I just found the article...and came back to change my post! Thanks anyway!
Wow...short commitment. I'm guessing he'll stay...he's having WAAAYY toooo much fun.
If it is his last show, I wanna see some BWW Starshines there!
yea i doubt(and hope he doesn't) he'll leave.
they posted 4 new cast blogs up on hairbroadway.com !
CS, I will be there for the final performance whenever it may be. I hope he extends though. Sept. 6 is just too soon. Although, I'm tempted to buy tickets...just in case. LOL
Ill be at the show September 6 if it's his last...it can't be though!
I think he will stay longer because the march in D.C. isn't until October. Wouldn't it make sense for him to stay in the show?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
I have a feeling he won't leave just yet, because of connection the cast of HAIR has to the Equity March in DC and how he was the catalyst behind that, but he probably can't say anything until it gets closer to Sept. 6.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
He seems to happy and proud of this show to not extend.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
That too.
Gavin leave???? Nooooooo! I just bought my tickets for October 8th!
Oh, I hope he extends....pleeaassseeee!
Well, until he signs a new contract, he'd be foolish (and probably not allowed) to say anything about weather or not he WANTS to extend.
Here's a thought on the short life of the his contract:
A while ago (back in Jan?) the word was that the producers were asking EVERYONE to work for scale (the lowest amount that Equity would allow). Rumor was that was one reason Groff didn't sign on. It would make sense that Creel (and perhaps others) agreed to a short contract at the scale rate, so that if it were successful, they wouldn't have to wait as long (a year) to get a raise and away from scale.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Hmm...I really hope he'll extend. I agree that he probably would stay because of the DC thing in October, but either way...I'm sure his replacement will kick bottom.
Swing Joined: 7/22/09
Hello all of you lovely Starshines!!
I've been keeping track of all of your conversations and experiences from HAIR for awhile now, and finally decided to join in and share my love for this amazing show (and even more amazing cast!)
I fell in love with all things HAIR after seeing the cast performance at the 2009 Tony Awards. I've always known I have a hippie soul, but something about this specific group of people really opened my eyes and heart to a world of inspiration I never thought I would find! I've been struggling with some chronic health ailments for awhile now, and still have some way to go in getting my full health back on track...but the spirit of these very talented, loving group of performers has touched my heart and inspired me to believe that anything is possible if I have hope and stay true to who I am.
I know that so many of you absolutely adore the lovely Allison Case, and I do to! The moment I saw her beautiful, glowing face at the Tony Awards, I was so filled with her infectious spirit. She is someone I greatly admire and aspire to be like in my own life...full of optimism and compassion.
I was just talking to my Mom about my greatest dream, going to New York to see this cast perform...being able to interact with them, dance, sing, smile...and I was telling her how it probably wasn't possible (I live in San Jose, CA) with our finances and my health right now, but maybe in six months I'll be feeling a lot better (I will, I just know it!), and how that goal should be the hope that guides me through my recovery. I told her that even though it wasn't really possible, I should still pretend and hold onto that feeling with all my heart and soul so that I'll heal sooner and feel hope...
...and her response was...that it wasn't all that impossible!
HAIR has changed my life already, and I believe it's going to change my life even more in the coming months! The entire musical and every member of the tribe have become a beacon of hope and change for me, and even though I don't know exactly how things will turn out, I choose to believe that this dream can and will come true for me...
I turn 22 in August, and this is giong to be my year for dreams to come true! I'll be fully healed and strong, dancing on that stage with the cast and letting the sunshine in on Broadway!
Thank you so much for letting me share some of my story here of how HAIR has impacted my life (so far!) I know that it's a ways out, but I was wondering if any of you who are more familiar with the workings of Broadway could give me some kind of input on wether most of the original cast would still be there in March 2010? I know there's no written in stone answer for that inquiry, but maybe I'm just looking for some more hope...one can never have too much!
Thanks again, and I send each of you wonderful Starshines ALL my love.
Keep spreading peace.
rushofgreatness, you just made me so happy, i cannot explain :) Even though I'm not necessarily in your situation, I too believe Hair has changed my life, and definitely for the better. I so hope you get to see the show.
Anyway, about your question. Apparently Gavin is only contracted until September 6th, but the general consensus is that he'll probably (hopefully) extend. Besides that, I feel like I heard that most of the cast is contracted until at least March, but I guess we'll all find out together.
Hope all works out for you.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/22/03
So, English is a second language for a lot of you guys, huh? I guess peace and love and tragedy are universal languages.
i too was in a situation a little bit like yours rushofgreatness. i wasn't so sure of what to do after high school and wasn't sure if college was for me so recently i applied for the navy even tho i am(and even before seeing hair) very anti war. i've decided to call it all off and apply to schools this coming year. i feel like hair was a sign for me. hair has changed my life completely. after all of that happening, the show, and especially the end of act 1 is very emotional for me. i feel like a much better person now as well. best of luck to you rushofgreatness i hope you do get to come see the show one day and dance your ass off on stage!
There is something about the show that I can't put my finger on, but for some reason, this has been one of the few shows in my life that have reminded me why I love theater. I mean, when that moon cloth drops and I see Sasha Allen start strutting out onto the stage and everyone cheering, it is just something that makes me smile, no matter how many times I will see it. The show also has taught me to embrace who I am and not care about what people think. It is such a beautiful thing. Sorry if this was cheesy. Haha.
^^ I agree 100%. It is a beautiful show. It helped me open my eyes and evaluate/change my view on some things. Kind of hard for me to put into words exactly, but it has changed me in a positive way.
Updated On: 7/23/09 at 12:32 AM
I have 4 tickets to Gavin's show at Joe's Pub on Monday at 9:30. PM me if you are interested.
Oh, how I wish I could take those tickets, but alas, alack, I cannot get to the city. DAMN.
BTW....I think we just got a shout out from Caissie Levy on her FB:
"Caissie Levy is HAAPPPYYYY to be working on this show!!! thank you to all the Starshines for all the love!"
I'm not sure if either:
A -- we started something and now this is what the fangirls will WANT to be called (other than us, as we are so much better than the fangirls)
B -- we just aren't as original as we hoped
No matter what, pretty cool to see!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
I googled 'Starshines' and we're the only group I could find, so I'm pretty sure that she either read this thread, or someone who posts here told her about 'Th Starshines' at the stage door. Either way, I think it's awesome
"The Starshines." Sounds like a 60's Motown group. :)
Can I join this thread? I have never seen this show on Broadway and I probably never will, because I live in Europe (hate it, hate it, hate it), but I listen to the cast recording constantly, I'm in love with the whole cast, I can't stop watching the cast blog video's and my new motto is: Everyday spend without listening to the cast recording of Hair is a bad day (in Dutch that sentence actually makes sense). Is that the definition of a Starshine?
welcome to the club lisa!
and i think even if she didn't mean the BWW Starshines, it's still a shoutout to us. :]