Swing Joined: 6/19/06
What do we think about the seat C1? It's right one the aisle, so I figured it would be good enough. Do you think it will be too far off center or still enjoyable. And is it too close?
I already bought it so it's too late, regardless. I'm just curious! Thanks!
I just spent a good hour or so reading this entire thread, as it is my first time here. And like most of you I am completely addicted to this show. Like one person said (much) earlier, "I just want to be friends with the cast!"
I am 29 years old and live about an hour and a half away from the city. I like to drive up as often as I can to spend the day and usually catch a show. My sister and I decided to go together on 12/27 and we met up with a friend there. While we were walking around looking for a show to see, (RENT was our first choice but we didn't win the lottery tickets) we stumbled upon the Eugene O'Neil Theatre and saw the ads for the show and naturally, we were curious. We finally decided on it and from the moment that I saw it, that night at 8:00 pm, I have been IN LOVE WITH IT!!
I recently went back to see it again, on 1/10 and also went to the CD signing that day at Virgin. (If you look closely in the video you can see me in the background while they are singing.) After the show that night I tried the whole stage-door thing and got to talk to the cast for the second time that day. And, as everyone else has said, they are the nicest cast you will ever meet!
At first my fascination and addiction to this show made me a little uncomfortable. I realize that most of the people who are ga-ga over the show, and some of the cast memebers (I too wouldn't mind having John Groff's babies!), are considerably younger than myself, as are the actors. But I have soon come to terms with it. This show has made me remember all of the wonderful and scary things that I experienced growing up and all of those same things that I now miss and wish I could have again. Someone else mentioned that they are especially taken with "Left Behind" and "Those You've Known." These are two of the songs that touch me most as I feel as though they are almost my own thoughts at times.
I am in awe of what a talented group of people this show has. I have also not stopped listening to the cd in over 2 weeks now. I want to talk to them and learn more and more about them, but not in a psycho stalker way-I am just that amazed by them!
I am going back on 1/28 and am seriously considering seeing in twice that day!
I love the cast recording.
I sent it to two of my friends.
They've become obessed with it.
Its very emotional and very connecting to teens, kind of like a certain musical about OZ. They both have the connection of being an outsider in a sense.
I enjoy musicals about outcasts
Understudy Joined: 5/11/06
<- is it just me or does Jonathan B. Wright kind of look like a blonde Josh Hartnet?
Check this picture from his website.
DEFINATELY not just you. I have said that from the beginning and almost everybody said i'm crazy.
It looks obvious to me at least!
o wow i never thought of that but he does look similar to josh hartnett! what do you guys think about a john gallagher jr. resembling ben affleck? especially when i saw him at the stage door i thought it!
God I wish I could get out there and see this show... Boo for living in California.
^ Same here. I don't have 1000+ dollars at the moment.
KGALLO- i am soooo happy you love Spring Awakening ... as do i. i will be seeing it Feb. 8th and Feb. 17th. i really cant wait to see it again!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/13/06
In case anyone is interested, I did a higher quality scan of the Teen Vogue picture.
full scan, 1024x1374.
Updated On: 1/20/07 at 05:52 AM
Swing Joined: 1/1/07
kgallo I first felt the same as you being 29 too but then I had the same epiphany as you.....I need to see this show again....I have to wait another month or two and I am probably going to take people that haven't seen it so I can get them addicted too
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
ahem... anyone whos.. in the mood for a good cry might want to head on over to that forbidden site and do a little SA search (going to "date added"). Just sayin.
and pheobe went on today as ilse right!? anyone go? I'm really curious to hear how she did! I LOVE her Blue Wind so much.
snl, I saw that a couple hours ago and i'm still crying. I'm not gonna go on my rant about it though....let's just leave it at very emotional.
snl again, HOW do you find that type of information out?! I had no idea she was going on for Ilse! Where was Krysta? And I love her Blue Wind, too. And Phoebe.
and and and and and and
Leading Actor Joined: 12/19/06
I thought that Phoebe went on for Lea Michelle this afternoon in the role of Wendla.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/4/05
snl, I saw that a couple hours ago and i'm still crying. I'm not gonna go on my rant about it though....let's just leave it at very emotional.
yeah, let's lets just say I thought I'd grown kind of immune to it from listening to Those You've Known from the recording addictively. yeah, now that I've actually *seen* it again, notsomuch.
and actually I guess it was arranged that pheobe would be on today cause someone (I forget just who) mentioned it a while ago! :) I'm trying to remember what thread it was in... oh, it was the "spring awakening question" thread I believe. But the funny thing is, apparantly both Lauren AND Krysta were there today, its just Lauren was in the audience and Krysta was on as Anna! that I dont get... even if Lauren for whatever reason was arranged to be in the audience, why would Krysta and Pheobe switch places?? haha
I am on the unmentionable site and in heaven!*sings operatic note on heaven*
excuse me for my lack of knowledge, but what is the unmentionable site??
Go to the off-topic section and the first topic on the list mentions the unmentionable site.
Question: I'm at a lost of why people switch characters. Can someone bring me up to speed on this?
Updated On: 1/21/07 at 12:16 AM
"but what is the unmentionable site??"
"Question: I'm at a lost of why people switch characters. Can someone bring me up to speed on this? "
Only the adults switch characters. There are a lot of different adult characters and Stephen Spinella plays "adult men" and Christine Estabrook plays "adult women."
i just saw spring awakening today at a matinee..[and now can finally talk about it!]
all i have to say is; wow. just, wow.
this show is.. there are no words. literally i was speechless.
this show, this.. piece of art, is the most beautiful piece of theatre i have ever seen. [and i have seen my fair share]
i have never, connected in such a way with anything ever before. i am just amazed and in awe. i am inspired. i just really, felt the music. and those of you who have seen it know what i mean. it's just that powerful. i am just so, affected by this musical. i am truly touched. and it's frustrating because whenever i try to put the way this show made me feel/the way i feel about it into words, it sounds so lame. but it is the truth, really.
and being a teenager myself, i really relate. this stuff really does happen. maybe not to this calipur all the time, but it is realistic.
it is absolutely something everyone needs to see, and most definitely all teens. i know every teenager can relate to this on some level.
i am just so happy and impressed and feel really very very lucky to have gotten a chance to experience this.
and i met the cast, all of them. this is probably the kindest and most generous cast i have ever met. not only did ALL of them come out to meet, greet, sign, and photo.. [in the bitter bitter cold, let me tell you, i was out there for over an hour and could not feel my fingers, but that is a different story] but they stayed much longer than they had to to talk to us.
take johnathan gallagher, he stayed probably the longest. talking to me for at least 15 minutes. seriously. we talked about a lot of things (and i told him i was rooting for him for the big T, haha) and the show and what not, and he was like "yes yes! you really got it!" which is awesome because that just reiterates how much i connected. i just, i understand. he even remembered me from when i met him after rabbithole. he is such a talented guy. [and my favorite, can you tell?]
and we had a poster to be signed that is going to be auctioned off for bc/efa, and they were all so enthusiastic about it, and jonathan groff told us this story about he & bc/efa. they are such a terrific cast. i honestly hope they go far, this show is too incredible to be missed. and i just hope the tony voters realize and recognize this show the way it should be recognized.
which is why i am ordering onstage tickets to see it again. =)
so amazing. guys, if you haven't already, or hell, even if you have... you must go see spring awakening. one of the best and most memorable experiences of my life. honestly.
lots of love for spring awakening! <3
can you tell i liked it, just a little? =)
thanks for letting me gush.
thanks...I feel kind of stupid now :)
Oh man. That video mixed with dramaqueen2's post makes me want to see it even more. April is too far away. Argh.