The Grammy eligibility period is October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017 - it's gotta be coming soon. Right?
Featured Actor Joined: 8/31/14
Ok this is a complete guess and I have no knowledge to suggest this could be happening, but do you think maybe they are going to try to bring the show to the West End, so they don't want to release it before a decision is made in that regard? Again this is something I'm pulling out of thin air and have zero evidence for, but it would explain why they won't release it
TaylorF221 WHAT IS THE DEAL????
dev101 said: "Ok this is a complete guess and I have no knowledge to suggest this could be happening, but do you think maybe they are going to try to bring the show to the West End, so they don't want to release it before a decision is made in that regard? Again this is something I'm pulling out of thin air and have zero evidence for, but it would explain why they won't release it"
That seems pretty doubtful - only because how many shows do we know where there was a West End transfer - that they released the cast album prior to its opening? In this case, its not that the music isn't a known that they are waiting for it's premiere. If anything, it would help drum up more interest for it's opening. I was actually kind of surprised that they recorded it after it closed since they lost all those theatre patrons who would have wanted to purchase it as they were leaving the theatre on the "post-show high" they probably were having.
Since we're all speculating though - I wonder if the contracts/royalties weren't solidified? They kind of rushed to record it before everyone left town (particularly Jake) Maybe they started arguing over those specifics. It seems incredibly weird since I thought I remembered reading they wanted it out in time for the Tony awards. By now if it's a Christmas release, this is going to be an even more distant memory
Featured Actor Joined: 8/31/14
^chernjam that seems like it would make sense as well. I feel like the longer they wait to release it, the less money it will bring in for them to even be negotiating about.
If they didn't want to deal with fhe Tony awards, why would we think they would care about a Grammy award? ??(Asked only slightly sarcastically)
A movie version has been greenlit with Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead, perhaps the delay of the release has something to do with this, maybe it won't even be released as to not cannibalize sales, which is a shame for Annaleigh Ahsford (who is not attached to the film at the moment).
Where did you hear this pretty big news? Isn't really something you just casually mention.
Agreed, pretty big news. Source is people in the industry, can't be too specific unfortunately :/
...a movie version of SITPWG?!?!
Funny joke.
If the Grammy deadline comes and goes, what excuse will they come up with next?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
LOL Well I hope we still get the album. Lady Gaga as Dot/Marie PLEASE.
A Sunday movie has DEFINITELY come up before. Jake is obviously perfect.
I really hope you're not lying, Pham.
I'm not excited for a Sunday film so long as Lapine is writing the screenplay. He needs to keep his hands off of his own works. He somehow manages to screw his own musicals up with ridiculous rewrites. I remember hearing him say that he would be completely cutting Marie out of the film!!!!
Anyways, I would love to see a Sunday film with Gyllenhaal and Emma Stone. She's cute and quirky enough and has a bit of a raspy voice that may conjure up some resemblance to Peters.
GeorgeandDot said: "Anyways, I would love to see a Sunday film with Gyllenhaal and Emma Stone. She's cute and quirky enough and has a bit of a raspy voice that may conjure up some resemblance to Peters."
Mark this up as another time you nailed a casting pick, GeorgeandDot! Awesome choice!
We have dream cast Emma before on here for a movie version. Such a perfect choice.
Emma Stone would be a perfect choice! Let me raise another suggestion though: Molly Rushing. She currently plays teen Anya in Anastasia, and I thought this mashup of Once Upon a December/Bleak Midwinter was absolutely gorgeous. She sounds similar to Annaleigh too:
Whether they are going to make a film of this or not I would doubt that would have anything to do with the cast recording. The cast recording is done. If there's any truth to a film version - we're talking at least two or three years away
Featured Actor Joined: 8/31/14
am I the only one that thinks a movie would ruin it? I love JG as George as much as the next person, but I don't see a scenario where they wouldn't completely ruin the show. Its meant to be heard and seen live! the way the song "Sunday" just sort of floats like a breeze can't be captured in a movie, and the staging meant to evoke the painting I just don't see working for a movie. also don't think it will have much reach beyond the broadway community. how will they sell "its a movie based on a musical based on a painting"?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
LOL I don't think Emma Stone has the voice or the range for Dot/Marie
They need to make it an ultra artsy Oscar bait film. I could see Tom Hooper doing a nice job with it. I'm sure he learned what works and what doesn't with the way in which he filmed Les Mis. Also, the Oscars tend to love films that have to do with art/artistic struggle/music/writing/etc. I remember finding a thread on here about a possible film adaption and everyone was talking about having the 1800's George and Dot story playing simultaneously with the 1980's George and Marie story, so the film would actually open with the Chromolume #7 and there would only be one Sunday finale at the very end of the film in which we see George finish the painting as the future George finds his inspiration in it. But Lapine proved with his screenplay of Into the Woods that he really does not know how to write or adapt for the screen, so I doubt we would see a screenplay so interesting.
Never let Tom Hooper near another film musical!
dev101 said: "am I the only one that thinks a movie would ruin it? I love JG as George as much as the next person, but I don't see a scenario where they wouldn't completely ruin the show. Its meant to be heard and seen live! the way the song "Sunday" just sort of floats like a breeze can't be captured in a movie, and the staging meant to evoke the painting I just don't see working for a movie.also don't think it will have much reach beyond the broadway community. how will they sell "its a movie based on a musical based on a painting"?"
dev101 - I completely agree with you. Honestly the Act I finale was one of the most exhilirating moments (partially because I went in only knowing a little of the score/story... so it was all still so new to me) but when they hit that last note, I realized I had been holding my breath and was crying.
I would've loved a professionally filmed version of the broadway perfromance, which I wish they would do rather than try to translate these into films
Featured Actor Joined: 8/31/14
dev101 - I completely agree with you. Honestly the Act I finale was one of the most exhilirating moments (partially because I went in only knowing a little of the score/story... so it was all still so new to me) but when they hit that last note, I realized I had been holding my breath and was crying.
My experience was almost exactly the same. it might sound strange, but seeing the show was as close to a transcendental experience as ill ever get. I don't want it ruined and made into a crappy movie. Just give us the cast recording already!!!!