For a time ushers could take phones from patrons using them during a performance. I have seen it happen.
Also, the post was deleted but let's keep this civil without namecalling.
robsky, I have been close to doing that myself. I have NO problem saying something to someone or reporting them. And I have done it many times. I had a guy that was in front of me at a show who turned his phone on right after the announcement and start of the show that I asked to turn it off. At the end of the, i termissionless, show he tried to embarrass me by saying "..and that b***h tol me to turn my phone off" in front of everyone. I looked directly at him and around him and said "Yes, yes i am the b***h that asked you to turn it off. I then turned to walked away. He ended up embarrassing himself.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
And on this subject
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
Up In One said: "On the subject of her rant - she went overboard - the show has had its run dragged out by stunt casting including her taking the lead. Stunt casting brings in the fans who think they are at concerts where filming and singing along is normal. She will never tame her fans.
On the subject of recording, there should be more, not by the audience but by marketing. So many shows and performances would live on forever if they did . Broadway is stuck in decades old marketing concepts and the tix prices and cost of traveling to New York is keeping many fans from being born. There should be well produced recordings of every performer whoever sang that song somewhere on line.
LOL. Bootlegs are not what keeps Broadway in business. Professional recordings of shows cost MONEY. Where do you think that money comes from? We live in a society that unfortunately suffers from a "give it to me now" mentality. No one is entitled to anything. People save all the time to see shows. It's meant to be experienced live. LIVE. Not through some crummy recording someone took because they decided they would be selfish and are above rules set in place by the production and the theaters. No one who is a theater fan is entitled to ANYTHING. People who pay for tickets are entitled to the theatrical experience. You're essentially advocating for people to see shows for free. Isn't that stealing from the production? Did you see Lin-Manuel Miranda's latest tweet about how he had to call someone out in the middle of "My Shot"?
Tours, Cast recordings. BroadwayHD. BUT Broadway is not the be all, end all of musical theater, or theater in general. Bootlegs are ILLEGAL, property infringement, and there is absolutely NO WAY to justify them. Sorry.
LuPita2 said: "More and more concerts are having phones checked at the door, including the upcoming Freestyle Love Supreme shows. They will begindoing this at Broadway shows, hopefully sooner rather than later. Then the majority of us on here will be much, much happier at the theater."
A lot of people seem to support a plan like this (or the sealed pouches), but my vote would be against it (if I had one). To be honest, having seen many dozens of Broadway productions, I've only been bothered by cellphone usage a couple of times. The problem doesn't seem large enough to me to justify even a minor additional inconvenience for those of us who already follow the rules.
As a logical corollary to these kinds of countermeasures, I'd imagine that small bags would have to be banned, or else searched at much greater length than they are at present, which would increase the level of inconvenience.
I would definitely support the use of signal-blocking devices in theaters during performances, if technological and legal hurdles could be overcome. That would solve the problem without any burden on nonviolators.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
Does anyone care about the fact that Lin-Manuel Miranda had to literally change lyrics to My Shot because a woman thought it would be okay to record during the show?? You can NOT tell me that's okay, or right, or not incredibly disrespectful.
kdogg36 said: "A lot of people seem to support a plan like this (or the sealed pouches), but my vote would be against it (if I had one). To be honest, having seen many dozens of Broadway productions, I've only been bothered by cellphone usage a couple of times. The problem doesn't seem large enough to me to justify even a minor additional inconvenience for those of us who already follow the rules."
The bags are being pushed by comics who don't want their sets recorded as they work out new material, but oddly enough, people just set their phone to record audio on their way into the venue, and then seal it inside the bag...
I stopped back here about 90 minutes after I posted, found that no one had responded to what I wrote, which is often the case, and often with good reason no doubt.
People who post here are so angry all the time. It’s hard to have a rational discussion. (And now people will be angry that I said they were angry.)
I’m sure that I said nothing in favor of bootlegs. Bootlegs exist because there is a demand for the Broadway product that isn’t being met. What does the government do so often when there is illegal activity like gambling or use of marijuana? It legalizes it on its own terms and realizes a windfall of money.
I wrote that many people live a thousand miles from Manhattan and have no chance to see the shows. Several responded by saying that it was there fault if they couldn’t come up with a couple of thousand dollars and a spare weekend to hit Broadway. Is this reasonable? Aren’t there hundreds of thousands who would love to see a Broadway show but can’t make the weekend trip? The young. Kelli O’Hara, growing up on a farm in rural Oklahoma, says that she never saw live theater and experienced R&H through the films. Is 13 year old Kelli supposed to do a Manhattan weekend? The elderly. Did you see how emotional Alan Alda was hosting the South Pacific live broadcast? Many of the elderly cherish the musicals of their young years but for financial or health reasons aren’t going to make the trip.
Broadway is fine and doesn’t need to monetize its product more? I don’t think so. The non-profits are always looking for money. Roundabout, a source of high quality musicals, in two years came up with only “Holiday Inn.” Producers are always looking for “investors” willing to make a very poor investment if they think that they are going to make a profit. Couldn’t everyone use a pay raise? Stars paid as much as a TV series pays them.
I admit the possible problem of hurting live attendance. A lot of thought would have to be given as to how to distribute a show to a mass audience without doing serious damage to live attendance. As everyone agrees, the experience of live theater can’t be duplicated on a film or TV screen. Would someone who had seen a couple of shows on a small screen forsake her annual theater weekend? Some but probably not most.
Finally, I’m a big fan of The Music Man and think the film is excellent. But I can never see Barbara Cook as Marian. This is a good thing?
Add me to the long list of supporters of bootlegs. Countless now legendary cast replacements and many understudie’s performances are now archived thanks to those who took it upon themselves to bootleg. The Lincoln Center Archives generally film the original cast, though not always. Their film of the Broadway production of DREAMGIRLS was done several years into its run and when it had moved theatres and had modifications done to the show. The only archive that exists of the legendary original Broadway cast is via a bootleg video someone filmed from the balcony. This bootleg is considered one of the many Holy Grails of Broadway history as it is the only documentation of Jennifer Holliday, Sheryl Lee Ralph and Loretta Devine as well as the original staging before changes were made to it, notably the complete revision of the Act 2 Las Vegas opener.
Also of note, thanks to bootlegs we now have documentation of Marin Mazzie performances in both R&H’s THE KING & I and NEXT TO NORMAL, which the Lincoln Center Archives did not film.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
No one and I repeat no one except ticket buyers are entitled to a show. It is unfortunate that people cant see original casts of shows. But its so frustrating that people say the only way to see a legendary actor in a role they wouldve loved to see them in, but couldnt (for whatever reason) does NOT justify taking the experience away from people who paid to be there by recording and distracting not only them, but the actors!!!! I most likely wont see American Son, even though I want to see Jeremy Jordan live so badly. And you know what? I have to deal with it. Its not a tragedy. Its not a reason to ask for a bootleg. Its an experience that people paid for that I couldnt afford. It stinks, but I have to deal with it. Please dont be entitled and think youre owed a bootleg. That is NOT the only way to experience live theater. I got interested in theater because of a high school production of Fixdler On The Roof. Not because I watched an illegal recording of a show. There are SO many ways to get into theater, bootlegs are NOT the answer or the way to do it.
OlBlueEyes said: "I admit the possible problem of hurting live attendance. A lot of thought would have to be given as to how to distribute a show to a mass audience without doing serious damage to live attendance."
The obvious way is to record the OBC and then just sit on it until the show closes or long after it recoups. I mean, we certainly don't have to make sure people get to see it right away.
I support bootlegging that archives performances for historical reasons. Performances that wont be documented professionally. Heck, thanks to a bootleg we have Adam Lambert as Fiyero in WICKED as an understudy. This would never have been archived professionally. It would have just been a credit mention in his bio. Thanks to a bootleg, we CAN see his performance in WICKED.
BrodyFosse123 said: "I support bootlegging that archives performances for historical reasons. Performances that wont be documented professionally. Heck, thanks to a bootleg we have Adam Lambert as Fiyero in WICKED as an understudy. This would never have been archived professionally. It would have just been a credit mention in his bio. Thanks to a bootleg, we CAN see his performance in WICKED."
Adam in Wicked considered a historic archive?! Err... that sounds like an oversell, heh.
Adam in Wicked considered a historic archive?! Err... that sounds like an oversell, heh."
I used that as a reference point. Others that were not filmed/archived by LCA but were archived by bootleggers:
Bernadette Peters & Elaine Stritch in A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC.
Donna Murphy in HELLO, DOLLY!
Every actress who has led WAITRESS
Heck, even the World Premiere of THE CHER SHOW in its original staging before it was restructured for Broadway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/16
haterobics said: "OlBlueEyes said: "I admit the possible problem of hurting live attendance. A lot of thought would have to be given as to how to distribute a show to a mass audience without doing serious damage to live attendance."
The obvious way is to record the OBC and then just sit on it until the show closes or long after it recoups. I mean, we certainly don't have to make sure people get to see it right away."
This seems like a good compromise. The issue would come with shows like Wicked or Hamilton, that aren’t closing anytime soon. But the argument to that would be that those huge shows tour a ton and are around for so long people have a chance to see them.
BrodyFosse123 said: "Others that were not filmed/archived byLCA but were archived by bootleggers:"
You're reframing the point of the archives, though. They capture the production for historic purposes, not the performers. When someone is going to do a revival and wants to see what has been done in the past, they want to see the set, the size of the ensemble, the blocking, the lighting, etc., not how Bette vs. Bernadette vs. Donna had their own takes on Dolly.
As for out of town tryouts, those are working drafts of something as they move towards Broadway, so the final, complete version is now on display 8X a week. We don't get to see JK Rowling's early drafts, either.
Stand-by Joined: 4/6/18
Can someone kindly tell me at what performance this happened? I was there Sunday 1/13 and didn't notice anything amiss --- only a gorgeous performance that brought the house down. Was it that night? Or the 14th? I can't quite tell. If it was the night I was there we surely didn't see it in the balcony! BTW Gavin Creel is superb in his new role!
Based on the date she posted her rant on Instagram, this took place at the Sunday January 13, 2019 performance. She didn’t stop the show or acknowledge the moment. Assuming from what she is wearing, it looks like she chose to post on social media before she left the theatre.
Stand-by Joined: 9/13/17
FranklinDickson2018 said: "Can someone kindly tell me at what performance this happened? I was there Sunday 1/13 and didn't notice anything amiss --- only a gorgeous performance that brought the house down. Was it that night? Or the 14th? I can't quite tell. If it was the night I was there we surely didn't see it in the balcony! BTW Gavin Creel is superb in his new role!
I think it was the night show on Sunday 1/13. I was at the matinee and didn't notice anything, and she came to the stage door. At night she tweeted that she would not be doing stage door and posted the Instagram rant right around the time the show would have ended. She also said in the rant "the show tonight."
I've seen every[well almost every] musical on Broadway since 1998---and that was the last time I was in NY.
ANY pictures or video DURING the show is 100% uncalled for. I have called people out during performances, I have put my hand in front of cameras and phones to block attempted shots. I have done this at Community, College, and Professional performances. My wife produces Children's theatre in schools and 100% forbid ANY photography or video. If she catches you she will force you to delete any footage in front of her.
And of course it's illegal. It's just as bad as texting or answering your phone. It's disrespectful to the cast, crew,orchestra, and audience
Only once has someone tried to confront me, after a show for calling them out (Les Miserables national tour last year when I snapped at someone taking out their phone while Val Jean was dying..spoiler alert). The guy try to say something to me after the show and his companion immediately told him "Shut up, he was right and you were being rude"
BTW hasn't cell phone use inside a theatre in NYC during a show been against the law since 2003? $50 fine and ejection I believe is the rule
They'll be checking phones soon. As several people have said, the theaters are small compared to huge venues they are doing this in already.
Stand-by Joined: 4/14/17
Slowly, but sooner than later change is coming and this will be a moot conversation (or, at least,one giant argument will be put to bed).
I may be in the minority here but I would love to pay to stream shows from the comfort of my own home.
Would I stop going entirely? No, but I always try to see every show that opens on Broadway and there are a decent amount of shows that I'm meh / on the fence on about seeing in the first place that I would gladly watch from my couch instead of bothering to pay for and go to the theatre.
Lately I've stopped caring more about trying to see everything that opens and have been skipping some such as American Son and Mike Birbiglia's the new one.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
OlBlueEyes said: "I stopped back here about 90 minutes after I posted, found that no one had responded to what I wrote, which is often the case, and often with good reason no doubt.
People who post here are so angry all the time. It’s hard to have a rational discussion. (And now people will be angry that I said they were angry.)
I’m sure that I said nothing in favor of bootlegs. Bootlegs exist because there is a demand for the Broadway product that isn’t being met. What does the government do so often when there is illegal activity like gambling or use of marijuana? It legalizes it on its own terms and realizes a windfall of money.
I wrote that many people live a thousand miles from Manhattan and have no chance to see the shows. Several responded by saying that it was there fault if they couldn’t come up with a couple of thousand dollars and a spare weekend to hit Broadway. Is this reasonable? Aren’t there hundreds of thousands who would love to see a Broadway show but can’t make the weekend trip? The young. Kelli O’Hara, growing up on a farm in rural Oklahoma, says that she never saw live theater and experienced R&H through the films. Is 13 year old Kelli supposed to do a Manhattan weekend? The elderly. Did you see how emotional Alan Alda was hosting the South Pacific live broadcast? Many of the elderly cherish the musicals of their young years but for financial or health reasons aren’t going to make the trip.
Broadway is fine and doesn’t need to monetize its product more? I don’t think so. The non-profits are always looking for money. Roundabout, a source of high quality musicals, in two years came up with only “Holiday Inn.” Producers are always looking for “investors” willing to make a very poor investment if they think that they are going to make a profit. Couldn’t everyone use a pay raise? Stars paid as much as a TV series pays them.
I admit the possible problem of hurting live attendance. A lot of thought would have to be given as to how to distribute a show to a mass audience without doing serious damage to live attendance. As everyone agrees, the experience of live theater can’t be duplicated on a film or TV screen. Would someone who had seen a couple of shows on a small screen forsake her annual theater weekend? Some but probably not most.
Finally, I’m a big fan of The Music Man and think the film is excellent. But I can never see Barbara Cook as Marian. This is a good thing?"
Are you entitled tp see her? No.
Featured Actor Joined: 11/28/18
AM I in the minority of thinking that the only people who DESERVE to see a certain performance from a certain actor (past or present) are the ones who actually PAID to see them?