in ANYTHING GOES then no matter how you feel about Stephanie J. Block, you might just be disappointed about it.
Stephanie J. Block deserves a chance to step on the stage with "Reno". I wish her the best of luck. Now, someone mentioned Mara Davi as a future "Reno". I totally agree with that. She'd be marvelous. from RC in Austin, Texas