Think it's fine for Rhianna or anyone else to text during the performance –– as long as the texter is willing to refund every single person who attended and was affected by their actions. Shouldn't be too much of a problem with all those comps, though.
Hopefully Broadway will be an eye-opening experience for J.O.H. He'll benefit from Broadway opening his eyes as much Broadway can benefit from him opening its eyes.
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Think it's fine for Rhianna or anyone else to text during the performance –– as long as the texter is willing to refund every single person who attended and was affected by their actions. Shouldn't be too much of a problem with all those comps, though.
Hopefully Broadway will be an eye-opening experience for J.O.H. He'll benefit from Broadway opening his eyesas much Broadway can benefit from him opening its eyes."
You act like he's some nobody who just came on the scene. He's a successful writer/playwright. Slave Play had a highly successful run off-Broadway and he's also written Daddy and is working on a screenplay. It's really condescending. He's been in the theater world for awhile -- I think his eyes are open.
everythingtaboo said: "I get so bored of the "times are changing" and we need to welcome more young and diverse audiences and let their behavior go unchecked. I was that younger and more diverse theatre audience once. But you know what, even then I still felt"I'm paying a sh*t ton of money, so I'm paying close attention to every aspect of it as possible to get my money's worth."And I appreciated everyone doing that for each other, not knowing what people paid for their tickets, but thinking it was as big a deal for them as it was for me.Nowadays it's "I paid X dollars so I can do what I want." Not the trend I want to see, and not the kind that should be acceptable."
It's curious that you can't get away with this behavior in any movie house, but somehow it's defended among certain theatergoers.
poisonivy2 said: "You act like he's some nobody who just came on the scene. He's a successful writer/playwright. Slave Play had a highly successful run off-Broadway and he's also written Daddy and is working on a screenplay. It's really condescending. He's been in the theater world for awhile -- I think his eyes are open."
He's a young playwright with extremely limited professional experience –– that's not a negative, simply a fact. Working on Broadway is vastly different than having your work presented by NYTW, or New Group, or in the confines of an MFA program.
Growth and the opening of one's eyes should be viewed as a very positive thing, especially for a voice as singular as his, in an industry like this. He stands to learn a lot from Broadway, and perhaps Broadway can learn from him, too.
He will be irrelevant soon in theater if he doesn't start respecting Broadway audiences. It's as simple as that.
<<edited by BWW staff>>
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
poisonivy2 said: "You act like he's some nobody who just came on the scene. He's a successful writer/playwright.Slave Play had a highly successful run off-Broadway and he's also written Daddy and is working on a screenplay. It's really condescending. He's been in the theater world for awhile -- I think his eyes are open."
Then he should already understand the norms of common courtesy and appropriate behavior in a darkened theater. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to so he needs to learn. Other directors and playwrights normally sit at the very back of the theater during previews, taking notes and talking if necessary cause they recognize doing it in the middle of the 4th row would be incredibly distracting. It's not complicated. This isn't the West Village. People who paid $189 to see his work on Broadway aren't going to put up with it. It's that simple.
I was annoyed by the person two rows in front of me who kept checking and using her phone during the Downton Abbey movie for which I think I paid $8.75, so... the cost doesn't really matter. Rude is just rude.
Broadway Star Joined: 3/27/19
i keep coming back to: theres no question its rude. Rude is forgivable. Rude happens. And celebrities are known for rudeness (some more than others; most would never pull this sort of entitled nonsense).
Rihanna's behavior here isnt particularly egregious; she was thoughtless. (And that doesn't in any way detract from her charitable work or her talent, on which I make no comment, RELAX).
JOH embraced the rudeness. He turned it into a cultural thing, and proudly bragged about how he held the curtain (can a playwright even do that?) inconveniencing 1000 paying theatergoers so he can impress his friend. That anyone defends this obtuseness is bad enough, but then to turn it into something about race and privilege? Hard to stomach.
JDonaghy4 said: "i keep coming back to: theres no question its rude. Rude is forgivable. Rude happens. And celebrities are known for rudeness (some more than others; most would never pull this sort of entitled nonsense).
Rihanna's behavior here isnt particularly egregious; she was thoughtless. (And that doesn't in any way detract from her charitable work or her talent, on which I make no comment, RELAX).
JOH embraced the rudeness. He turned it into a cultural thing, and proudly bragged about how he held the curtain (can a playwright even do that?) inconveniencing 1000 paying theatergoers so he can impress his friend. That anyone defends this obtuseness is bad enough, but then to turn it into something about race and privilege? Hard to stomach."
You already gave away how you felt about Rihanna when you posted upthread:
"this is particularly egregious because its rihanna: i actually saw her live a few years back in tel aviv. everyone expected her not go on "on time" because an 8pm concert doesnt usually start until much later. but she was posting pictures of herself catching sunset near the dead sea at that moment. meaning 30,000 people could all see that she was lazing around while they stood and waited. (she then put on a horribly lazy show, but thats beside the point).
And FWIW people are acting like holding the curtain is unusual. I've seen house managers hold curtains for people who are disabled and need to go to the bathroom. I even saw an usher hold the curtain in Hello Dolly! for an elderly lady who needed to go outside for something (I assume the bathroom). Curtain time started about 5-6 minutes after it was supposed to start. Whatever. It's not the end of the world.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
I will happily say I don’t enjoy Harris and have zero plans to see this show.
He’s lucky Trump is president and the “race” convo is so heated right now.
JDonaghy4 said: "He turned it into a cultural thing, and proudly bragged about how he held the curtain (can a playwright even do that?) inconveniencing 1000 paying theatergoers so he can impress his friend."
It is so weird to keep being lumped into this aggrieved party, when no one around me in the mezz said anything or seemed to care. A few people were looking at their watches when it was starting late, but otherwise, it was just a normal night at the theater. Someone shorter in an all-white outfit came in seemingly at the same time as Rihanna's party, and it looked like some short dude, so I thought we waited for Spike Lee, which seemed equally a non-issue.
I saw the play tonight and it was thoroughly NOT what I expected, that is to say, this is not an historical drama. This is not 12 Years a Slave: The Play.
I didn’t know what to make of the first 30 minutes because the tone was all over the place and it felt very amateurish (it turns out intentionally so) and then something happens to shift the play. Ideally there would be a pause or intermission here, because as it stands the piece is way too long. Harris could also solve the problem by shortening these opening vignettes and get to the meat of the piece faster, but I felt the good bits (and there are some) get weighed down by the gelatinous goo surrounding them.
The actors are very committed.
It’s hard to discuss the play without some spoilers honestly.
A side note for Mr Harris, I was seated around a very diverse crowd. Like immediate proximity to white, black, brown and Asian people. Somehow, though we were all different races/backgrounds, we all managed to not pull out our phones and text or tweet or check social media or the weather or scores or emails. It’s crazy that people, regardless of race, are able to sit through a play that is much, much, much too long and still be engaged and treat the other audience members with respect and common decency. Maybe, despite our differences, humanity has a lot more in common than not. Perhaps there is a shot for us after all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Harris has me turned off from supporting this show. He seems smug. And no one seems to rave about the show. I’m the white guilt of the critics will mean it will get raves. But eh. I’ve no interest.
Whizzed, I’d love for you to discuss the play with spoilers!
WhizzerMarvin said: "I saw the play tonight and it was thoroughly NOT what I expected, that is to say, this is not an historical drama. This is not 12 Years a Slave: The Play."
Agreed, I was sold on a transgressive piece involving twerking slaves (the only image I had going in), and got something decidedly different.
No one raves about the show, though? It was a critic's pick Off-Broadway and only had its first week of shows so far...
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/19
Meaning people on here. Everyone seems to say “I liked it but.”
I will discuss the plot with some spoilers, but be warned that I do not think one should read any spoilers if they are going to see the play. With that said...
Saw it 4 days ago. I thought it was brilliant. Up until today I was going to take a friend from out of town to see it that I wish was sitting with me last Thursday. Was to pick up the tickets today. As it is, she will be seeing it without me. But we will meet after to talk about it. I just decided that I could not pay again to see it. And I am really sad about it. But it is a personal choice that I stand by.
All of this controversy pains me because this man has a show that breaks all the rules, lives up to the hype and not in the way people think. I know so many people who don't want to see it because they think they are going to be offended. I have been telling them that they just need to go because it goes to a place that you are not expecting. It is fresh, daring and just throws it right out there. I feel it is also a show that needs your undivided attention. Had I written this play, I would not be happy if people were on their phones. Especially in Act II. It is rapid fire and you could very easily miss something if you divide your attention for a few seconds. I would want them to take it in and we could discuss the show afterwards.
It also pains me as a Black person that this is coming from a fellow Black person who is highly educated, evidently talented, and kind of blowing off a community that is embracing him. A community that he is now a part of. This could have been handled more maturely on his part, in my opinion.
So I say if you really want to see this show, go. See it. If you don't agree with all that has happened, still make your voice be heard about it. It is a problem that we in the community have been battling for a long time. Hopefully all of this will teach him something.
It is not about race, it is simply about manners and being considerate. It is also not about theatre being "elite". It is about manners and being considerate. As a kid in the 60's I and every kid in my town, black and white were taught that you were to behave and be quiet at the school concert or play. That transferred to me seeing my first professional play, PURLIE, THE MAGIC FLUTE at 17 at The Met and on through today.
So where did we lose our manners? Did parents get lazy? Was it social media? Something changed. I will say that I feel that a lot of it happened when our cell phones became portable and then texting happened. People checked out of face to face communication. So many times, years ago, I could be in a great conversation and a person's phone would ring and they were like "I gotta take this". THIS, was a friend asking what they were doing. Then the texting. Pretty much asking the same thing. And people are not just addicted to their phones but now need them. And the phone companies have seen to that. So it is the "norm" and Rhianna saw nothing wrong with what she did. Neither did O'Harris.
We need to get back to actually talking to each other without having to check our phones. He mentioned "living" when he was texting during a show. Well, life is also happening around you, that you will miss, while you are frantically swiping your thumb up on Instagram or texting. A brilliant play is happening. Turn off your phone. Take it in. Be moved. And discuss it afterwards.
Just my random thoughts.
Upon further reflection, I am annoyed that we held the curtain for Rihanna, since I was debating seeing the 6pm Hannah Gadsby show and decided I'd never make it to Slave Play in time, since I'd most likely be a few minutes late... ack.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/9/04
Thank you for your perspective, uncageg.
iluvtheatertrash said: "Thank you for your perspective, uncageg."
Most welcome.
I really did not know how to address this. (Well, I did actually!) I posted earlier in the thread and changed my post 3 times. But I realized I just couldn't stay silent. It is hurting me that I am not going back to see this with my close friend. I want to experience this with her, but I just can't.
And dammit...I wanted that window card!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/26/16
uncageg said: "Saw it 4 days ago. I thought it was brilliant. Up until today I was going to take a friend from out of town to see it that I wish was sitting with me last Thursday. Was to pick up the tickets today. As it is, she will be seeing it without me. But we will meet after to talk about it. I just decided that I could not pay again to see it. And I am really sad about it. But it is a personal choice that I stand by.
All of this controversy pains me because this man has a show that breaks all the rules, lives up to the hype and not in the way people think. I know so many people who don't want to see it because they think they are going to be offended. I have been telling them that they just need to go because it goes to a place that you are not expecting. It is fresh, daring and just throws it right out there. I feel it is also a show that needs your undivided attention. Had I written this play, I would not be happy if people were on their phones. Especially in Act II. It is rapid fire and you could very easily miss something if you divide your attention for a few seconds. I would want them to take it in and we could discuss the show afterwards.
It also pains me as a Black person that this is coming from a fellow Black person who is highly educated, evidently talented, and kind of blowing off a community that is embracing him. A community that he is now a part of. This could have been handled more maturely on his part, in my opinion.
So I say if you really want to see this show, go. See it. If you don't agree with all that has happened, still make your voice be heard about it. It is a problem that we in the community have been battling for a long time. Hopefully all of this will teach him something.
It is not about race, it is simply about manners and being considerate. It is also not about theatre being "elite". It is about manners and being considerate. As a kid in the 60's I and every kid in my town, black and white were taught that you were to behave and be quiet at the school concert or play. That transferred to me seeing my first professional play, PURLIE, THE MAGIC FLUTE at 17 at The Met and on through today.
So where did we lose our manners? Did parents get lazy? Was it social media? Something changed. I will say that I feel that a lotof it happened when our cell phones became portable and then texting happened. People checked out of face to face communication. So many times, years ago, I could be in a great conversation and a person's phone would ring and they were like "I gotta take this". THIS, was a friend asking what they were doing. Then the texting.Pretty much asking the same thing. And people are not just addicted to their phones but now need them. And the phone companies have seen to that. So it is the "norm" and Rhianna saw nothing wrong with what she did. Neither did O'Harris.
We need to get back to actually talking to each other without having to check our phones. He mentioned "living" when he was texting during a show. Well, life is also happening around you, that you will miss, while you are frantically swiping your thumb up on Instagram or texting. A brilliant play is happening. Turn off your phone. Take it in. Be moved. And discuss it afterwards.
Just my random thoughts.
Beautifully said.
Thank you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/18/07
How long did Mr. Harris hold the curtain until his idol arrived? I have no problem with a five to ten minute delay; if longer, Mr. Harris is being rude to the rest of the audience.
So, Mr.Harris has no problem with someone texting during the performance. He said there are different ways to engage with a play. How would he feel if an audience member stood up in the middle of the show and yelled, "This is a piece of crap!"? Is this a different way to engage with his play?
SouthernCakes said: "Harris has me turned off from supporting this show. He seems smug. And no one seems to rave about the show. I’m the white guilt of the critics will mean it will get raves. But eh. I’ve no interest.
Whizzed, I’d love for you to discuss the play with spoilers!"
So you refuse to see a play but anyone who does see it and likes it must have “white guilt.” Gotcha. And then you ask for spoilers. I thought you had no interest.
A Director, it was held 15-20 minutes. We didn’t get out of the theater until 10:30, making it a very long evening, about as bad as the long first act of the Glenda Jackson Lear.