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The Cher Show

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
#525The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 10:16am

ghostlight2 said: "You have no sense of history, nor any kind of respect. You are either naive or a troll.

And I am not your "homie", child.


No sense of History, not respect? Reaching. 

I said my thoughts on the “homophobic” topic, and tried to end it multiple times to get back to discussing the Cher Show. But each time, someone else has to jump with with their 2 cents regsrding the topic. Since when is defending your point of view trolling? I never attacked anyone’s character; that’s trolling. I’ve read this board for years so I should’ve expected it - every post inevitably has to turn into some sort of shade-throwing fest which is so ridiculous. Everyone has to throw in their slick comments instead of letting it be. I said “Agree to disagree” and went back to discussing the show. That ->should’ve<- been the end of it. 

Far from naive, far from a troll. Let’s end this now, homie, and get back to the discussion. 

I didnt join this board to get into stupid fights like this over something so trivial. 

Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#526The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 10:28am

But each time, someone else has to jump with with their 2 cents regsrding the topic.

Including you.  Several times over, in fact.  But that's how all message boards work.  That's how conversations work.  That's how discussions and debates work.   

I said “Agree to disagree” and went back to discussing the show. That ->should’ve<- been the end of it.

Because we should only discuss what YOU want?  Because "Agree to disagree" is the universal conclusion to a conversation?  Why do you feel you should be in charge of what we discuss and for how long?  I disagree to agree.  

Let’s end this now, homie, and get back to the discussion. 

"Homie", again?  Who are these "homies" of yours?  Welcome to 1996.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
#527The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 10:42am

Mister Matt said: "But each time, someone else has to jump with with their 2 cents regsrding the topic.

Including you. Several times over, in fact. But that's how all message boards work. That's how conversations work. That's how discussions and debates work.

Because we should only discuss what YOU want? Because "Agree to disagree" is the universal conclusion to a conversation? Why do you feel you should be in charge of what we discuss and for how long? I disagree to agree.

"Homie", again? Who are these "homies" of yours? Welcome to 1996.”

Debates, yes. But when multiple people jump in “just cause” to say slick comments, it’s unnecessary. “It’s too late to quit while you’re ahead”, etc..that was unnecessary as we hadn’t even commented regarding this since 4PM yesterday  the topic was dead.

In what world do we all have to have the same point of view on an unpopular opinion/topic? I said “agree to disagree” meaning “I see your point of view, though I don’t agree with it let’s move on because we obviously won’t agree”. Why put so much energy into something so trivial? 

I have other cheesy slang terms I could use as well, but homie is my favorite. 


Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#528The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 10:55am

Can we return this thread to the topic at hand: THE CHER SHOW?

Please take this nonsense arguing to where it belongs: Facebook.  This is a Broadway message board.  Not a religious, political or otherwise message board. 

YvanEhtNioj Profile Photo
#529The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 11:01am

BrodyFosse123 said: "Can we return this thread to the topic at hand: THE CHER SHOW?

Please take this nonsense arguing to where it belongs: Facebook. This is a Broadway message board. Not a religious, political or otherwise message board.


Miss Keisha? Miss Keisha? Miss Keishhhaaaa?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#530The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 11:09am

But when multiple people jump in “just cause” to say slick comments, it’s unnecessary.

It's a message board.  It's all "unnecessary".  What precisely qualifies Ohhhhh snapz! You got me!  or Lol. This was over yesterday. Let’s move on, homie. as being "necessary"?  Because you posted it instead of someone else?  Were they truly "necessary" to anyone other than yourself?  (nope)

I said “agree to disagree” meaning “I see your point of view, though I don’t agree with it let’s move on because we obviously won’t agree”.

So?  It doesn't mean everyone has to stop the discussion because you don't want to talk about it any more.  Everyone else still have voices and exist on the boards.

Why put so much energy into something so trivial? 

If it's too much energy for you, why do you continue to respond and discuss it?  Why have so little regard for something that isn't trivial?  By which I mean, it's not as if you dictate what others consider to be trivial or not.  Especially when they've already stated that it isn't trivial for them at all.

In what world do we all have to have the same point of view on an unpopular opinion/topic?

None that I know of, and yet you still seem mystified that we don't all share your trivialization of the subject as well as your opinions on what should be discussed, for how long, and the type pf response they should or should not post.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#531The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 11:25am

E N O U G H !!!


S T O P    

W I T H    

T H I S  

O F F - T O P I C    

C R A P !!!


#532The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 11:30am

Alrighty, everybody. It's time to get back to talking about the show in this thread. If you would like to continue any other political, religious, social, or other types of discussions, please feel free to start a thread in the Off-Topic board.

Valentina3 Profile Photo
#533The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 11:48am

Oh if only I could turn back time...

Caption: Every so often there was a rare moment of perfect balance when I soared above him.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#534The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 12:20pm

Is there anything more to say about the show that hasn't been said yet?  

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Lot666 Profile Photo
#535The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 12:43pm

YvanEhtNioj said: "I don’t know anything about Cher besides what I’ve seen on RuPauls Drag Race (seriously)."

It is now abundantly clear why you think this misuse of the word homophobic is "really not that serious".

==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Lot666 Profile Photo
#536The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 12:49pm

BrodyFosse123 said: "E N O U G H !!!




O F F - T O P I C

C R A P !!!

The Cher Show


==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

Popular Profile Photo
#538The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 12:57pm

Mister Matt said: "Is there anything more to say about the show that hasn't been said yet?"

Was going to ask the same thing. Turning off notifications until November. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#539The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 1:12pm

For two days, only one person had something to say about the show.  If it hadn't been for the "off-topic" posts (which were actually related to the comments on the subject) this thread would have disappeared to page 2 and beyond, which is pretty much dead and forgotten.  Would that have really been so much better?

Cut Dark Lady.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

CarlosAlberto Profile Photo
#540The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 3:40pm

The more I read about this show the more disappointed I get. "Summer" is an unmitigated mess of a show - and this looks to be going down that same road. Cher deserves better than this. I'm hoping they get their sh!t together sooner than later. I am going to go see it after it opens - there's no way I'm going to see it while it's in previews - - - I have a feeling that they are going to really implement bigger changes once it starts playing here. I would rather see it once those changes are in place. 

I hope someone, anyone in that production is reading this thread and taking the suggestions many have written here into consideration, beginning with excising that "Dark Lady" number - - - it has "craptastic" written all over it. 

I don't want this show to fail. I've loved Cher since I was 6 years old - I want anything that bears her name to be the biggest success possible. 


ChgoTheatreGuy Profile Photo
#541The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 6:08pm

Carlos I agree with you, I want this show to succeed also.  I originally went in thinking that this show would tell her life story conventionally and chronologically.  But at the intermission, I thought "this show is about Cher, what should be conventional about it?".  Upon the second viewing (at the press preview), I was happy with the few changes that were made, but know that they need to do A LOT more work.  I am not going to repeat myself, but I feel that this is the perfect final (?) chapter to a very long and surprising career that I don't even think that Cher expected...

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#542The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 6:18pm

Cher just recorded an album of ABBA covers so her work continues.  

She’s a producer of THE CHER SHOW so after her infamous critique of the Chicago incarnation of the show, she most definitely will be heavily involved with the Broadway version of the show.  She also saw the same flaws audiences pointed out and immediately took action and changes started within 24 hours of her taking the reign on the show.  The work is going to be heavy.  

#543The Cher Show
Posted: 7/18/18 at 11:10pm

“Cher just recorded an album of ABBA covers so her work continues”

I want to add that gif of Michelle Visage snapping in the air in response to this (don’t know how though)

On a lighter note of the train wreck this thread has become, I received my refund from Sunday’s cancelled show AND a print of Bob Mackie’s costume sketch signed by Bob Mackie on the same day :)

greensgreens Profile Photo
#544The Cher Show
Posted: 7/19/18 at 11:38am

OMFG! A signed Mackie sketch!!! That's incredible! May I ask how you scored that? Was it a favor, a simple mail-in request, a charity auction, or...? I would love to have something like that. I didn't really appreciate all that Bob did to help create CHER before this show and the costumes were on fire!!!

ChgoTheatreGuy Profile Photo
#545The Cher Show
Posted: 8/2/18 at 11:49pm

On Facebook today, someone posted a photo of the new marquee for the show at the Neil Simon Theatre.  Looks very spiffy!...

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#546The Cher Show
Posted: 8/2/18 at 11:50pm

I passed it today! It really looks fabulous. It made me laugh that there's a huge sign that says, "Let's do this, BITCHES" up at the Neil Simon.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#547The Cher Show
Posted: 8/3/18 at 12:41am

BroadwayConcierge said: "I passed it today! It really looks fabulous. It made me laugh that there's a huge sign that says, "Let's do this, BITCHES" up at the Neil Simon."


Here ~ 

The Cher Show

"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#548The Cher Show
Posted: 8/3/18 at 7:54am

I wonder why it looks like tire tracks in the background. Seems an odd choice in design.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

#549The Cher Show
Posted: 8/3/18 at 6:30pm

Found this gem on twitter.

The transitions between the Angels marquee to the Cher marquee:The Cher Show

NievesG Profile Photo
#550The Cher Show
Posted: 8/3/18 at 8:01pm

WaffleOnWheels, thanks for blessing the thread with that image. I want to blow that up into a poster.
