Featured Actor Joined: 5/25/18
justasmalltownboy13 said: "goldenboy said: "3 Chers? 3 Donnna Summers?
Why does this sound just like the Donna Summer musical."
I feel like the Cher Show has been in development well beyond the Donna Summer musical. As for the 3 Cher’s/3 Donna’s - is it not interesting to you to see different actresses depict the subject in 3 different stages of their lives, seeing how UCB they change throughout. It’s not a rip off of each other or anything, but simply the change in their lives. Would you cast the same person tonolay the same role in YOUR musical? Assuming you might have a story worth telling?"
Well, Adrienne Warren is pulling it off with Tina in London, Jessie Mueller (and subsequent Caroles) pulled it off with Beautiful - I'm sure there are more, but those were the two that popped into my head.
I actually like the 3 Chers concept, especially in terms of this particular show. Comparing The Cher Show with Summer is like comparing a nice pair of pants with a crappy pair from a retail store, if you get what I mean!
This has made HUGE improvements in a short month.
From what you mentioned, the improvements sound quite minor. Perhaps slightly (very very slightly) more coherent, but this reminds me of the day-to-day reports of the "MASSIVE" changes made during The Pirate Queen tryout in Chicago, resulting in "a completely different show!". :-I
If The Cher Show were to open on Broadway in its current state, it will still get eviscerated by the critics. Praise for performers and costumes, but not much else.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/25/18
Mister Matt said: "This has made HUGE improvements in a short month.
From what you mentioned, the improvements sound quite minor. Perhaps slightly (very very slightly) more coherent, but this reminds me of the day-to-day reports of the "MASSIVE" changes made during The Pirate Queen tryout in Chicago, resulting in "a completely different show!". :-I
If The Cher Show were to open on Broadway in its current state, it will still get eviscerated by the critics. Praise for performers and costumes, but not much else."
...please tell me you didn't just compare The Pirate Queen with The Cher Show. Just... tell me that didn't happen!
Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "CarlosAlberto said: "Valentina3 said: "CarlosAlberto said: "
That's a very homophobic picture of Cher
Explain to me just how in the world this particular photo of Cher is homophobic?
I think/hope Valentina3 meant to say "photogenic". Spellcheck error?"
Lol "Homophobic" is a gay slang for unflattering / bad.
Used in a sentence "I want to take a selfie, but this lighting is homophobic".
YvanEhtNioj said: "Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "CarlosAlberto said: "Valentina3 said: "CarlosAlberto said: "
That's a very homophobic picture of Cher
Explain to me just how in the world this particular photo of Cher is homophobic?
I think/hope Valentina3 meant to say "photogenic". Spellcheck error?"
Lol "Homophobic" is a gay slang for unflattering / bad.
Used in a sentence "I want to take a selfie, but this lighting is homophobic".
Well, THIS gay dint know it was. lol I'll be using it early and often from now on. Thanks.
"Lol "Homophobic" is a gay slang for unflattering / bad."
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in my life. Jesus Christ. Let's save that word when needed, meaning to call someone out who is discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community.
EllieRose2 said: ""Lol "Homophobic" is a gay slang for unflattering / bad."
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in my life.Jesus Christ.Let's save that word when needed, meaning to call someone out who is discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community. "
Lol. Then I guess it’s a great thing that you don’t have to use it, huh? It’s really not that serious.
I’m really hoping that the show gets a revamp before it hits Broadway even though it’s a small gap. Cher seems like the type of person to be a perfectionist so she will most likely be hands-on throughout the process ... hopefully
EllieRose2 said: ""Lol "Homophobic" is a gay slang for unflattering / bad."
That's the dumbest thing I've heard in my life.Jesus Christ.Let's save that word when needed, meaning to call someone out who is discriminating against the LGBTQ+ community."
I agree. When a word that actually refers to a serious issue is appropriated for use in a frivolous, jocular manner, it diminishes the gravity of the real issue.
...please tell me you didn't just compare The Pirate Queen with The Cher Show. Just... tell me that didn't happen!
Yes, I did. Why? They are both musicals with Chicago tryouts, starring Stephanie J. Block. Both shows had terrific casts with some solid music (whether written for the show or not), terrible books and fans reporting massive changes during the tryout period. They can easily be compared and personally, both shows were around the same level as far as quality goes. I'd give Pirate Queen the edge only because I was actually interested to see it twice, towards the beginning and the end of the tryout run (the HUGE changes being enthusiastically reported in the BWW threads were actually barely perceptible).
When a word that actually refers to a serious issue is appropriated for use in a frivolous, jocular manner, it diminishes the gravity of the real issue.
My thoughts exactly. It would be hypocrisy of Trumpian proportions of the LGBT community to scorn the use of the word "gay" as slang meaning stupid/ridiculous/bad while jokingly using "homophobic" similarly as slang. "It's not that serious" sounds like something Perez Hilton or a Log Cabin Republican would say (i.e. irresponsible, immature, ignorant and apathetic).
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
YvanEhtNioj said: "Sho-Tunes-R-Us said: "CarlosAlberto said: "Valentina3 said: "CarlosAlberto said: "
That's a very homophobic picture of Cher
Explain to me just how in the world this particular photo of Cher is homophobic?
I think/hope Valentina3 meant to say "photogenic". Spellcheck error?"
Lol "Homophobic" is a gay slang for unflattering / bad.
Used in a sentence "I want to take a selfie, but this lighting is homophobic".
Who on earth thought of that? The Baby Gays? It’s usage must not have permeated popular culture because a basic internet search doesn’t show that as a slang. If it is being used, it’s by morons who should be embarrassed.
As the person who used the word here, here's my 2 cents :
1. Language evolves: we use the word "Nazi" for just about anything these days. I know it seems to minimize the word and the true history behind it, but I doubt people using the word jocularly ever mean to diminish its impact - they're instead being dramatic about whatever is going on. True use of the word Nazi is still very easily recognizable for what it is. It didn't lose its meaning just because some people started calling other people who write "there vs their" essays Grammar-Nazis.
2. Baby gays did not invent the use of word "homophobic" as a gay slang - I personally know people used it as such dating back to 1980s (my drag mother has letters from her favorite club owner from 1987 saying her jewelry choices were "homophobic". I presume that gays are more or less reclaiming the word (queer and f-word come to mind). I know I did. I call my previous employer homophobic because he was (my job offer made to me during the internship was rescinded after I was outed by someone), and I also say Cher's bad photos are homophobic. I will probably continue to do so, especially after this misplaced moral policing; for crying out loud you called this "Trumpian" (no kids were kidnapped by an off hand comment - so you calling anonymous posters on a chat board "Trumpian" jocularly is... see where I'm going with this?).
3. You're allowed to hate the jocular use of the word. Your experiences are different than other people. I have had both experiences and I'm comfortable in this usage.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Really, people have never seen an ironic use of "homophobic" to describe something trivial? (ie- "scheduling your birthday party on Pride Weekend is homophobic." )
Mary, please.
Kad said: "Really, people have never seen an ironic use of "homophobic" to describe something trivial? (ie- "schedulingyour birthday partyon Pride Weekend is homophobic." )
Mary, please."
I can honestly say that I have never before seen/heard the word "homophobic" used in the manner presented in this thread.
Mary, please, indeed.
Agree to disagree. I guess I’m a moron because I definitely use it casually. **shrugs** I’m new here, but I’ve read this board for years. And I just don’t like how everything has to become such a big deal. It’s not that serious.
It really has nothing to do with The Cher Show, though... although given the reviews of the show, I guess you can say some of the choices are, well, homophobic
Kad, I've seen it a lot, but mostly from Gen Z and younger on twitter and tumblr. I'm not surprised it didn't resonate here.
I was incredibly disappointed to hear that there wouldn't be a final show in Chicago. Was thinking about trying the lottery and going and couldn't. I really want to see how this show will evolve and develop with the story and performances. I think that right now most of the performances are very good to excellent and the costumes are amazing. Cher has been an icon for so many decades that she deserves an appropriate tribute in the form of this musical...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/16/06
YvanEhtNioj said: "Agree to disagree. I guess I’m a moron because I definitely use it casually. **shrugs** I’m new here, but I’ve read this board for years. And I just don’t like how everything has to become such a big deal. It’s not that serious.
It really has nothing to do with The Cher Show, though... although given the reviews of the show, I guess you can say some of the choices are, well, homophobic"
I apologize for the moron comment. I don’t find the phrase offensive just silly.
Hopefully, they can tighten this up before Broadway because with the talent involved and the Cher adulation, this seems more promising than most jukebox musicals.
Language evolves: we use the word "Nazi" for just about anything these days. I know it seems to minimize the word and the true history behind it, but I doubt people using the word jocularly ever mean to diminish its impact - they're instead being dramatic about whatever is going on. True use of the word Nazi is still very easily recognizable for what it is. It didn't lose its meaning just because some people started calling other people who write "there vs their" essays Grammar-Nazis.
Not really a fair comparison since the word "Nazi" wasn't a pejorative used for repressed minorities or an adjective describing the repression of minorities. I get what you're trying to say, but trying to prove that "anti-semitic" and "racist" is common slang for anything unfavorable would be a more fair comparison. And equally distasteful.
I presume that gays are more or less reclaiming the word (queer and f-word come to mind). I know I did.
There is no need to "reclaim" the word "homophobic". It has never been a slur used against the LGBT community. I absolutely hate the "reclamation" of slurs by minorities as slurs considered allowable within their own groups, yet frowned upon when used by those outside the minority group. There is a huge difference when a word like "queer" is redefined in a positive light to empower a minority or community. THAT'S what it means to "reclaim". When a slur is simply used as a slur, regardless who's using it, it remains a slur. That's recycling, not reclaiming.
for crying out loud you called this "Trumpian"
I described the level of hypocrisy as "Trumpian". And to me, it absolutely is. I could also call it "Robertsonian" (a nod to the 700 Club), if that provides better clarity.
I will probably continue to do so, especially after this misplaced moral policing
Which makes the use of "Trumpian" or "Robertsonian" or perhaps "Coulterian" all the more apt. Ann Coulter is a huge champion for the eradication of political correctness, so there you go.
I can honestly say that I have never before seen/heard the word "homophobic" used in the manner presented in this thread.
Ditto that.
It’s not that serious.
We get it. It's not that serious to you. Your apathy has been noted twice.
It really has nothing to do with The Cher Show, though... although given the reviews of the show, I guess you can say some of the choices are, well, homophobic
I guess you could. You'd be wrong and others would find you offensive, but you don't think it's that serious, so it shouldn't matter to anyone else. Got it.
I just think it’s a debate that could’ve been dropped 10 posts ago. Maybe it’s my Millennial mindset that let’s me know the difference between cheesy gay slang, and actual hatred for my community without causing an issue.
That’s my last time mentioning it, I promise.
I didn’t like the concept of 3 Donna Summers, So I’m iffy about 3 Chers regardless of how talented they are. Hopefully this is done more smoothly.
“ i apologize for the moron comment. I don’t find the phrase offensive just silly.
Hopefully, they can tighten this up before Broadway because with the talent involved and the Cher adulation, this seems more promising than most jukebox musicals."
No harm, no foul :). I don’t know anything about Cher besides what I’ve seen on RuPauls Drag Race (seriously). So I’m hoping to come out of the musical at least learning something about her story since she’s so iconic. I went into On Your Feet and Summer at least knowing a little bit of their history, here I’m pretty much a blank canvas
Maybe it’s my Millennial mindset that let’s me know the difference between cheesy gay slang, and actual hatred for my community without causing an issue.
Maybe. Maybe it also tells you to use an apostrophe incorrectly. The act of doing so doesn't turn a wrong into a right, however.
Mister Matt said: ".
Maybe. Maybe it also tells you to use an apostrophe incorrectly. ."
Ohhhhh snapz! You got me!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
YvanEhtNioj, it's way too late to quit while you're ahead, so just quit.
ghostlight2 said: "YvanEhtNioj, it's way too late to quit while you're ahead, so just quit."
Lol. This was over yesterday. Let’s move on, homie.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
You have no sense of history, nor any kind of respect. You are either naive or a troll.
And I am not your "homie", child.