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Shut down until June 7

NotThatSmart Profile Photo
#125Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 5:36pm

Sutton Ross said: "Thank you NotThatSmart, I appreciate your words. I think being well informed and in the know about what is going on right now is essential. It's frustrating to me when people refuse to believe charts and graphs from scientists, economists and medical doctors. Those same people seem to be the people still going out and disregarding social distancing. It's very personal to me, my best friends' Father died two nights ago from COVID, and my cousin is currently in the ICU battling this, and he is completely alone.

That poster started off our communication by telling me to "shut the f*ck up" when I was just informing them of facts regarding this pandemic, and consistently attacked and disregarded all of the information we were trying to convey to them. I am frustrated and tired at the willful ignorance of it all. When someone is not open to learning, you have to stop trying. So, that's the story there. Take care of yourself, please.

Anytime. I 100% agree. I think people are just looking for someone or something to blame. No one's at fault for the decision of the postponement to June 7 and any postponement announced after that. If anyone is at fault, it is those who are still out and about doing non-essential travel- but even then, that group is way too big to single out.

In this effort, they are wanting to blame the people who are relaying the factual information, like you and Robbie. Don't shoot the messenger!


Updated On: 4/9/20 at 05:36 PM

Luminaire2 Profile Photo
#126Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 5:41pm

NotThatSmart said: "Sutton Ross said: "Thank you NotThatSmart, I appreciate your words. I think being well informed and in the know about what is going on right now is essential. It's frustrating to me when people refuse to believe charts and graphs from scientists, economists and medical doctors. Those same people seem to be the people still going out and disregarding social distancing. It's very personal to me, my best friends' Father died two nights ago from COVID, and my cousin is currently in the ICU battling this, and he is completely alone.

That poster started off our communication by telling me to "shut the f*ck up" when I was just informing them of facts regarding this pandemic, and consistently attacked and disregarded all of the information we were trying to convey to them. I am frustrated and tired at the willful ignorance of it all. When someone is not open to learning, you have to stop trying. So, that's the story there. Take care of yourself, please.

Anytime. I 100% agree. I think people are just looking for someone or something to blame. No one's at fault for the decision of the postponement to June 7 and any postponement announced after that. If anyone is at fault, it is those who are still out and about doing non-essential travel- but even then, that group is way too big to single out.


no one should be blamed. 

We just need to face the reality before us. Life has changed, likely for a much longer period of time anyone of us saw coming. 

Let me give an example from my city, Vancouver. We have been no where near as impacted as New York. Yet all our major summer theatre events are now fully cancelled. (Bard on the Beach, TUTS.) Artsclub is continually adjusting their schedule, and I assume most their summer season is postponed. 

Then I can already assume that August Pride will fall in line and be cancelled, and Celebration of Light. 

If this is what’s happening to theatre and events in our small city (compared to NYC)... Broadway has a ways to go. 

Broadway Flash Profile Photo
Broadway Flash
#127Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 8:32pm

If most shows won’t make it, why don’t they announce closing? You speak so definitively, and you know nothing other than your terrible predictions of what you think might happen. Please stop!

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#128Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 9:13pm

Broadway Flash said: "If most shows won’t make it, why don’t they announce closing? You speak so definitively, and you know nothing other than your terrible predictions of what you think might happen. Please stop!"

Because nobody knows the financial and health outcome from when this virus subsides in a couple of will really change the economy especially the tourism trade that BWAY relies on...

Also, The producers of scheduled spring openings are adopting a wait-and-see approach before announcing their intentions on reopening, though industry observers anticipate more shows dropping out.Conservative estimates peg losses in box office revenues across Broadway for the three-month closure at around $500 million, with the additional impact on theater-district businesses fed by the Broadway economy pushing that figure to well over $1 billion. While Broadway's theaters have been closed for short periods in the past — over labor disputes, in the wake of 2012's Hurricane Sandy and immediately after the 9/11 attacks — a shutdown of this duration is unprecedented.The shutdown — will inevitably cost tens of millions of dollars for investors and artists and associated businesses, and will likely trigger the collapse of some plays and musicals that will be unable to survive the delays and losses.

The industry is bracing for a difficult recovery period since audiences may understandably be wary about crowd exposure even after theaters reopen, while the tourist traffic that constitutes much of Broadway's bread and butter looks certain to be slow to return. Some are wondering whether after years of stratospheric financial growth the prolonged blackout might result in a market correction with an impact on Broadway's notoriously high running costs and ticket prices.

Broadway will now remain dark through June 7, though given the unabated spread of the coronavirus pandemic, subsequent announcements are widely expected to push back that reopening date further as needed posibly till after Labor Day. Even if the blackout does end then, the sector could take years to bounce back from the astronomical losses.

 **Taken from the NYT**

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George
Updated On: 4/9/20 at 09:13 PM

#129Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 9:20pm

Updated On: 4/9/20 at 09:20 PM

#130Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 9:41pm

Luminaire2 said: "NotThatSmart said: "Sutton Ross said: "Thank you NotThatSmart, I appreciate your words. I think being well informed and in the know about what is going on right now is essential. It's frustrating to me when people refuse to believe charts and graphs from scientists, economists and medical doctors. Those same people seem to be the people still going out and disregarding social distancing. It's very personal to me, my best friends' Father died two nights ago from COVID, and my cousin is currently in the ICU battling this, and he is completely alone.

That poster started off our communication by telling me to "shut the f*ck up" when I was just informing them of facts regarding this pandemic, and consistently attacked and disregarded all of the information we were trying to convey to them. I am frustrated and tired at the willful ignorance of it all. When someone is not open to learning, you have to stop trying. So, that's the story there. Take care of yourself, please.

Anytime. I 100% agree. I think people are just looking for someone or something to blame. No one's at fault for the decision of the postponement to June 7 and any postponement announced after that. If anyone is at fault, it is those who are still out and about doing non-essential travel- but even then, that group is way too big to single out.


no one should be blamed.

We just need to face the reality before us. Life has changed, likely for a much longer period of time anyone of us saw coming.

Let me give an example from my city, Vancouver. We have been no where near as impacted as New York. Yet all our major summer theatre events are now fully cancelled. (Bard on the Beach, TUTS.) Artsclub is continually adjusting their schedule, and I assume most their summer season is postponed.

Then I can already assume that August Pride will fall in line and be cancelled, and Celebration of Light.

If this is what’s happening to theatre and events in our small city (compared to NYC)... Broadway has a ways to go.

They just cancelled the international jazz festival and the cruise ship season is shut down for the foreseeable future as well. At least it looks like BC is starting to flatten the curve. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#131Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 9:44pm

Thank you for that info on Company, I was also offered a deal on my tickets for September 8th and after. I'm thinking that's the new re-opening date.

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#132Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 9:50pm

Where did you get this information on Company? Their website still indicates performances will resume on June 9 and they’re still selling tickets for June-August....

GreasedLightning Profile Photo
#133Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 9:54pm

Sutton Ross said: "I think this will end shows like Diana, North Country, Doubtfire, Take Me Out, etc. Such an incredible shame."

I heard that Second Stage ticket holders were told today that they are committed to producing Take Me Out even if that means postponing to the Fall. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#134Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 9:57pm

Yeah, someone else mentioned that but they will have to move forward without Jesse Williams considering his Grey's filming schedule starts in late summer. Maybe they will just move it to next Spring?
Updated On: 4/9/20 at 09:57 PM

PatrickDC Profile Photo
#135Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 10:06pm

Apologies if this was asked in this or other threads, but given the extraordinary circumstances, could the Wing and League just this one time allow voters to watch taped performances of shows and then vote? 

Assuming of course shows are taped. I know there is the LC library, but don’t producers tape shows just, I don’t know, to have a record of it? 

#136Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 10:14pm

Updated On: 4/9/20 at 10:14 PM

CT2NYC Profile Photo
#137Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 10:16pm

cliffordbradshaw2 said: "<>

Received an e-mail from Telecharge today concerning the cancellation of my ticket for May 5 performance of "Company." They offered to refund or exchange, and stated that performances will begin again on Sept. 8.

The email from Telecharge says that the exchange discount is available for performances beginning 9/8, which has nothing to do with when they're scheduled to resume.

Updated On: 4/9/20 at 10:16 PM

#138Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/9/20 at 10:18pm

You are correct.  Now that I look at my e-mail from Telecharge again, I see that I misread it.  Guess it's just the discount that begins Sept. 8.  Sorry about that.  Here's what it says:


We have more information about your upcoming show:

5/5/2020 7:00:00 PM

Broadway and Off-Broadway shows have suspended performances through Sunday, June 7, 2020. This performance has been suspended.

Your tickets are eligible for exchange or refund. If you exchange in the next 2 weeks, you’ll get 10% off tickets for performances starting September 8, 2020. (Discount off full price tickets only. If you originally bought with a discount, your offer will be honored.)

Updated On: 4/9/20 at 10:18 PM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#139Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 4:27am

it would seem smarter for producers to announce suspensions every month or so. That way they can hold on to some money and have some coming in. If they suspended indefinitely they would have to refund everything.. These dates that are announced have nothing to do when or if the productions start up again. This will not happen during 2020.

#140Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 5:04am

It would also make sense to freeze the box office for all the currently available performances.

Surely with administration costs, it would be cheaper to not sell tickets at all than to sell them but then have to refund later if/when those performances get cancelled.

Broadway Flash Profile Photo
Broadway Flash
#141Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 7:25am

Wouldn't that hurt future sales though? I think if the box office stays open, it keeps them relevant.  If they were to freeze it, Broadway would be even more shut down. 

#142Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 11:28am

Would it be helpful to Broadway shows if we continue to purchase tickets during this time? I'm really hoping to see Jagged Little Pill, and am considering grabbing one of the $70 seats for sometime this summer, in the hopes that if enough people do the same producers will see that there is still profit to be made. What does everyone think the over/under is for it coming back? Do you think there will be steep discounts? I'm definitely willing to pay $70 to see the show, but if the ticket prices decrease sharply or the lottery becomes ridiculously easy, I'm going to be disappointed that I didn't hold out for it. Thanks and I hope everyone is staying safe during this crazy time!

#143Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 1:13pm

MediumSonya said: "Would it be helpful to Broadway shows if we continue to purchase tickets during this time? “

I think that there are too many unknown factors at this point to be able to answer that.

I work in a hospital and every department has had to alter their waiting rooms to provide the correct social distancing space between the patients/visitors. Around every reception desk  there are newly installed see through barriers. Everywhere that people line up there are tape markers on the floor so that people are standing far enough apart. All of the canteens are now takeaway only, all seating has been removed.

This gives you an idea of what a fully operational business looks like during a pandemic.  We don’t know yet what level of social distancing measures will be applied to open theatres and for how long.

If you buy a ticket to a show now. That “ seat” may well be removed even if that performance goes ahead.


SmoothLover Profile Photo
#144Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 1:20pm

Sunny11 said: "MediumSonya said: "Would it be helpful to Broadway shows if we continue to purchase tickets during this time? “

I think that there are too many unknown factors at this point to be able to answer that.

I work in a hospital and every department has had to alter their waiting rooms to provide the correct social distancing space between the patients/visitors. Around every reception desk there arenewly installed see through barriers. Everywhere that people line up there are tape markers on the floor so that people are standing far enough apart. All of the canteens are now takeaway only, all seating has been removed.

This gives you anidea of what a fullyoperational businesslooks like during a pandemic.We don’t know yet what level of social distancing measures will be applied to open theatres and for how long.

If you buy a ticket to a show now. That “ seat” may well be removed even if that performance goes ahead.

"I agree 100%. 

#145Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 3:44pm

MediumSonya said: "Would it be helpful to Broadway shows if we continue to purchase tickets during this time? I'm really hoping to see Jagged Little Pill, and am considering grabbing one of the$70 seats for sometime this summer, in the hopes that if enough people do the same producers will see that there is still profit to be made. What does everyone think the over/under is for it coming back? Do you think there will be steep discounts? I'm definitely willing to pay $70 to see the show, but if the ticket prices decrease sharply or the lottery becomes ridiculously easy, I'm going to be disappointed that I didn't hold out for it. Thanks and I hope everyone is staying safe during this crazy time!"


The show itself does not receive any money from ticket sales until the week after the performance occurs.  Until then the funds are held by the theatre owner.  

darreyl102 Profile Photo
#146Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/10/20 at 4:31pm

It's going to be a LONG time before theaters open up again. not only are you talkin about a huge crowd of people in the audience but you also have to figure all the people working the front of house and all the people backstage including the cast and crew. That's a lot of freaking people.

Darreyl with an L!

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#147Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/11/20 at 1:41am

The NT Times article today which insinuates a after Labor Day opening says that the dates announced also affects labor contracts, extensions for health insurance, things like that.

#148Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/11/20 at 7:51am

If they have to limit the number of people allowed on a stage or orchestra pit at once there might  be cutting of jobs like ensemble members and supporting roles that are not absolutely essential to the key plot. We might see a glut of stripped down small scale musicals and plays for awhile.


Updated On: 4/11/20 at 07:51 AM

ACL2006 Profile Photo
#149Shut down until June 7
Posted: 4/11/20 at 10:39am

I would also assume that whenever they reopen, they may be forced to limit capacity. I definitely wouldn't expect packed houses for quite some time.

A Chorus Line revival played its final Broadway performance on August 17, 2008. The tour played its final performance on August 21, 2011. A new non-equity tour started in October 2012 played its final performance on March 23, 2013. Another non-equity tour launched on January 20, 2018. The tour ended its US run in Kansas City and then toured throughout Japan August & September 2018.
