Looks like rehearsals have started!
The show website now lists Kate Wetherhead as the sole book writer. Paul Rudnick must have left sometime in the last few months.
theatreguy said: "The show website now lists Kate Wetherhead as the sole book writer. Paul Rudnick must have left sometime in the last few months."
Interesting. He probably requested that his name be removed from the show (like Marcus Gardley with Paradise Square) if they significantly rewrote his contributions.
Let's get a full cast announcement!
I LOVE the novel and the film. Really hoping they get this right. I think this has so much potential to be a great musical, but I feel like if the material isn't handled properly and/or the tone of the musical is even just slightly off, it could be a mess. Hoping for the best!
Hopefully the costumes and scenic design emulate the iconic 2006 film. Take your liberties with the book but the look of the film must be full on. LEGALLY BLONDE did this to great results. PRETTY WOMAN failed as they kept true to the screenplay. They kept the look of the film and used dialogue verbatim from the film, which is overkill when adapting a well-known film to the stage (not ignoring its original book source).
Per a reliable source, Prada S.p.A. has been extremely hands-on with the design process and have custom-built hundreds of pieces/outfits for the show. The looks are going to scalp.
inlovewithjerryherman said: "Per a reliable source, Prada S.p.A. has been extremely hands-on with the design process and have custom-built hundreds of pieces/outfits for the show. The looks are going to scalp."
That's exciting. Who is the costume designer for the Broadway production?
inlovewithjerryherman said: "Per a reliable source, Prada S.p.A. has been extremely hands-on with the design process and have custom-built hundreds of pieces/outfits for the show. The looks are going to scalp."
Beth confirmed this in a podcast interview for SENTIMENTAL MEN. Arianne Phillips (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Head Over Heels, Hedwig revival, Madonna) is costume designing and collaborating with Prada S.p.A.. Beth discusses Devil Wears Prada quite a bit including how Shaina invited Anna Shapiro to see The Prom after having trouble finding a Miranda.
Arianne has mentioned the project before: https://michelefossi.com/2021/11/25/arianne-philipps-picture-this/ and https://magazinec.com/culture/an-audience-with-tom-ford-and-tarantinos-favorite-costume-designer/
That's exciting. Who is the costume designer for the Broadway production?
No costume designer has been credited nor mentioned in any press release or any production updates issued so far.
jacobsnchz14 said: "inlovewithjerryherman said: "Per a reliable source, Prada S.p.A. has been extremely hands-on with the design process and have custom-built hundreds of pieces/outfits for the show. The looks are going to scalp."
Beth confirmed this in a podcast interview for SENTIMENTAL MEN. Arianne Phillips (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, Head Over Heels, Hedwig revival, Madonna) is costume designing and collaborating with PradaS.p.A.. Beth discusses Devil Wears Prada quite a bit including how Shaina invited Anna Shapiro to see The Prom after having trouble finding a Miranda.
Arianne has mentioned the project before:https://michelefossi.com/2021/11/25/arianne-philipps-picture-this/andhttps://magazinec.com/culture/an-audience-with-tom-ford-and-tarantinos-favorite-costume-designer/"
Arianne Phillips
What projects do you have in the pipeline?
I’m currently designing the Broadway musical The Devil Wears Prada, with music by Elton John and directed by the uber-talented Anna Shapiro. The last film I designed is Don’t Worry Darling directed by Olivia Wilde. It’s a stylish feminist thriller with plenty of twists and turns, incredible visuals and a stellar cast featuring Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Chris Pine and Gemma Chan. Both will be out in 2022.
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "inlovewithjerryherman said: "Per a reliable source, Prada S.p.A. has been extremely hands-on with the design process and have custom-built hundreds of pieces/outfits for the show. The looks are going to scalp."
That's exciting. Who is the costume designer for the Broadway production?"
Arianne Phillips designing costumes will be amazing and gorgeous! Who's the lighting and set designer?
I’ve got my tickets to the first preview. Love seeing these out-of-town tryouts in Chicago before any word gets out, and I’m hoping it lives up to my expectations.
Christine Jones is doing scenic design it looks like.
https://tisch.nyu.edu/design/news/december-2019---january-2020-faculty-projects and https://www.livedesignonline.com/theatre/when-lights-went-out-scenic-designer-christine-jones
Menken Fan said: "I’ve got my tickets to the first preview. Love seeing these out-of-town tryouts in Chicago before any word gets out, and I’m hoping it lives up to my expectations."
Then they totally start from scratch for Broadway. THE CHER SHOW and MOVIN’ OUT are 2 examples.
I wonder if the Beth and any of the other cast members will be invited to the met gala next year, or whenever this is expected to open on the Broadway.
For set designers, Todd Rosenthal and David Zinn are both frequent collaborators of Anna D Shapiro, though I don’t think Rosenthal has ever designed for a musical. Lighting designers: Donald Holder, Brian MacDevitt, and Marcus Doshi seem to be likely contenders.
jacobsnchz14 said: "Christine Jones is doing scenic design it looks like.
Yup - now all we need is Natasha Katz for lighting design to add to an amazing all female design team!
Robbie2 said: "jacobsnchz14 said: "Christine Jones is doing scenic design it looks like.
In that podcast I linked above, Beth did mention it was an all-female creative team behind the table, aside from Elton who “is on tour.” The episode is quite fun.
Yup - now all we need is Natasha Katz for lighting design to add to an amazing all female design team!"
jacobsnchz14 said: "Beth discusses Devil Wears Prada quite a bit including how Shaina invited Anna Shapiro to see The Prom after having trouble finding a Miranda."
From what I was told the Beth idea came from Kevin McCollum, who loves her and produced her Tony-winning performance in DROWSY and thus feels a bit of "ownership" towards her (which isn't uncommon for many producers who help discover or revitalize a career).
I wonder if the Beth and any of the other cast members will be invited to the met gala next year, or whenever this is expected to open on the Broadway.
Highly doubt the Broadway salary of many in the cast will allow them to fork over $30,000 per ticket IF they are invited by Anna Wintour to The Met Gala. It is a fundraiser for The Met so everyone invited must pay for their ticket. Many pay thousands more to book an entire table at the dinner. This isn’t a free event, folks. Wintour herself approves every single name that eventually receives an invite.
BrodyFosse123 said: "I wonder if the Beth and any of the other cast members will be invited to the met gala next year, or whenever this is expected to open on the Broadway.
Highly doubt the Broadway salary of many in the cast will allow them to fork over $30,000 per ticket IF they are invited by Anna Wintour to The Met Gala. It is a fundraiser for The Met so everyone invited must pay for their ticket. Many pay thousands more to book an entire table at the dinner. This isn’t a free event, folks. Wintour herself approves every single name that eventually receives an invite. "
The stars don’t pay for the ticket the designers do.
Call_me_jorge said: "BrodyFosse123 said: "I wonder if the Beth and any of the other cast members will be invited to the met gala next year, or whenever this is expected to open on the Broadway.
Highly doubt the Broadway salary of many in the cast will allow them to fork over $30,000 per ticket IF they are invited by Anna Wintour to The Met Gala. It is a fundraiser for The Met so everyone invited must pay for their ticket. Many pay thousands more to book an entire table at the dinner. This isn’t a free event, folks. Wintour herself approves every single name that eventually receives an invite. "
The stars don’t pay for the ticket the designers do."
There are exemptions, obviously, including young artists that Wintour wants there (their ticket fee is waived), but no one in the cast of THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA has the global fame to not only merit an invitation or be “sponsored” by Wintour or any designer. Not being snarky, just being realistic. Even Beth Leavel doesn’t have the clout and she’s the headlining name. Broadway folks aren’t the caliber of “celebrity” these events showcase (excluding Sarah Jessica Parker and other globally recognized personalities). Heck, even LuPone has never been to The Met Gala.
In 2019 the leads of Oklahoma, Patrick Vaill and Damon Daunno both attended, as well as the leads of Ain’t Too Proud. Also, this past year Jaquel Spivey, Ashley Park, and Denee Benton were in attendance. None of those names I’d think would warrant an invite under your assumption of who’s invited. Especially Jaquel.
I’m pretty sure, if Anna Wintour is fond enough of the cast, she will get them designers and an invitation to the event. Or even Kevin McCollum. It could be a smart way to market the show.
Hasn't Wintour basically distanced herself from everything related to the book and film? I don't imagine that's going to change with this musical.
When Rudnick exited, I'm kind of surprised Aline Brosh McKenna (who wrote the film) didn't join the production. Or perhaps she was offered it and turned it down. She's the creator/showrunner of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend and has musical theatre in her bones.
Chorus Member Joined: 3/9/17
Let's not forget when the OG Broadway Cast of 'Ain't Too Proud' attended the Gala. No celebrity names, at that time, were attached to that cast.
If they want them there, they will get them there.
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/20
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "Hasn't Wintour basically distanced herself from everything related to the book and film? I don't imagine that's going to change with this musical.
When Rudnick exited, I'm kind of surprised Aline Brosh McKenna (who wrote the film) didn't join the production. Or perhaps she was offered it and turned it down. She's the creator/showrunner ofCrazy Ex-Girlfriendand has musical theatre in her bones."
In the last few years she's embraced it more. Once it became clear that it fed her legend instead of tarnishing it. She even did a video with Meryl for Vogue's YouTube channel. I don't think an invitation for some of them isn't out of the realm of possibility. Especially if Prada is actually strongly involved.