Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
I have tried repeatedly and failed to get rush tickets for this. If someone can't make tonight - Saturday - or Sunday night's performances, and doesn't want a large amount of moolah for one ticket, please reach out.
Remember when the folks rewarded with a rush ticket were the ones who bothered to line up at the box office? Yeah. Sigh.
Thought people might be interested. I spoke to Rachel and asked about the music for this and about the possibility of anything being added to the end and she said that the ending is the way it’s always been and they’re not touching any of the music (adding or removing), for anyone wondering about the possibility of a “final” song.
So does that suggest any indication of a new song added during those early previews might have been false/confused? (I saw it on the first Thursday and the next Tuesday and there was no new song, which means it could only have been there for a couple of performances if it was).
I took it as that, yes. I didn’t even follow up because I thought however she worded it was clear on that.
I’m guessing some may have been confused and were surprised to hear underscoring in the finale, and maybe they had thought it was new.
Merch shop is up! https://www.broadwaymerchandiseshop.com/collections/here-we-are
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
Listener said: "I have tried repeatedly and failed to get rush tickets for this. If someone can't make tonight - Saturday - or Sunday night's performances, and doesn't want a large amount of moolah for one ticket, please reach out.
Remember when the folks rewarded with a rush ticket were the ones who bothered to line up at the box office? Yeah. Sigh."
I've noticed on several occasions that rush tickets become available 2-3 hours before the evening performance, but I guess you have to constantly monitor.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/25/22
Oh they do? Where do they become available? Which site?
I asked in person at the theatre about rush tickets and different ways to buy some, but didn't get anywhere with the staff, who said "todaytix is the only way".
This was spectacular. My head was reeling for hours thinking about this.
Hoping to go again... But my window (and wallet) is going to have to guide me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/26/19
Listener said: "Oh they do? Where do they become available? Which site?
Same one, TodayTix. I think it was around mid week.
I asked in person at the theatre about rush tickets and different ways to buy some, but didn't get anywhere with the staff, who said "todaytix is the only way"."
Understudy Joined: 3/16/17
Selling two tickets for HERE WE ARE this Wednesday, October 18, at 8pm. They are located in the LEFT seating section (on the aisle closest to the center section, with the fullest view of the stage from that section). Just asking for what I paid: $268 ($129 each + $5 fee). Please PM me if interested!
Broadway Star Joined: 5/26/07
I was there for that performance (first Sat in previews) and I distinctly remember parts of the opening song in the finale as well, the way they reprise it several times in the car scenes in act I, but have increasing difficulty as the act progresses.
I am fairly certain I have overheard production say they put it in and felt it didn't work, but can't say they didn't try it.
Saw the show again and didn't notice many major changes, although Dennis O'Hare's character in the second act seems more nuanced, and using a subtle middle America accent I don't recall on first viewing. I also think I noticed a line about Maryanne being an interior designer with no interior removed, which I felt was a shame.
Any word on a cast recording yet???
gibsons2 said: "Listener said: "Oh they do? Where do they become available? Which site?
Same one, TodayTix. I think it was around mid week.
I asked in person at the theatre about rush tickets and different ways to buy some, but didn't get anywhere with the staff, who said "todaytix is the only way"."
Apparently, for the rush on TT you need to be on point. There was rush for to tonight at 3:30 available. I missed it trying to coordinate. Ugh. They have also lifted the statement that rush is partial view.
That was INSANE and I loved it! However, it doesn't feel like it's because of Sondheim's work. If I were to describe this show, I'd say it's a triumph for Ives and the cast featuring the music and lyrics of Stephen Sondheim.
There were definitely a some solid songs. But, this show works because of the work put in by Ives and the cast. In fact, I don't know if I would have said that I loved it until Rachel Bay Jones and David Hyde Pierce's scene deep in Act 2. That scene was the show to me.
I also ADORED the set. David Zinn did such a fantastic job with it. It reminded me a lot of the Company revival and Bunny Christie in general. I also don't know how it would work on a Broadway stage. It would need to be heavily modified.
I would agree that there are a lot of songs in this show that sound like other Sondheim shows. There were times I felt like Rachel Bay Jones might launch into Moments in the Woods or Jin Ha and Micaela Diamond would start singing Move On.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/26/16
jkcohen626 said: "That was INSANE and I loved it! However, it doesn't feel like it's because of Sondheim's work. If I were to describe this show, I'd say it's a triumph for Ives and the cast featuring the music and lyrics of Stephen Sondheim.
There were definitely a some solid songs. But, this show works because of the work put in by Ives and the cast. In fact, I don't know if I would have said that I loved it until Rachel Bay Jones and David Hyde Pierce's scene deep in Act 2. That scene was the show to me.
I also ADORED the set. David Zinn did such a fantastic job with it. It reminded me a lot of the Company revival and Bunny Christie in general. I also don't know how it would work on a Broadway stage. It would need to be heavily modified.
I would agree that there are a lot of songs in this show that sound like other Sondheim shows. There were times I felt like Rachel Bay Jones might launch into Moments in the Woods or Jin Ha and Micaela Diamond would start singing Move On.
As I recall, you had far seats in the fifth row on the left side. How were your seats?
jkcohen626 said: "
I would agree that there are a lot of songs in this show that sound like other Sondheim shows. There were times I felt like Rachel Bay Jones might launch into Moments in the Woods or Jin Ha and Micaela Diamond would start singing Move On.
I remember when Bounce premiered in Chicago, many people felt it sounded like a grab bag of Sondheim (and a lot of it does...) This shouldn't be surprising for a composer later in his life (look at classical music) but of course Sondheim was always known for having scores that had an overall distinctive sound. Not having heard more than the exit music of this show--and of course it's very early to evaluate the score, do the people who saw it think if they heard a song from it again they'd pick it out, musically, as being from Here We Are?
Saw the show again tonight. First time since the first preview. I didn’t notice any major changes, but the pacing is MUCH better. I’ve accepted act 2 for what it is, and I enjoyed it much more this time.
Act 1 is honestly close to perfection. Sure it’s not Sondheim’s greatest, but it has his stamp all over it, and it’s a magical blend of book and score throughout the entire first act.
I did hear some Passion this time, particularly in the wonderful “End of the World” duet with Diamond and Jin Ha.
I do think his music is better than his lyrics in this score. But I love how fun and zippy the score is, especially after Assassins, Passion, and Road Show. When is the last time he had written an unadulterated classic musical theater comedy number like the “I’m a Terrible Priest” song?
I continue to be extremely impressed by Ives’ book. It’s funny, witty, modern, and of course very strange. I still can’t believe we have a Sondheim show with 2023 characters. The Company revival is set in the present time, but in HWA, it feels more natural.
Also, I saw Jane Krakowski in the audience and it made me realize she’d be a perfect Marianne, although I wouldn’t trade Rachel Bay Jones performance for anything, she is the heart and soul of the show.
I am very curious what the critics are going to make of this show. The production is so polished that I could definitely see life beyond The Shed.
Ljay and others what are your fav musical and non musical Rachel Bay moments?
Eric, I don’t think the songs personally have a unified distinctive sound that scream ‘Here We Are’ yet (but it may require more listening to think about). Even less so than Bounce/Road Show. Except for the one song that is reprised, I’d also suggest that the songs are quite distinctive so it doesn’t feel to me that Sondheim is repeating himself even within the show.
bear88 said: "As I recall, you had far seats in the fifth row on the left side. How were your seats?"
I really respect that you can remember that, lol! I loved my seats! I felt so close and being on the right side of the section (closest to the forward facing seats), there was not a lot that I missed. I could see it getting dicier as you move towards the wall pretty quickly.
“Ljay and others what are your fav musical and non musical Rachel Bay moments?”
The bit with the dogs cracks me up every time & her scene with DHP is maybe my favorite part of the entire show.
Jordan Catalano said: "“Ljay and others what are your fav musical and non musical Rachel Bay moments?”
The bit with the dogs cracks me up every time I’ve seen this and her scene with DHP is maybe my favorite part of the entire show."
100% agree on both counts. The dog thing was so perfectly "rich person" and absolutely hilarious and the RBJ/DHP scene was my favorite in the whole show.
jkcohen626 said: "......and the RBJ/DHP scene was my favorite in the whole show."
My favorite moment as well..... I only wish DHP would've walked offstage wearing her shoes at the end. Now THAT would've been my favorite.
Stand-by Joined: 7/5/16
jkcohen626 said: "Jordan Catalano said: "“Ljay and others what are your fav musical and non musical Rachel Bay moments?”
The bit with the dogs cracks me up every time I’ve seen this and her scene with DHP is maybe my favorite part of the entire show."
100% agree on both counts. The dog thing was so perfectly "rich person" and absolutely hilarious and the RBJ/DHP scene was my favorite in the whole show."
The dog bit also feels as though it was specifically targeting the wealthy nonsense of Barbra Streisand, who famously
cloned her (now deceased) dog into four puppies, two of which survived.
Given Sondheim's colorful relationship with Streisand (famously aired in the NY Post via his letters to Arthur Laurents in the Library of Congress), I wonder if she was given notice of this joke, or if she'll attend any of the performances to find herself the butt of a joke.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/20
The first act was completely Sondheim. I even recognized some of his other works woven into some of the background melodies of the songs-or so it appeared. The cast is fantastic. No one lags behind. Rachel Bay Jones is definitely a standout for me as well and Michaela Diamond. I am a big Denis O'Hare fan so I loved him in the role he has. I'm not sure if commercial audiences will love this, but I do hope it has life after The Shed.