You're in for a treat.
I saw Kerry last fall and thought she came off rather blah. Her voice was good, but it didn't seem like she was fully committed to the character and was just on stage because she had to be. Hopefully it was just an off night. On the plus side: No Good Deed brought the house down, she owns that song.
Leading Actor Joined: 12/6/07
no idea how her elphaba is (sounds solid to me from that clip) but if you have a moment hunt down her I Dreamed A Dream from London Les Mis.
absolutely stunning.
"Does this mean Stephanie's last performance is Sunday, June 15th at 3pm?"
^I second that question.
Unless she leaves a little earlier and they get a temporary replacement like they did with Sebastian, but I don't think they would.
I was kinda hoping they would bump up Lisa Brescia as the principal Elphaba or get someone new.
And has there been any confirmation yet that Annaleigh's last day is indeed April 20th and that she'll be replaced by Kendra?
Updated On: 2/25/08 at 01:30 PM
She may have a clear and effortless voice but she's nothing I would call an actress. Her diction is good but she lacks emotion throughout the whole show. If it weren't for Dianne Pilkington's Glinda, I would have died of boredom. Or even worse, fall asleep.
i think i just died a little bit. i'm going to have to see it once more so I can catch Stephanie and i'm deff. going to buy tickets to Kerry's first performance so I don't miss her.
Good for Kerry!!!
Swing Joined: 2/25/08
I was personally hoping they would put in Carmen Cusack from the national tour after it ends. She's phenomenal...good belt. Kerry is good, but can they please get some new blood in there?
Dianne was HORRIBLE. Her singing was fine, but most of the jokes fell flat with her. "Popular" was not popular in the least. There was no chemistry between her and Kerry. The only chemistry I saw was between her and Oliver, and Kerry and Oliver. That's it.
As for Kerry, when I saw her a few weeks ago, she looked completely bored. Very mechnical. I would NEVER compare her voice to Idina Menzel's though. Idina's struggled with the score, more days than not. Kerry flows through it effortlessly. She brought the house down "No Good Deed." It made up for her "Wizard and I," which did not have the audience clapping wildly as it should. If she was trying to go for emo/elphaba, she did it. I saw no transition from school girl to Wicked Woman.
Oliver was amazing though. Just as good as Joey McIntyre, except his voice soars. Completely soars. Joey was great, but Oliver's voice is much more classically trained-- along the vein of Matthew Morrison or David Burnham.
Swing Joined: 2/25/08
I just read the release more says Kerry will be going back to London by the end of the year anyway. Is there any place we can send comments about who the theater community would like to see more of?
I rather like Kerry's interpretation of Elphaba. Her voice is wonderful as well. When she first started as the stand-by, people compared her voice to Stephanie's. The amusing thing is, Stephanie, with her proper-sounding diction, sounds more British than the actual Brit!
Good for Kerry!
Broadway Star Joined: 4/16/07
I saw Kerry last July, and loved her. She really has a powerful voice and it all seems so effortless. But like others have said, she did seem very bored and her "Defying Gravity" seemed devoid of emotion. But she absolutely owns "No Good Deed" and "The Wizard and I".
Whoever said to get Helen Dallimore to Broadway-please no. Helen was my least favorite part of the show. On the side, Oliver Thompsett is amazing, he should come over too, though I'd also love new blood.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/28/08
I rather like Kerry's interpretation of Elphaba. Her voice is wonderful as well. When she first started as the stand-by, people compared her voice to Stephanie's. The amusing thing is, Stephanie, with her proper-sounding diction, sounds more British than the actual Brit!
I actually thought that Stephanie was British when I first saw her. And in some of the videos I see of Kerry she sounds American. LOL
David said his contract is up in June so it'll be interesting too see whether or not he extends and if he doesn't who'll take over for him.
Oh I hope David stays. I really liked him in the role.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/16/06
I was really hoping for Lisa as well. I hope she stays as standby at least, she is incredible in the role (as is Kerry...I am very happy for her). I wish Amy Adams had a little bit stronger of a voice because I would love to see her as Glinda lol. I think she'd be cute...and new lol. Anyway, who cares if the keep the same women...I mean it would be nice to see someone new, but they are all very good and the producers know they can carry the show. Oh well. I'm excited though!
I don't know how I feel about this or Kerry Ellis. I was hoping for Lisa Brescia, but whatever.
Stand-by Joined: 2/4/06
she definitely makes it looks effortless. and i think she definitely sounds like idina menzel!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/16/06
I don't know which Idina Menzel you're talking about lol. I personally think that Idina has a very narrow, electric sound while Kerry has more of a rounder, brassier sound. Both are amazing, but completely different. I think.
She was hair-raising when I saw her- so much power and a seemingly endless voice!
Featured Actor Joined: 6/3/07
Please don't mention Hellen Dallimore! I'm sure she's a very nice person but her voice is possibly the most annoying sound known to man. She runs around the stage shrieking like a banshee.
I heard that Kendra was supposed to come back a few months after Annaleigh started but just after she left, the deal fell through and Annaleigh's contract was extended.
Does Stephanie J. Block miss a lot of performances? I really want to see her, but I don't want to take too many chances.
"I heard that Kendra was supposed to come back a few months after Annaleigh started but just after she left, the deal fell through and Annaleigh's contract was extended."
Really? Awesome!