i'd say it would probably be the same. there might be a few less people there that know gavin is out, but to balance it out there might be people like myself who like to see understudies and if Paris goes on i WILL be one of those people.
Yeah that's what I figured, cause I haven't seen any understudies, and would love to see Jay or Paris. Guess we'll see.
Actually, Katie has gone on at least twice for Crissy.
Interesting! I feel like someone would've mentioned that.
I saw it last Wednesday for my 3rd time.
THAT could be the silliest thing I'd seen in a long, LONG time!
Thanks for posting!
EDIT: you and Gavin posted this about the same time (he on his FB) -- did he find it from you or did you steal it from him? (No negativity intended!)
I noticed on the last page that someone asked about the # of people singing during The Flesh Failures. Sometimes there are more people singing because Caissie and/or Sasha just don't have the power behind their voice that night. They will also switch out who sings the higher part so they don't wear out their voices as easily.
Also wanted to say that I saw the show again yesterday and Steele was BRILLIANT as Berger!
Can I just give my love to the HAIR lotto? It's soo much fun! The lotto guy is actually nice and fair and he always gets everyone so excited! My favorite is yelling "They don't need them! WOOOO!"
Taylor, that just made my day, because that was my friend and I who didn't need the tickets! And Alex really is the best of the best when it comes to lottos.
Apparently I am the only person in the universe who didn't know there was nudity in this show! I just purchased 6th row seats. Can someone please describe the extent/amount of nudity! I know it won't bother *me* but my husband may kill me, lol!
Updated On: 7/21/09 at 08:43 AM
It's not sexual nudity. It's dark and only for about 30 seconds.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
If I'm understanding correctly, the nudity is more of a protest than anything sexual in nature. It's brief, but long enough if to make people who don't feel comfortable with that kind of thing uncomfortable, IMHO.
And that Sesame Street video is the first thing I saw when I got to work this morning. CLASSIC.
The nudity is incredibly tasteful and, indeed, not sexual at all. It is a protest and a freedom.
I wouldn't worry too much.
The nudity is quite possibly the least sexual moment of the show. Like everyone said, it's really tasteful, the lighting is dark, and it's done in protest.
the nudity is done very well and i dont think that it really bothers to many people. most people know that it's going to happen. i do think that there are some people who just dont like it(exp. woman on phone at intermission: WHAT THE F*CK MOM YOU NEVER SAID THEY WERE GETTING NAKED! WHY DID YOU GET ME TICKETS TO THIS I'M COMING HOME!) and it's at the worst time too. right before intermission so you can talk/feel akward about it during the whole 15 minutes. that girl was freaking out tho. it's really one of my favorite parts of the show if you don't look at it like a 5 year old.
Broadway Star Joined: 1/17/07
I was at the show once surrounded by a bunch of foreign tourists who obviously had no idea what the show was about, as they gasped/looked shocked when Will took his pants off, when the cast came into the audience, when there were drug references, during the whole "you guys are beautiful together..." scene, when one of them got a flower, etc, so I knew they would flip out at the nude scene. Which they did, but at least they stayed for the second act. I think they were more surprised and shocked by everything, rather than offended.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Exactly what I mean yay-gerb. Some people just aren't comfortable with any kind of nudity and they get all freaky about it. Which is a shame, because they're missing the point of the show then if they're making it all about one 1-minute nude scene.
I think it's kind of cool that they were "shocked" though: that was part of the original point. That girl on the phone is really sad though. I mean I'm sad for her, that she didn't enjoy it. I have to agree that it was one of my favorite points of the show too, because Where Do I Go is one of my favorite songs, and it was really just a perfect moment.
Yeah, the nudity isn't sexual at all. You're so into the moment of Claude's struggle/protest that it really isn't too shocking. Plus, there all bunched together so theres only like 6 or 7 in full view. HOWEVER lol at the end of the Act there isn't a blackout (which I was surpised by) and its a little strange wathcing everyone walk off naked lol....Will in particular seems to strut across the stage hahha
For comparison, I saw both this and Rock of Ages with my mother and I felt MUCH more awkard at the front row of Rock of Ages with girls in their panties shakin thier stuff inches away with my mom next to me lmao
I did, in fact, steal this from Gavin. I am overwhelmed with shame.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
Ok guys, put all the brownies and cookie dough for the Jazzy bake sale on hold, I MIGHT get to New York City sometime soon (squeak!). It's actually kind of funny...you'll laugh.
I was having lunch with my mom today, and somehow I got into the topic of HAIR and how much I am obsessed with it. My grandmother (aka, my mom's mom) goes to NYC on business a lot. She is pretty well respected in that company, and they are pretty friendly with her (mainly because they're terrified of her since she has such a high status). Anyway, when I brought up HAIR, my mom said that she would talk to my grandmother and ask her when she'll be going to New York City again...and to see if I can join her . I would have to buy my own plane ticket and 2 tickets to the show, but I have sufficient funds...so I'm not worried. My grandmother would be able to get me into the hotel with her (she's done that before. I've gone to Mexico City 4 times with her while she was on business trips...don't ask me how she manages to do it) and she would have to convince the people of her company to book the hotel for an extra day, but she's managed to do that several times (and I STILL don't know how...). The funny thing is, I would be seeing Hair with my grandmother, lol. It doesn't get much funnier than that! Nothing is set and stone, but right now...I have a chance that I can go to NYC and see HAIR (finally)!!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/16/06
Yay! I hope everything works out for you!
I have seen the show with my very conservative father, so you should not have a problem :)
Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
When do you think you'll find out??
HUZZAH!!! That's awesome. And it can't be worse than when I saw Spring Awakening with my dad. Most awkward intermission of my life. He still talks about how he was "tricked" into seeing it. lol.