The story is a obvious lie and the people repeating it are trolls
Jordan--you ought to be ashamed of yourself
FlyingMonkey--as Mrs Anna sings, Shall I tell you what i think of you?
I don't care if it was a professional photographer or a tourist from Illinois. I don't care if it had been pre-arranged for them to be there or not. I don't care if the 4th wall was first breached by the 'whoever' with the camera or not. And I particularly don't care if she's the biggest DIVA in Broadway history or not. The fact is that when she went out of character (well, out of the Rose character) and started yelling at the guy, she tore down that 4th wall and stopped the show for every single paying customer in that theatre. THAT was unprofessional and uncalled for. She could have stood back stage and had her tantrum with the stage manager and told him that she wouldn't go back onstage until someone got rid of the cameraman. BELIEVE ME - word would have gone immediately to the house manager and that dude would have been taken out. You may find it enjoyable to watch this 59 year old woman act like a 3 year old but if I'd been in the audience I would have demanded my money back. I'm delighted to hear she's being fined for her childish and borish behavior.
The ushers should be harder to people who don't follow the rules. Period. If people don't like it (and I'd be pissed at the time too if an usher freaked on me), they need to grow up. Once the event has passed, I'm sure they'll realize they're in the wrong.
If anything, I would think Patti would be fined (if that is true at all) for continually refusing to listen to the Stage Managers.
I'm sure if that is true, we will hear something.
Equity's response to Piven was quite swift, for Equity, that is.
The two of you are lying pieces of %$&# and I wish YOU could be fined.
Mamie--they are lying. She is NOT being fined. No news organiztion is reprting that--only the Lying Monkey Turd. But the two lying pieces of %&$! are getting people like you to believe their lies.
UGH. I wish we could find out the TRUTH.
But I would trust Pal Joey if he says those stories are fake. PJ has more connections in the industry than most of the sorry haters on here.
too bad
"..she tore down that 4th wall and stopped the show for every single paying customer in that theatre. THAT was unprofessional and uncalled for. She could have stood back stage and had her tantrum with the stage manager and told him that she wouldn't go back onstage until someone got rid of the cameraman."
So the show would have been stopped either way.
I find it helpful to believe the opposite of whatever FlyingMonkey says. :3
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Don't tell anybody I told you this, but the photographer was our own jay***. He was just trying to get a shot of the lower right corner of the trumpet soloist's music stand.
If you've read the older versions of the Ask Patti section on Miss Lupone's website, long long long before this incident, she told a reader the 4th wall is more of an issue with plays than with musicals. In case you're wondering about her actual philosophy on the issue.
The story is the truth, like it or not.
I've always thought of a musical as a play (with music).
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
That's fine. Patti doesn't.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
Straight from the horse's column:
Dear Patti...
Caitlin asks: What is your opinion on breaking the fourth wall? In a recent rehearsal, our director announced to the cast that it was completely inappropriate to ever play to an audience, which is a statement I don't agree with whatsoever. Having seen you onstage, I know that you have a connection with the audience that makes whatever you're in so much more enjoyable.
Patti Answers: It depends on the play and the director's concept. You must never forget why you're on stage and indeed play to the audience but there is a fine line between including them and actually looking out at them. The fourth wall is usually reserved for plays. I hope this helps.
Well, she's talking about being presentational, if that is what the director chooses, it has nothing to do with stopping the show to yell at audience members.
She didn't learn that from Houseman or Julliard.
For what it is worth, I asked how valid the media photographer story was on another thread here regarding the same incident. It was "confirmed" by several members, though no source could be given. According to the story, the photographer was paid off so as not to bad mouth Patti or the Production.
And I agree with Mamie.
I do not believe for a second the producers would hire a photographer to take photos during Patti's ultimate number, the number she is so protective about. Highly doubt it. Heck, she makes the ushers stand in front of the audience for the number...and you think the producers would allow a photographer to take pictures during it?
Updated On: 1/24/09 at 07:13 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/13/05
I don't believe the story either. A hired photographer would have been a prominently known presence to the cast.
Mamie, well said. Personally I don't care if she is a diva or not. What Patti did was act like a spoiled little girl. Yes, taking pictures or recording during a show is against the law. However, I don't think that people realize that an usher has to choose their battles. There could be someone taking pictures, recording etc and they catch it. But, the problem could be that the ushers could cause more of a stir by trying to stop them then the person actually doing the wrong thing.
Patti is a disgrace, and why she has the fans she does is totally beyond me. She is an overrated and immature little girl and nothing more.
. She is an overrated and immature little girl and nothing more.
- I see you have plenty in common with her.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Wait, so Winston89 is back? What happened to Winston3?
I am wondering the same thing, Phyllis.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/25/08
This thread should stop before PattiKillsBroadway catches wind of it and we are all subjected to those ridiculous rants yet again.
As per this article, Patti had detached retinas in both eyes. So if there was a flash, it may have been painful for her to look at it.
as if everything with Sunset wasn't bad enough, she had detached retinas. that's pretty rough.