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THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele @ LCT- Page 3

THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele @ LCT

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#51THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 11/19/23 at 11:15am

bwaylyric said: "And why is the lead named Anuncia and not Graciela?"

Good question, but the discussion around Anuncia's name does lead to some interesting thoughts about consent and a very beautiful trio for her mother, aunt, and grandmother. And also a throwaway joke about Jesus boinking Mary. :)

JackiesBroJoe Profile Photo
#52THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 11/19/23 at 11:28am

I just saw this and thought it was exquisite and probably the best score I've heard in the theatre in a few seasons. Sure some of it is "static" by today's attention span standards but not if you imagine it as an independent film or character study and wrestling with one's life "choices" and how they stack up with the real content of our lives. Every actor is wonderful, particularly the amazing women in the show and the design is simple and often breathtaking. I highly recommend this for folks who really love an original new musical. 

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#53THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 11/19/23 at 11:51am

CoffeeBreak said: "We felt bad for "the deer" too. They tried very hard - and were mostly successful in voice despite the material. Mary Testa was typical, as expected, in delivery and performance, same thing again, and felt wrong for the character and show. We keep hoping to see a new side to her. Pricilla even seemed uncomfortable in her role on Thursday night. Is this normal?"


If I were playing an older woman who wanted to f*ck a singing deer with a Long Island accent I’d be a little uncomfortable too.


#54THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 11/19/23 at 2:32pm

Priscilla was so frequently tentative or appeared uncomfortable in the preview we saw that we wondered if it might be a character choice (one's memory becomes uncertain as you age, et al).  In the end decided that probably was not the case though.

Updated On: 11/20/23 at 02:32 PM

UWS10023 Profile Photo
#57THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 11/22/23 at 8:30pm

The NYTimes review hit the nail on the head about the costumes. I neglected to mention that they were exquisite.

fashionguru_23 Profile Photo
#58THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 11/25/23 at 12:43pm

I won't be able to see the show, but it sounds like one of those shows that is sort of a "diamond in the rough". A shining piece for those that can see it, but a hunt of rock for others. 

I would love a biography on Graciela Daniele. Like a previous poster said, she seems to be involved with some unique pieces of theatre that aren't talked about much.

"Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. Have you guys heard about fidget spinners!?" ~Patti LuPone

sondheim94 Profile Photo
#59THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 12/1/23 at 12:37pm

Oof... I am very happy I only spent $30 on my ticket for this one.

Let me start by saying that I am a HUGE LaChiusa fan. I love almost every single one of his other shows, but this was just a huge miss for me. 

MUSIC: I feel I may return to this show should it get a recording. With only one listen, it was difficult to "enjoy" but I also find this to be the case with most LaChiusa musicals. However, the orchestrations and band were exquisite. Sounded VERY full. I'm not sure how large the orchestra actually was, but it was full and lush and lovely. 

SCENERY/LIGHTING: Meh. The strings hanging down were ok. They serviced the staging. It would've been nice for a "moment"... they rise into the air and disappear or something. Ah well. However, the lighting was very effective and well done. I was happy about that.

BOOK: A mess. I didn't hate the concept - a memory play - but it just felt... unfinished. Most of the show is about Anuncia's mother... but then her aunt is the big moment at the end?? It made no sense to me. Also Older Anuncia mentions several times having to go into the city to accept an award for lifetime achievement... what??? It was so random and seemingly self-indulgent. 

ACTING: Poor Priscilla. She seemed totally uncomfortable on stage. Not sure what was going on. Beyond her, every actor and actress on stage were incredible. It was my first time in this theater, and the proximity to the actors was delightful. The Young Anuncia was a really incredible actress. Sadly, Eden was a few semitones flat throughout her entire "act one" aria. That was... tough to listen to. Beyond that, the rest of the score was sung gorgeously and WOW TALLY SESSIONS was outrageous (if.. bizarre due to the material). His voice was worth the ticket price alone. 

FINAL NOTES: It was exciting to see a LaChiusa score live. It was exciting to see some incredible actresses show their craft. The rest? Meh. I didn't understand why I care about this woman or why we were telling this story. Unfortunately, I was the youngest in the audience by at least 15-20. years. Several elderly men were nearly horizontal having fallen asleep. I felt bad for the actors on stage. Swing and a miss but I hope more people enjoyed it more than I did. It certainly didn't turn me off to Mr. LaChiusa.

#60THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 12/14/23 at 9:44am

I saw this with a friend last night. Wow, that was truly awful. One of the worst things I've seen in a while. Didn't help that Eden was out. Awful book, mediocre music and direction. I laughed out loud several times at how bad it was. I even thought most of the performances were pretty bad. Super disappointing. 

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#61THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 12/15/23 at 12:19am

Most people on this board hated it, haha. I loved it. Oh well, the wonders of theater. It is a subjective artform.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

#62THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 12/16/23 at 12:49am

What an absolute wild ride of a show.

It’s a brilliant broad comedy. A touching emotional memento. A horror film morality tale. A telenovela melodrama. A mystical pantomime. 

All. At. Once. 

And the actors are all in one of the above genres. But never at the same time. And sometimes not even the same one within a song. 

And they’re all so good at all of the things that it almost works. But it doesn’t. Because you know it would be brilliant if it stuck to one of the above genres. But it doesn’t. 

And with absolutely no tonal consistency, which leaves you with whiplash. 

But knowing the talent of the creators, you have to believe all of it was intentional. Right? RIGHT?!

And if, somehow it was, you begin to appreciate the wild ride that it took you on. And you know that it’s broken. And it flails and flops on the ground like a goldfish outside of its bowl. But you love the goldfish because it’s your pet so you put it back in the bowl and it swims beautifully because that’s where it knows it belongs. But then the goldfish slaps on that Groucho Marx glasses/mustache thing and a bowler hat and chews on a cigar and winks “Thanks Toots”. And blows out a puff of the cigar which is actually bubbles and then swims in a circle and into oblivion. 

And you smile, knowing that only the two of you will ever know what just happened. And the lights go down. 

So yeah that’s kind of what this show felt like. Strong recommend. Take an edible.


TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#63THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 12/16/23 at 3:22am

kurtal said: "What an absolute wild ride of a show.

It’s a brilliant broad comedy. A touching emotional memento. A horror film morality tale. A telenovela melodrama. A mystical pantomime.

All. At. Once.

And the actors are all in one of the above genres. But never at the same time. And sometimes not even the same one within a song.

And they’re all so good at all of the things that it almost works. But it doesn’t. Because you know it would be brilliant if it stuck to one of the above genres. But it doesn’t.

And with absolutely no tonal consistency, which leaves you with whiplash.

But knowing the talent of the creators, you have to believe all of it was intentional. Right? RIGHT?!

And if, somehow it was, you begin to appreciate the wild ride that it took you on. And you know that it’s broken. And it flails and flops on the ground like a goldfish outside of its bowl. But you love the goldfish because it’s your pet so you put it back in the bowl and it swims beautifully because that’s where it knows it belongs. But then the goldfish slaps on that Groucho Marx glasses/mustache thing and a bowler hat and chews on a cigar and winks “Thanks Toots”. And blows out a puff of the cigar which is actually bubbles and then swims in a circle and into oblivion.

And you smile, knowing that only the two of you will ever know what just happened. And the lights go down.

So yeah that’s kind of what this show felt like. Strong recommend. Take an edible.”


Places you took me: there.

Melissa25 Profile Photo
#65THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 12/23/23 at 9:51am

This is definitely one show that I am sorry I won’t get to see again before it closes on New Year’s Eve.  I thought it was just lovely.  I was inspired by all the women’s stories to be a bit more present with my family this season.  I will also always fondly remember Tally Sessions (playing a deer) singing “Dance While You Can.”  My mom used to not only talk to all our animals but often respond for them too.  I learned a lot from those “conversations.”  I look forward to the cast recording. 

TotallyEffed Profile Photo
#67THE GARDENS OF ANUNCIA: Michael John LaChiusa musical based on the life of Graciela Daniele will play LCT's Newhouse in Fall 2023 w/ Priscilla Lopez, Mary Testa, Andréa Burns, Eden Espinosa
Posted: 12/28/23 at 2:00pm

BETTY22 said: "Told there are no plans to move this production to a broadway house. Are you hearing the same?"

This would die a swift and painful death on Broadway.
