Such a relief to hear they added even a little singing in the finale.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
I trust this highly capable creative team (perhaps more than others) to use these early performances to discover opportunities for further refinement. Given the unique nature of this material, as well as how this show made it to the stage, it strikes me that it might have been even more difficult than usual to anticipate audience reactions and necessary revisions.
Swing Joined: 10/20/17
Saw this last night and I loved it. As others have said I was pleased to see they finished with music at the end now because it rounded it off perfectly.
I don't know what to say without giving too much away. But it was wonderful, a brilliant cast and not at all what I was expecting. I felt that they were enjoying being there and having fun with what they were given to work with.
Still processing this but overwhelming think it’s in strong form now but very well may be something spectacular. The level of acting however is remarkable high already, everyone on stage is giving everything to the show. I did wonder if time was shaved off from both acts (particularly the second) if this could be made into a tight 90-100 minute intermission-less musical.
One element I didn’t care for that could be cut…
Was the ending “where are they now….” segment immediately prior to the conclusion. I didn’t feel it added anything to the show and made it run longer than needed. The cross-crossing at the very end of couples also felt a little sloppy but I’m confident that’ll tighten with time.
Very much looking forward to seeing this again after it’s locked.
Ives said on the Frank Rich piece that Sondheim had completed to versions of a terrific song from Altogether Now, the other musical they had been working on. I hope they record it as bonus track at least. But also, since we know everything Sondheim writes at a time tends to sound of the moment, maybe it sounds similar enough to Here We Are that it could be interpolated.
sng said: "So if they were to bring in someone to write a song or two for Act 2, who could it possibly be? JRB?JeanineTesori?"
Jeanine Tesori, I would personally find the best fit, but from afar I'm getting the impression that the creative team would be extremely uncomfortable putting someone else's music in a Sondheim show.
It's a shame because musicals are a team sport, and making the second half as polished as possible, would honor Sondheim's contributions, because if the second half is as good as the first, it will be performed more often.
Watching it last night, I found the first half at times stunning. It was way better than Sondheim's Bounce/ Road Show which I caught in Chicago. The second half was respectable but certainly not good or memorable. The conceit of why people stop singing made a level of sense, but at the same time, people go to a musical expecting to hear songs.
Broadway Star Joined: 5/8/19
inception said: "...In other news, I pvr'd Exterminating Angel on TCM the other day and watched it tonight despite someone's warning above that it will spoil parts of the show. I find it extraordinary that anyone watched that movie & thought it could be musicalized. If it's the second act, then it makes sense for it to not have much music."
You may be right that it makes sense for it to not have much music, but then what doesn't make sense to me is for it to be Act II of a musical. I think we all have so much emotionally invested in this piece because it's the last work of the genius who has given us so much happiness, that some of us unsurprisingly are trying to bend over backwards to explain away or justify the obvious deficiencies (especially since the biggest one--not enough music--can't be fixed satisfactorily) instead of just simply savoring the parts that are so very good.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
I trust the creative team to know more about what would be true to Sondheim's intentions than any of us here given the conversations and interactions that only they have experienced. Presumably if they thought adding music from another composer or other Sondheim works, they would make that call.
JasonC3 said: "I trust the creative team to know more about what would be true to Sondheim's intentions than any of us here given the conversations and interactions that only they have experienced. Presumably if they thought adding music from another composer or other Sondheim works, they would make that call."
I understand what you're saying but at the same time Sondheim wouldn't know what changes he wanted in previews until he saw the show put up in front of a paying audience. At this point, Ives and Mantello should be making changes based on the audience reaction, not Sondheim's intentions. They already finished that draft.
Except they are doing this AS Sondheim's last show....they are going to (rightfully so IMO) honor what they think he wouldn't have wanted/approved.
dramamama611 said: "Except they are doing this AS Sondheim's last show....they are going to (rightfully so IMO) honor what they think he wouldn't have wanted/approved."
Absolutely! It was also said in the New Yorker article that Sondheim approved a couple of lyric changes right before he passed.
I see no need for any additional singing in the “trapped section” as that was the version Sondheim approved, and trying to have another composer try emulate Sondheim would be terrible. Also, now they added some singing to the finale, it should round out the score and allow it to feel more complete.
Mantello believed and told Sondhiem and Ives that they had a show before Steve passed. I don’t understand all this talk of needing new songs especially by people who are not Sondheim. The show is in very good shape three previews in and what the show does not need is to get any longer.
Give Mantello an opportunity to find this show: he’s already damn close
Stand or fall, they can say this is 100% Sondheim. It is a "pure" representation, if not complete.
It's a shame they don't have a "Sunday" for a grand finale, but it would feel like a very public compromise to add additional material that would probably just end up being a distraction anyway.
Swing Joined: 6/9/06
Interpolate something from someone else? No! What if it's not good? What if it's merely a pastiche of Sondheim?
A reprise of something from Act I? Fine. Sunday ends with a reprise of the Act I finale.
Reports suggest they are putting in a small bit of music at the end, so they're aware of the issue.
Reports suggest they are putting in a small bit of music at the end, so they're aware of the issue.
The production team had as of last night.
i just booked this musical in honor of Stephen Sondheim, for my birthday trip to NYC...seeing this and MERRILY to celebrate my 76th year!...all the posts here make me so excited to see this final Sondheim entry into his canon!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/8/19
broadwaybabywannabe2 said: "i just booked this musical in honor of Stephen Sondheim, for my birthday trip to NYC...seeing this and MERRILY to celebrate my 76th year!...all the posts here make me so excited to see this final Sondheim entry into his canon!"
I just saw them back to back--and I realize you already have your tix--but for anyone else who decides to do a double feature, I would suggest taking a cue from Merrily and going backwards in time: See Here We Are first and Merrily second.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/20/06
I'm flying in just to see both shows and ended up putting Merrily First because I didn't want to spend all of Merrily still thinking about Here We Are, but I can see your point of view as well!
Love reading the reactions to both shows here on the board and super ready for my Sondheim day! I'll be seeing Company in Chicago a week later!
I'm another one seeing both the same weekend! Merrily, Fri night; HWA, Sat mat. (And Gatsby Sat night)
Swing Joined: 8/20/23
Just a thought, is they're any similarities between Nurse Apple's speech and the interludes?
By November, four Sondheim shows will be running in New York at the same time for a hot second... Here We Are, The Frogs, Sweeney Todd, and Merrily. I want to live in a world where that happens more often. lol.
Can anybody explain what the new final reprise is?
Understudy Joined: 5/30/19
Per the SHED: We will have merchandise for Here We Are beginning mid-October!
Have we discussed one of the clever lyrics? It’s something like “we expect a little latte later but don’t have a lot of latte now”.
theblackumbrella said: "Per the SHED:We will have merchandise forHere We Arebeginning mid-October!"
I'm seeing it exactly halfway through the month on October 15th. Hoping that that they'll have it by then!