Saw the play a few days ago, loved it.
As far as texting, frankly, who cares if Jeremy doesn’t mind it? He’s not the one who paid for a ticket, made his way from Connecticut to Manhattan, and is now sitting in the audience and experiencing the piece for the very first (and probably only) time.
Incidentally, someone’s phone started ringing during the final scene, at a very quiet and vulnerable moment. Yes, the actors remained in character, paused and waited, but it was still distracting and caused a noticeable energy shift in the room. If the playwright doesn’t mind that, great. I do.
I saw this last week. It took me a while to digest this one. While I certainly liked the play, I did not love it. It is way too long, and I really did not like the ending. At all. It's hard to discuss this play without spoiling things, so I will just leave it at that.
A Director said: "How long did Mr. Harris hold the curtain until his idol arrived? I have no problem with a five to ten minute delay; if longer, Mr. Harris is being rude to the rest of the audience."
I think 10, since I think we started at 8:15, and it would likely have started 5 minutes late as per usual anyway. But it is also running a tad longer than the advertised 2 hours...
The evening I saw it, we started at about 8:13. I think they were still getting people in. Also, during the show someones gps went off. It was in the third act, I think. All of a sudden we heard a mechanical voice giving driving directions. That was a first for me.
haterobics said: "Upon further reflection, I am annoyed that we held the curtain for Rihanna, since I was debating seeing the 6pm Hannah Gadsby show and decided I'd never make it to Slave Play in time, since I'd most likely be a few minutes late... ack."
For what it's worth:
I saw Hannah Gadsby's 6pm show a couple weeks ago, and it didn't let out until almost 8:15. It started 15 minutes late (much like this performance of Slave Play we're discussing) and ran for almost 2 hours (much longer than the runtime listed online).
broadway86 said: "Saw the play a few days ago, loved it.
As far as texting, frankly, who cares if Jeremy doesn’t mind it? He’s not the one who paid for a ticket, made his way from Connecticut to Manhattan, and is now sitting in the audience and experiencing the piece for the very first (and probably only) time.
Agreed. And y'all ain't the ones trying to make superstar friends. Him not minding is irrelevant and with incentive.
I’m surprised no one is talking about the #Blackout event tomorrow night yet.
JBroadway said: "I saw Hannah Gadsby's 6pm show a couple weeks ago, and it didn't let out until almost 8:15. It started 15 minutes late (much like this performance of Slave Play we're discussing) and ran for almost 2 hours (much longer than the runtime listed online)."
Wow, good to know… that is ridiculously longer than the posted run time for what I imagine is a tightly scripted show?! I don't see her as a crowdwork gal?
You know guys, show is also in previews. Shows sometimes start late in previews. Obviously we know it was for Rhianna now, but honestly this happens in previews like all the time. Shows start later sometimes, if people can’t not go to a bathroom for 2 1/2 hours broadway just might not be for them.
GreasedLightning said: "I’m surprised no one is talking about the #Blackout event tomorrow night yet."
What is the event? I googled it and all I saw was a part of his tweet saying the ticket website crashed and more tickets will be available.
Mike Barrett, I should have added to my post that I noticed, through the mirrors, that there were a lot of empty seats in the orchestra at 8:05. By 8:13, they were filled and the show started.
I just feel people being upset he waited for her isn’t that big of an issue. Some normal Broadway shows not in previews don’t get started until 10’min after the listed showtimes.
uncageg said: "What is the event?"
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/19
Has Mr. Harris given his thoughts on the woman who was evidently masturbating to Tom Hiddleston's performance in Betrayal? Surely he would argue she was just "living" and engaging with the play?
haterobics said: "uncageg said: "What is the event?""
Nothing speaks to diversity like excluding all other racial groups!
joevitus said: "haterobics said: "uncageg said: "What is the event?""
Nothing speaks to diversity like excluding all otherracial groups!"
The page literally says "come join us" and there are several seats for sale to the public, as far as I can tell. What's your point now?
Featured Actor Joined: 12/8/15
MemorableUserName said: "Has Mr. Harris given his thoughts on the woman who was evidently masturbating to Tom Hiddleston's performance in Betrayal? Surely he would argue she was just "living" and engaging with the play?"
Indeed he did!
NievesG said: "The page literally says "come join us" and there are several seats for sale to the public, as far as I can tell. What's your point now?"
It's a discount offer: anyone could buy tickets at $45 or $100 for that performance (and there are still a lot left).
To be clear, I was only responding to the user who asked “what’s your point?” about the discount code. It didn’t seem people were reading what the event was actually about. It’s not just a regular discount code, it’s a discount code for a night of an all black-identifying audience.
(Edited for clarity)
The ad states that it is seeking an audience of black identified artists, writers, and students.
Ok, and how would that even be enforced?
They are reaching out to a different audience. Lord forBID, that a play written by a black author and directed by a black director about race try to reach out to artist and students of color.
Get over it white people. You will be FINE.
BalconyClub said: "It can't be enforced."
If Alamo Draft House could enforce an woman-only screening of Wonder Woman, I'm pretty sure a theater can enforce an all black event.
But my point was the hypocrisy of encouraging a one-race only event to celebrate diversity. Bit of a contradiction, no?
I'm not white. The Pearl Theater Company high school program changed my life when it was running so I understand the need to bring others into the fray. I am just asking a serious logistical question. The last diverse audience I saw was at King Kong and I am often surprised by the lack of diversity in audiences. But to say this is "a discount code for black people only"... money is green.
see above
Updated On: 9/17/19 at 12:33 PMVideos