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Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!

ThE nEw KiD Profile Photo
ThE nEw KiD
#0Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 5:35am

And I mean REALLY high but the notes must be belted...

Eden Espinosa
Adam Lambert
Jennifer Holliday
Jason Robert Brown
Sam Harris
Billy Porter
Alisan Porter
Sharon Wilkins

hmmmm who else?

#1re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 9:05am

Stephanie Block
Nancy Opel
Patti Lupone
Lilias White
Ramona Keller
Shoshana Bean

Non-Broadway people:
Mariah Carey
Celine Dion
Cyndi Lauper
Barbara Streisand
Jennifer Hudson
Patti Labelle

(and, of course, the amazing)
Rachelle Ferrell

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

ljay889 Profile Photo
#2re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 9:06am

Sorry, but Patti LuPone can vocally kill all these so called belters of today. Like Eden, Shoshana, etc.

Katurian2 Profile Photo
#3re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 9:31am

Thank you ljay! I was about to let out a long Patti love rant.

"Are you sorry for civilization? I am sorry for it too." ~Coast of Utopia: Shipwreck

ruprecht Profile Photo
#4re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 9:39am

Orfeh (have any of you heard Trailer Park/Carols For a Cure)
Sara Ramirez
Ramona Keller

#5re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 10:13am

does it have to sound good too??? because the lists would be shortened in that case...
anne runolfson has a killer high belt...i notice Alice Ripley hadn't made the lists yet...althought I DON'T care for her belt...and how about Julia Murney? SHE can belt.

#6re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 10:30am

Julia can belt, but she doesn't belt CRAZY high. At least not that I have heard.

Same goes for Alice Ripley.

And, Patti is amazing, but I would never say she can kill any of these belters. Their belts are TOTALLY different, so I try not to compare Eden's mixy-belt to Stephanie Block's balls to the wall chest belt to Patti vibrato-infested belt to Shoshana's scream belt, etc etc etc.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

#7re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 10:31am

Jennifer Holliday's diaphram is made of steel...
Updated On: 3/17/06 at 10:31 AM

#8re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 10:47am

More like her throat.

"Fundamentalism means never having to say 'I'm wrong.'" -- unknown

#9re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 10:48am

Haha, that too

Illegally Blondish Profile Photo
Illegally Blondish
#10re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 10:52am

Alice belt's pretty high, though I must admit, I love her lower range more.

Liza May
#11re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:00am

are we talking honest to goodness belt or mixy belt? If we are talking mixy belt then that Eden girl certainly takes the cake...or Kate Pazakis too. Broadway Diva Christmas...she was nuts. And of course Ms. LuPone is naturally the best in this area re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!

In terms of real belt I would say old school Liza Minnelli, Maya Days, Kathy Brier, Stephanie Block, Orfeh,...I've heard them all get up there (Es, Fs, full chest...crazy high belts I tell you :)

mrkringas Profile Photo
#12re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:01am

It seems to me that super high belting as really anything over a F for female and C for male these days. And what shows actually require this of cast members?

Apart from stuff like Side Show, Brooklyn, Bat Boy and Dreamgirls I cant think of much. Wicked only has that one or two big notes in Defying Gravity. It seems standard in most shows that females belt to an E and male to B/C. Hopefully the earlier shows remain exceptions and not the norm. As i dont want to see show after show that descend into a belt-off!

I mean the whole point of using belt is to display heightened emotion. Now if you over use that then it cheapens the effect. Much better to write material that is safe and accesible to sing and save the super high notes to one or two when the story calls for them.

Attitudes have shifted over the years and belt obsession is in danger of losing sight what the purpose is. Dont get me wrong I love a money note like the next person re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!

But dont cheapen it!

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#13re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:06am

What is the obsession with younger Broadway fans and beltig at the top of your lungs? I will never understand this.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#14re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:08am

Am I the only one who thinks Shoshana's scream "belt" is the least charming thing ever?

munkustrap178 Profile Photo
#15re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:11am

No, you're not. I wanted to Nancy Kerrigan her ass.

"If you are going to do something, do it well. And leave something witchy." -Charlie Manson

#16re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:12am

It sounds like someone is pinching her nipples and kicking her in the stomach when she belts.

#17re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:17am

Linda Eder!

dramaqueen2 Profile Photo
#18re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:19am

uhmmm this is old school but, julie andrews! she's classic & i love her. =)

hear my song; it was made for the time when you don't know where to go, listen to the song that i sing, you'll be fine..

keatonbynumbers Profile Photo
#19re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:21am

Thesbijean, that might be the most accurate statement in this thread.

#20re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 11:26am

And you don't wanna know how I know that...

re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!

ozone20 Profile Photo
#21re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 12:13pm

Uh lets not forget BJ CROSBY who wipes the floor with all of them. Her high belt is from the gods. Stacy Francis(another high belter)

#22re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 12:20pm

munkustrap i am with you 100%...i am sick of the screaming already. its just not pretty...VERY few make it sound good when its THAT high. of course i love to do it myself..but i don't want to hurt myself doing it 8 shows a week like so many are. or it just doesn't SOUND good 8 shows a week because its just too much of a strain...EVEN FOR EDEN....and i LOVE her but even she gets scary.
i agree about Linda of the BEST vocalists EVER. that woman has chords of STEEL..she can BELT AND go right into a light soprano and both are equally as brilliant and beaufitul. she is amazing. i can't believe i forgot about her. i don't really consider her broadway though...

ShuQ Profile Photo
#23re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 12:31pm

Marty Thomas. Some people love it...I think it's obnoxious.

#24re: Singers who can belt super HIGH!!!
Posted: 3/17/06 at 12:35pm

Nancy Opel's belt notes in "A Priveledge to Pee" are amazing. It was such a letdown when Beth McVey, who played Pennywise in the tour, had to switch to her head voice.
