Donna Vivino can belt up to a G, although you wouldn't know it from seeing her in Hairspray, and she sounds fantastic! I also think that Shoshana Bean DOES NOT sound like she's screaming...I love her belting.
Featured Actor Joined: 7/12/04
I'm glad someone finally mentioned Mandy Gonzalez, but what about Marcy Harriell? Her "Woman Is The n* Of The World" in Lennon was INSANE.
Also, Hugh Panaro hits a C somewhere in "Tunnel Of Love" in Side Show.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Well, Lennon did nothing for her.
I mean, with Chuck Cooper, Will Chase, and Marcy Harriell leading that cast!
Once Marcy sang "Woman is the n* of the World" it was all over for anyone else.
Lucky Chuck had his song in act one!
Carolee and Nancy Opel.
I always thought Sherie was a mixer more than a belter, but there's a note in "Love is My Legs" that she certainly belts and always makes me go ""
Lisa Howards fakes it well too. There's no break between her chest and head voice, it's insane.
Raul has an amazing belt.
Lots of high belters mentioned, but only if they can sustain their dignity without screaming. The two Emma's, Andrea Rivette & Christiane Noll are both lovely high note belters.
Nice to see BJ Crosby being mentioned. And lordy,she can break a glass. I just worked with her last month and she made our audience nuts! I teamed her up with Danny Zolli, a pretty great high belter as well. His Gethsamane is to die for.
I will get a first hand shot at the amazing Sam Harris's sexy high notes next Saturday as I cover him, lord have mercy, one on one at a brand new PAC at the Jersey shore. ( getting the vapors already).
But, honestly, I get more kicks from a sultry alto or mezzo. I adore Debbie Gravitte.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
i think its been said...rachel york. watch the BWW video with jonathan pryce and you'll hear rachel sing too! its awesome!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
"The two Emma's, Andrea Rivette & Christiane Noll are both lovely high note belters. "
Make that three - Brandi!
And wasn't Carolee Emma on the Studio CD?
Wait, was she? I am blanking here!
Yep, but those are your favorites, m'dear. Ok... I'll add Carmello to my list too. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
love carolee... is this better? Updated On: 4/2/06 at 08:42 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
::throws old banana::
I don't think I really ever listened to her on that CD.
I mean, Anthony + Linda = eargasm. (aka Dangerous Game!)
Broadway Star Joined: 3/18/05
Jason Danieley .
Floyd Collins?
That high C at the end of The Riddle?
Healthy, supported, full voiced. Perfection.
Also, all those extremely high options at the end of "Big Black Man" in Monty are him.
And I think Eden is not so much a belter, but an extremely talented mixer. That's why her voice seems to be endless. I think mixing is the new belt. But the trick is to fool the crowd and make it sound like belting.
Shoshana is also an insane mixer. Carollee belts, Patti belts (sometimes - Evita, Anything Goes) LaChanze, Mary Testa (the second coming of Merman), Lansbury in Gypsy and especially in Anyone Can Whistle.
These new mixers aren't as impressive as the older, classic belters like Garland, Minelli, Merman, etc... but ah well.
By the way, Billy Porter's a mixer too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Dude. I can't believe I forgot.
Understudy Joined: 3/16/06
Patti LuPone blows everybody away!
Understudy Joined: 12/31/69
i LOVE snoopy.
has anyone mentioned Judy Kuhn?
OH! and how about Barbara Walsh??
Updated On: 3/19/06 at 09:03 PM
Which singers, male or female, can sustain the longest notes, belted or otherwise? I've heard a Linda Eder and Davis Gaines manage to hold on to a really long note? Others? thanks for the info. Roman in Austin, Texas...... T.O.P.L.F.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/8/04
Ethel Merman can.
Anthony is pretty good at that.
Michael Ball and Michael Crawford can sustain.
Aw, I LOVE Carolee on the JH concept album. She was the only reason I bought it (and then I fell in love with it for other reasons). Also, she has KILLED me more than once with "I Have Found" on Infinite Joy. I just die. Seeing her live is the most nervewracking thing ever, I always feel like I'll have a heart attack from how amazing she is.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
have you heard her sing "anytime/i am there"? beautiful. i am singing it for a friends mom's memorial service.
"Anytime" is probably my favorite Finn song and Carolee singing it is... absolutely the most beautiful thing ever. It never fails to move me, it's so amazing. Such a powerful song, great choice to sing, Andrew.
See, when we say belt, are we talking full chest voice? Because I think most singers mix. But I don't know how singers get out things like "Woman Is The n* of the World" the way Marcy did and not kill themselves. Are songs like that done in full chest? I asked Mandy Gonzalez and she said she was mixing, but I just can't understand how the voice sounds that powerful without a full chest belt.
Going back to what Jon said on the first page of posts, I was also disappointed with Beth McVey's performance as Pennywise. I much preferred Nancy Opel's high belt in "Privelege to Pee."
YES!!! Somone said Adam Lambert. I was on his music myspace listening to him today, and good lord, that boy is practically an alto. What a sweetie, too bad he left Wicked, he ROCKED as Fiyero.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
listen to the Aaron Lazar clips on his site too. he is amazing.
Ahhhhhhh...who am I thinking of...Andrea McArdle? Cyndi Lauper? Umm....aaaaaagh. Who is that one...woman?!