Oh, Jazz, I hope it all works out.
The easy thing about the hotel room.....most hotels do not charge by the PERSON, just by the room so bringing a second person in is not a big deal. LOTS of traveling people bring along a family member....they only have to pay for the traveling expenses.
Sometimes the extra day actually brings down the cost of the airline so places don't care much about that either.
LOL! Sounds like quite a show!
At least I'll know going in - thanks everyone. I may not warn my husband, just for fun! I'll just give him a few drinks before hand. It will do him good At least it's not all just female nudity which is usually the case. Fair play, I say!
I got the cast recording on iTunes today and I LOVE IT!
Featured Actor Joined: 10/23/07
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you, Jazzy. If anybody deserves to see Hair and meet Gavin Creel, it's you.
lovett, defnintely don't tell him. his face will be priceless.
as for jazz...YAY! i hope it all works out for you! if anyone else is in/around the city that day we should meet up!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Haha, you guys are the best...thanks! If/when the trip happens, I would LOVE to meet some BWWers. I need people to actually believe me when I tell them I do not have a southern accent, AND I wanna meet some of the nice people I've met on these threads. Seriously, I don't want to sound all cocky...but I think the 'Starshines' are probably the best fanbase. We're all nice people, we're all fangirls without be TOO fangirly, we're not obnoxious with our Hair obsession...no one beats the Starshines.
obviously no one beats the starshines. Guilty Ones can get over themselves.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
I love Spring Awakening to death...but the Guilty Ones are SO annoying. They need to just... calm down. Same with the RENT-heads. Boy do I love RENT, but some people in the fanbase are just...yikes.
I'm sure somewhere, there is fan club for Hair that is full of the same type of fans. They just are not here. (Yipee.)
I agree about the starshines. We have a great group of fans on this board. Much love to all.
I'm sure somewhere, there is fan club for Hair that is full of the same type of fans. They just are not here. (Yipee.)
Most definitely, that's what I assumed Jazzy meant. Hair fans in general are made of win.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
Yeeaah, there's definitely another place where...really, really enthusiastic Hair fans gather. But people seem pretty cool around here.
Can we take a look at this for a moment?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Awesome picture, dramadude!!!
And Jazzy, I resemble that Renthead remark!
But yes, so far, all the Starshines are awesome. This is a great place for us to converge.
Great. Another reason for me to envy Allison Case.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
I'm sure somewhere, there is fan club for Hair that is full of the same type of fans. They just are not here. (Yipee.)
Anybody who could possibly assert that in all seriousness really needs to take a fearless inventory of this thread.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
That was one of the best moments of the Tony Awards.
And FindingNamo, believe it or not, there are totally crazier fans than on this thread. (And I'm trying really, really hard not to come off as one. I swear I'm sane. *sigh*)
Awww! I'm SO jealous of Alison! I wanna dance with Raul.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/23/07
Yeeaah, there's definitely another place where...really, really enthusiastic Hair fans gather.
What place is that?
Well they DID gather on June 26th at Central Park. Best. day. ever.
that was one of the most crazy amazing days ever. i hope they do more outdoor performances and stuff of the sort.
If Gavin's last show is September 6th, I wanna get my tickets NOW.
Seeing it for the second time by this time next week from the front row!!
Updated On: 7/22/09 at 03:24 PM
CS....did I miss a post? What is this talk of Gavin's last show? I cannot imagine he doesn't have a year contract. And I'm SURE he would't be leaving with only FIVE months in.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
In the interview , he said he is contracted until Sept. 6th, but he will see what happens.
Updated On: 7/22/09 at 03:30 PM