And by Jennifer I meant bad...
You have good taste liotte!
She goes by Snow, and yes, she is adorable!
I'm glad you finally got to see the show and like it so much, hopefully you will be able to come back and see it again.
And although I did not see Celia in the Bee, I did see her in Les Mis this weekend, and she was my favorite part! I met her after the show too - she was so sweet!
Celia was my favorite part in Les Miz too! Though I have always loved Eponine, she makes it even better! Looking forward to seeing her in it again tomorrow night.
I think it's time I see this show again. It's been four months!
I'm going to be the Spelling Ninja for Halloween. No one will have a clue who I am but the more people that ask me who I am, the more I get to advertise the show. It all works out.
I finally saw the show again in NYC tonight!
The little girl on stage was adorable, I was so sad she misspelled apoop!!
I hope I can see the show again soon!
And I hope Deborah S Craig is back in since she was out sick all weekend!
Yeah for the BEE! I'm going on Friday, it's a show everyday this week for me and that spells..G..R..E..A..T!
it's awesome!!! saw the tour cast and liked them all!!!!
Let's just say my experiance at the bee was... AWESOME! Sorry if this post is long but I have to get this out!
So the play in itself was incredible. I went with most of my family and two of my best friends. (In Minneapolis). During Chip's Lament, Miguel Cervantes threw a Goobers really hard, and it landed in the 'box seats' that we were sitting in, in the aisle my friend Therese was in. Afterwards, they said some cast members were collecting donations for AIDS.
So we outside the balcony until a lot of people cleared, and went down, and met Miguel Cervantes (Chip)! We got a signed playbill by the cast and Therese asked if we could get a picture with him. He said 'Of course!' and was really, really nice. We said Thanks, good job, you were awesome! and were on our way down the lobby when we saw Sarah Stiles (Logainne), still in costume.
She said Hi to us and was so nice enough to take a picture, also! We were all really excited, but I almost felt bad for asking for pictures, but they really didn't seem to mind. From there we walked out of the lobby and were going to walk down a hall when tadaaa, we saw Eric Petersen! (William Barfee). We all just kind of gasped, and he approached us! We also congradulated him, and yes, another picture!
Now this is my favorite because it was too cute. Instead of walking outside in the cold, we walked down the hall in the State Theatre... and one of my favorites, Michael Zahler (who played Leaf!) was walking by! He was with friends/family. My sister Molly went 'No! Come on, let's go!' and we were all just slightly staring. He saw us, and went timidly 'Do you guys want something? An autograph?' and Therese blurts out 'A picture!' So he took a photo with us, also.
The people around him were going 'awww.' and slightly embarrassing us, but it was okay, but it was my favorite character. So on the ride to the hotel we all squee'd and looked over the pictures. They were all so nice! It was amazing.
(I swear we're not as annoying as we sound. I actually didn't want to bother them with pictures, but they seemed happy to do it.)
Glad you guys are loving the tour! They were great and I'm so glad they were in a city close enough to me to go see them!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/14/05
My daughter saw the Chicago production and she loved it!
broadwaypanda, do you know who went on for deborah craig the weekend when she was out?
who understudies when the understudy is out? i know lisa yuen's currently in san jose - my sis is in the ensemble there in the production of "King and I" (it ended yesterday) and it was so much fun b/c I got to go to the cast party. Lisa was the sweetest, and she sat down with me as I asked her all about the show. I asked her how long she thinks it'll run on broadway, and she thinks it'll never close b/c it's such a cheap production to put on (no fancy helicopters on set, or falling chandeliers), that it'll stay on as long as it's still making a profit.
I also asked her about the times when national spelling bee winners get picked from the audience to spell, and what happens - she says that they're busy making up words to get them out! I guess the concern is that the audience is getting so excited that they'll run out of steam to last them the entire second half of the show.
anyways, thought i'd share this info with people who love the spelling bee as much as i do!
I finally won lotto for Spelling Bee yesterday. I loved it! It was hysterical!!
Yay, more Bee love!!
When Lisa Y is gone, Kate Wetherhead went on as Marcy. Now Katie Basile is the new cover for the female roles, since Kate left yesterday to start Legally Blonde rehearsals. She will be missed but I am excited to see her in that!
Glad things are going well with Lisa Y out in CA, thanks for sharing!
Is anyone going this week? Deborah is on vacation, I'd love to hear reports on Katie as Marcy Park!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
I think I saw her first performance as Marcy, and she was great! I'd love to see how she's grown in the role.
Yeah, I saw her last weekend and she did a great job. Looking forward to seeing her again. Though I miss Deborah, haven't seen her in ages! The last few times I saw the show have been with Katie, the tour, and a couple times with Kate Wetherhead.
Cincinnati review!
(start ranty audience bit)
Worst. School group. Evah. at the Bee tonight.
I thought it was bad when they wouldn't stop talking from the start, and Lisa Howard had to change her lines at the beginning to include something along the lines of '...and please, no talking in the audience while our spellers are trying to concentrate on stage' when she does the parents please turn off your cell phones bit.
And then it got worse when someone from their group started yelling things out during the show (someone who I learned after the show was an adult chaperone, *not* a student.)
And then the cell phone went off. And the girl who owned the phone wouldn't turn the f'n thing off! And it wasn't a regular old phone ring, oh no- it was one of those extra special plays the actual song ringtones. Panch told her to turn it off, still kept ringing. Finally Josh, up at the mic, looks over at her and goes "what the hell is that?" and she finally turns it off.
So, Hazard Bulldogs (this is what happens when members of your group wear sweatshirts with your school name/team/logo on them- I might not know where you're from, but I certainly know the name of your school now), nice work. Well played. And it's cool that the made up blonde in the front row is a Cheerleader (again- nice sweatshirt), but perhaps someone should teach her how to turn off her f'n cell the *first* time a CAST MEMBER ON STAGE has to say something to her.
(/end audience ranty bit)
So other than that distraction it was a fun time at the Bee tonight. It was my first time seeing Katie as Marcy Park, I totally love Deborah and Deborah is Marcy for me but there's something in Katie's "I blew that word..." that I totally loved.
This thread is a GREAT musical, unlike a now-locked thrad by a certain thespiangeek.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/5/04
I'm so excited! The show is coming to Dallas in a couple weeks. I have tickets for the closing show (front row, I think) but I need tickets for opening night or one of the other nights. I want to take the guy I'm dating to see it...
I wish my sister could see it, but they are too far from Dallas.
Anakela, that sucks!
I was there tonight too, that group was ridiculous!!!