Traffic sucked and I missed the opening. So I'll be that guy... Anyone know where I can see it?
Haterz will hate Come From Away, but it WORKS.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/26/17
I love CFA, but it was not great on television. I wish they would've done "28 Hours/Wherever We Are"
What are people talking about? The opening was a love letter to theatre insiders and Broadway without dumbing down. I thought it was great. I also thought Come From Awsy did superb, my partner who has seen nothing of the show loved it.
Glad you mentioned that, thought it was me.
Glad you mentioned that, thought it was me.
Great opening. Congrats to Kevin Spacey! COME FROM AWAY did it's job. Introduced the show. I would have prefered HEAVE AWAY/SCREECH IN, but great energy. Nice work!
Stand-by Joined: 1/8/10
I love the show, but it did not come off well. It is endearing seeing seasoned professionals being so nervous.
Hello Dolly! winning the costume over Comet? Seriously?
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/8/16
Danny DeVito got screwed.
Not that this is what it's all about, but just me, or does it seem like there are more Hollywood starts at this years awards?
Man, has he earned this award! GO BLUE!
I think I predicted this at intermission of the first preview of Dolly!!
Leading Actor Joined: 9/12/16
About time! After last year's snub, well-deserved Gavin!
I'll ask - who's Henry and why is he so cute and unless he's Gavin's brother, are they... lovers? Cos I'd be open to Gavin coming out at the TONYS stage.
It's so sweet Sutton gave Gavin the award too. he got his first nom for Millie, no?
I've been a huge fan of Gavin for years, and it was so wonderful to see him win tonight...and it was especially lovely to see Sutton present him the award!
Is Gavin not gay? I thought he was out?
Gavin is openly (and proudly) gay.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/14/17
Saigon coming across VERY well in my opinion. I'll be looking into tickets.
I did NOT know Gavin and Henry were bf...Henry is a swing in Waitress. He also toured with Pippin!