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The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage- Page 3

The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage

Glory Profile Photo
#50re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 10:05pm

Well, there's a few for me.

One being Eponine dying in the arms or Marrius in the production I saw of Les Mis near me.

In Spring Awakening when Wendla is being pulled off the stage in the end of Whispering. I cried like a little baby.

In A Chorus Line with the headshots up in front of their faces on the beats. Gives me chills whenever I think about it.

singtopher Profile Photo
#51re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 10:31pm

This is a little odd, but it goes into the "Haunting" category. I was very much haunted by the opening sequence of Sunset Blvd. Granted, I was 12.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

IdinaBellFoster Profile Photo
#52re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 10:37pm

The scene you are thinking of in Metamorphoses ThankstoPhantom is Alcyone when she discovers that her husband Ceyx, has died at sea; and Hermes brings his body to shore. Her lines and screaming really get me, but when they turn into birds, you feel uplifted.

"Oh look at the time, three more intelligent plays just closed and THE ADDAMS FAMILY made another million dollars" -Jackie Hoffman, Audience Awards
Updated On: 4/9/07 at 10:37 PM

C is for Company
#53re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 10:44pm

beyondblessed what a good list! I like that Chorus Line headshot lineup as well, the first time I saw that tears welled up for me. I never cried during a show, but the first 10 minutes of that show had tears come 3 times!

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#54re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 10:52pm

I have to agree with the end of "Grey Gardens." I gasped audibly. Also, when Elphaba flies up during "Defying Gravity." I didn't think it would get to me, but it did.

The end of "Music and the Mirror" gets me.

A local production was just done of "Cabaret" and the title song was staged very movingly. During the part about Elsie, everything went to black except for a spot on Sally's face. Then, the stage just starts brightening and all of the lights just start going by the end. And, for the cut off, she just threw her head back. It was beautiful. She hardly moved at all during the song.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

#55re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 10:55pm

The most haunting moment I have ever seen on stage is the end of Tomorrow Belongs to Me in the Mendes version of Cabaret. Ludwig and Kost are in the centre, the partygoers holding hands in the circle, and Cliff, Sally, Schneider, and Schultz on the corners of the stage with confusion, fear, and panic in their eyes.

Second place is in the German version of Tanz der Vampire, during the end of Stärker als wir sind, as the villagers are in a dark area holding (electric) candles, Alfred is cowering in front of the bathtub, Magda and Rebecca are praying, Sarah declares her Freedom, and with two power chords the set is fully backlit to reveal Krolock lording over them all, drawing Sarah away.

Third place is probably the end of The Pillowman.

thejcm Profile Photo
#56re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:05pm

re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage

Even if you don't like RENT, I'm sure you can agree that Angel's death is definitely hauntingly beautiful.

"Who says you can't bend over backwards and eat bugs if you want to? I guess the bugs would probably say you can't do that that, but assuming that they are willing and consenting bugs, then there's no problem. Let's wig out eating bugs." -RuPaul

LuvUrBatBoy Profile Photo
#57re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:10pm

4 that havent yet been mentioned:

The final moments of Ragtime, as Little Coalhouse runs on and Sarah and Coalhouse sing reprise of Wheels of a Dream, watching their son go off happily with another family

Ive seen 3 different local productions of The Last 5 Years, and I still tear up as I watch the end of Goodbye Until Tomorrow. The looks of hope and excitement on Cathy's face, contrasted with the look of emptiness and hurt on Jamie's face are truly heartbreaking

Tell Me It's Not True from Blood Brothers. The Tableau of Mrs. Johnstone standing in the midst of her 2 dead sons bodies, knowing that she inadvertently made these events occur.

The moment where Celie reads Nettie's letters in The Color Purple, finally getting a glimmer of hope in her life.

Yes that's me. No, it's not a Rent homage.

theaterkid1015 Profile Photo
#58re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:16pm

I just thought of one more:

I've seen it a few ways, but the end of "Parade" is very moving to me. Just Lucille kind of set against the rest of the town during this huge celebration.

Some people paint, some people sew, I meddle.

GEA113 Profile Photo
#59re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:28pm

both the opening and closing of the Sweeney Todd Revival, was at first terrifying for me b/c i have a fear of straitjackets, but by the end, it was so beautiful.

pretty much the entire show

ashbash1990 Profile Photo
#60re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:29pm

re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage

What a night! I was in more laps than a napkin!

HeyMrMusic Profile Photo
#61re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:39pm

I think the Act 1 finale of Sunday in the Park With George is one of the most beautiful images ever staged. It just makes you cry and you don't know why.

And pretty much anything in Piazza. I love the silhouette part that other people have mentioned.


Caroline-Q-or-TBoo Profile Photo
#62re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:41pm

have to agree with the Coast of Utopia images. just breathtaking

"Picture "The View," with the wisecracking, sympathetic sweethearts of that ABC television show replaced by a panel of embittered, suffering or enraged Arab women" -the Times review of Black Eyed

evadiva Profile Photo
#63re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:41pm

SOme of you are WAY too easy to please.

C is for Company
#64re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:44pm

Why what would you prefer? Eva with her hands raised above her head? Some people are moved more than others apparently.

aspiringactress Profile Photo
#65re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:48pm

In the recent production of Woyzeck at the St Ann's Warehouse, there were some jaw doppingly stunning moments. If you know the play, you know that it is in tone haunting, but the visual aspect of this production took it to an entirely knew level...

"We don't value the lily less for not being made of flint and built to last. Life's bounty is in it's flow, later is too late. Where is the song when it's been sung, the dance when it's been danced? It's only we humans who want to own the future too." - Tom Stoppard, Shipwreck

#66re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:50pm

"SOme of you are WAY too easy to please."

Here we were, having a perfectly nice, POSITIVE discussion about the beauty to be found in live theatre, and then some jackass has to come on here and try and wreck it by making some snarky remark.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY
Updated On: 4/9/07 at 11:50 PM

scott68 Profile Photo
#67re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:53pm

Have to agree with everyone who's said the Act I finale of SITPWG. Just one of those moments where everything comes together and clicks perfectly.

"Why, I make more money than... than... than Calvin Coolidge! PUT TOGETHER!"
~Lina Lamont

My name wasn't, isn't, and will never be Scott.

evadiva Profile Photo
#68re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:54pm

It's only my opinion.

And those who are offended, are obviously not too secure in theirs.

Grow a thicker skin or that headshot won't be of very much use to you!

How's that for a snarky remark?


B3TA07 Profile Photo
#69re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:57pm

I recently saw a very beautifully staged HS production of Dancing at Lughnesa.


C is for Company
#70re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/9/07 at 11:58pm

I'll start by saying I am not offended, nor am I unsure of my own opinion. I'm just curious about why you couldn't have added any of your own, rather than having a veiled tone of condescension?

Raviolisun Profile Photo
#71re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/10/07 at 12:01am

I'm with AC126748. That moment in Long Day's Journey is amazing.

One time, Patti LuPone punched me in the face...

It was awesome.
- theaterkid1015

#72re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/10/07 at 12:03am

C is for Company, THANK YOU.

Offended? No. Insecure in my opinion? No.

Annoyed by people who have nothing to add to a positive discussion other than an attempt to belittle others? YES.

"Word of advice: Be who you are, wear what you want---just learn how to run real fast." Marc, UGLY BETTY

C is for Company
#73re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/10/07 at 12:05am

Hah, wanna hear something funny? The nasty old bitch blocked me after sending me such a rude, underhanded PM. Looks like the poster had more insecurity issues than she let on from her other nonsense...

dfwtheatreguy Profile Photo
#74re: The Most Hauntingly Beautiful Images on Stage
Posted: 4/10/07 at 12:10am

* the first time i saw "Phantom" and the curtains flew off the proscenium

* the "i'm a pretty girl" interlude before "gypsy strip" in the recent gypsy revival with louise in the mirror

* the ending of the "cabaret" revival

"The theatre is so endlessly fascinating because it's so accidental. It's so much like life." - Arthur Miller
