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Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...- Page 88

Starshines Unite! The official HAIR love thread...

wendilin622 Profile Photo
#2175berger replacement
Posted: 9/13/09 at 7:04am

If it makes her happy, doesn't that consequently make the world a better place berger replacement

Off to the city for Bway on Bway then the matinee. I shall report back this evening!

#2176berger replacement
Posted: 9/13/09 at 7:16am

in reply to the sound/volume topic ( a few back ) the following is from Hilton Als New Yorker review of this production:
"Will someone who?s associated with ?Hair? (in revival at the Al Hirschfeld, under the direction of Diane Paulus) do the production a favor and turn the **** down?"

#2177berger replacement
Posted: 9/13/09 at 9:17am

So happy to see Allison is back in...hopefully Will be alright.

Seeing this Tuesday night finally!

Right Orchestra Row B Seat 6...decent seat?

#2178berger replacement
Posted: 9/13/09 at 9:37am

Hi, wish!

GREAT SEATS THEY ARE!!! Thoes seats were where my friend and I sat when we saw the show. Where you are going to be is really the first row as the real first row from the center doesn't go all the way acros. Enjoy!!! berger replacement

"To The Stage!!!" - La Vie Boheme

buffy27 Profile Photo
#2179berger replacement
Posted: 9/13/09 at 10:06am

"Ryan... oh Ryan. Just not a great Berger. Very nice and can sing really well, but just doesn't have the charisma or presence that Will or Steel have."
Leia In regards to this post. I understand that you are a big fan of the show and we are all entitled to our opinions but I dont think as a fan of the show it is your job to decipher who is fit to play the role or not. Will plays the role full time and he is amazing backed up by the fact he was nominated for and deserved a Tony Award. Now in the case of Ryan...he hasnt gone on much but that doesnt mean he isnt good. The man is on Broadway covering several roles. Hes talented. How do you think he would feel if he came to the board and saw that written about him? Its not right. Go and enjoy the show and the message it brings and stop being so concerned about an actor's performance. Alot of us on here are familiar with the cast and the different roles they cover but most of the audience isnt. If they came away from the show with a great experience and great things to say who really cares who played Berger. Im sorry but you dont have a right to critique his performance and say hes not meant for the role. Why dont you go up there and try it and see what people say about you. This just bugs me.

#2180berger replacement
Posted: 9/13/09 at 11:25am

I thought Ryan Link did a pretty great job as Berger. The character came across as a little awkward but trying to cover it up, trying a little too hard in general. I really liked that about his characterization. I don't know, I thought it worked and I enjoyed his performance.
Updated On: 9/13/09 at 11:25 AM

#2181berger replacement
Posted: 9/13/09 at 11:34am

Buffy's post is exactly what is the matter with these organized fan groups, even if they're just online. Sure, I personally think it's ridiculous how many people feel like they're insiders because they've seen the show a ton of times and talked to the cast and therefore think they're friends and their relationships are special. But really, if the people who give themselves the (silly) Starshines name are not qualified to talk about the quality of a performance by an understudy, then WHO IS exactly?

I understand that you are a big fan of the show and we are all entitled to our opinions but I dont think as a fan of the show it is your job to decipher who is fit to play the role or not.

So, there are RULES of what a fan of the show's "job" is? It's pathetic enough that being a fan is a job (although reading this thread it certainly does seem like a certain amount of work to see every single possible permutation of cast owing to illness and time off and accident), but to find out that somebody, even one person, thinks there's a job description and somebody else violated it? Dreadful.

Many of you are starting to sound like Trekkies. One result of that is that flowers and long hair wigs are becoming as geeky as pointy ear attachments and stuffed tribbles.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2182Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 11:46am


Leia947 is just expressing her view that Ryan is not right for the part of Berger. If she doesn't think that he fits the role, than she has every right to express that belief on this thread and there is nothing that should restrict her from doing so.

in response to your previous post. As some one who is in contact with Leia outside of BWW, Leia947 does much more than just fangirling over HAIR all day long.

"There's nothing good on. The media hates Christmas. The media loves vampires, though. Maybe they will show a Twilight Christmas."
-Danmeg's 10 year old son.

#2183Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:00pm

Still and all, come on.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

buffy27 Profile Photo
#2184Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:42pm

Anyway... I was just trying to simply say that keeping your thoughts as to a performers performance should be kept to yourself. If you find the need to talk about it then do so with your "friends" outside the message board. Dont post it for everyone to see especially if by chance Ryan comes across it.I know that would make me feel terrible.

#2185Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:52pm

You are certifiably insane Buffy. If you can't discuss theatre performances on a theatre message board, then you're seriously effed. This is why groups like the Starshines end up looking like such geeky caricatures. Somebody might FEEL BAD? Honey, if they can survive years of auditions and make it on Broadway, they should be able to handle an opinion.

Your effort to be a control queen and decide where and when people can discuss an issue is futile. People like you end up looking like they think they're therapists for professionals. Perhaps you can join a booster club for HAIR and give hugs to anybody in the cast who may have encountered something less than fawning, god forbid, at some point about their performances.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2186Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:55pm

People post opinions on individual performances all the time on these boards...

What Leia said about Ryan Link wasn't even that harsh. I don't get what the problem is here. How is this any different than people talking about Gina Gershon's performance in the Bye Bye Birdie thread or something?
Updated On: 9/13/09 at 12:55 PM

#2187Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:59pm

Personally, I love the way she wrote "friends" outside the message board. That little snarky dig realllllllly doesn't go with the peace and hugs and love theme that's central to the Starshines experience, does it?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#2188Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 12:59pm

Really, Buffy. ONE opinion is going to 'hurt his feelings'? REALLY. No one bashed the guy, no one said he doesn't deserve to be on B'way. ONE person commented she didn't think he was a great fit for the part. BIG Effin' deal.

And a DISCUSSION BOARD is exactly where these things can and SHOULD be discussed. If performers don't really want to know what the public thinks, then they shouldn't go where the public talks about things. Just like: if YOU don't want to read what we have to say, then don't come by here.


If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#2189Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:01pm

Wow, I go to bed after I post and look what happens..... anyway, thanks mee.who and dramamama and wendilin. And Jazzy, you already know how much I love you <3

Namo, i can never tell when you're being serious or sarcastic.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22
Updated On: 9/13/09 at 01:01 PM

#2190Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:03pm

Okay, so I hope no one gets offended for what I have to say, but if you do I am sorry. So this is the third injury that has happened to one of the performers of the show? With such a physically intense show wouldn't it be a good idea for the actors to physically condition themselves daily. I understand that these actors have lives outside of the show (Will Swenson with his kids, etc), but if this show is getting to the point where the actors are injuring themselves then maybe they should take a look at professional athletes who are in constant conditioning through their season. These athletes constantly condition so that injuries are few and they can sustain the physicality of their sports as well as being able to bounce back from injuries when they do occur. This might be asking a lot and comparing broadway actors to professional athletes may seem far fetched, but in a sense it is not such a bad idea. If the actors were required to do some physical conditioning, firstly the actors would have more endurance and stamina to do 8 shows a week and secondly their bodies would be better conditioned for all the physicality that the show requires. Just an idea.

#2191Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:07pm

As *I* said a long time ago, there is no way for people to sustain the energy the show requires for any great length of time. The human body has its limits, even among perfectly physically fit 30-somethings cast in the roles of energetic 17 year olds.

Kimchi, it's pretty clear that the two male leads are quite fit. Most professional athletes are not competing and the top of their games in their given sports 8 times a week, week after week after week.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2192Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:09pm

Maybe they just need footwear with more ankle support...

#2193Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:13pm

It was just a case of landing wrong, just like Gavin did. It could happen to anyone. I played basketball in HS, and I went up for a rebound and instead of landing on my feet, I landed on one foot and the side of the other. Rolled it and broke it. It's an accident, plain and simple. Especially with so much jumping and rolling around, people are bound to get hurt. It's not a lack of condition, just bad luck. Hair Love Thread

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22

buffy27 Profile Photo
#2194Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:36pm

I havent seen much of anything negative said about another cast member on this board. Just praise for how good the understudy is. I was surprised to see the comment about Ryan. And if everyone else can post their opinions Im going to post what I think.

#2195Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:38pm

By all means, dear, post what you think.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2196Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:41pm

I hear you Buffy. The Starshine name has become a bit RENTheadish.I have been reading the board for sometime and decided to post after similiar feelings you expressed. Namo you of all people always have something to say. And Leia you need a life sweety. Stalkarish.

#2197Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:52pm

What was your screen name before singintherain?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#2198Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 1:57pm

Wait, what? The Starshine name has become RENTheadish in that people feel they have the right to critique an individual performance? Or the Starshine name has become RENTheadish in its obsession and undying love for the performers, which makes it unacceptable to critique an individual performance? I'm confused about what you're agreeing with Buffy on.

#2199Hair Love Thread
Posted: 9/13/09 at 2:05pm

LOL @ Namo. That's exactly what I was thinking.

"And I'm a grown up....I don't go on vacations....I go to Broadway." - dramamama611

"Even I think that's hot, and I'm a straight guy. If I ever become gay he is the reason." - Drunk Chita Rivera on Gavin Creel

"Leia947 is my theatre mamma, and I love her for it." - AndAllThatJazz22
