That site has an audio of the REAL ending note of So Much Better on the MTV night. It is truly painful.
I taped it and I have it playing for the second time today. I thought the direction was fine and that may be why the choreography was lacking. it's a fun show. No materpiece but I would say a fun evening at the theatre. Bell Bundy seemed to be channeling a bit of Galinda, but that was fine for me. it worked for the character. I was not totally impressed with Orfeh. Having never seen her perform live, I was ready to see and hear this lady. She has a great voice but I wasn't really into the way she portrayed the hairdresser. The show has an odd balance, wanting to play to tweens and adults at the same time. Some jokes will go above the heads of younger people and "Gay or European", I would guess, goes above the heads of tweens but is probably, for me as an adult, is one of the funniest thing in the show! Just more of my thoughts!
I have to say, having just finished watching it on DVR, but I loved it. It was *entertaining* and while by no means the best show I've ever seen, it was quite good because it was mindless and fun and sometimes that's what people are looking for. And pink is my favorite color. I also have to give credit where credit is due. Laura Bell Bundy practically never leaves the stage. I find her likable and she has a decent voice. Doing this show must be so exhausting. I get tired just thinking about it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
jaystarr what is your kind of musical then.
Updated On: 10/13/07 at 08:38 PM
I've watched it twice already and I loved it. Is it the best musical I have ever seen? Um, no. But what the hell, I get off on all the energy. As stupid as it sounds, especially after just watching it 2x, I'm ready to go see it again live. I'm thinking of dragging some friends along.
<< Bell Bundy seemed to be channeling a bit of Galinda, >>
Thanks goodness, I wasnt the only one that thought this !!!
But, it wasnt a bad thing-- I liked her !
Yeah, the cologne spritz move in the song where she was going to meet her boyfriend had Glinda written all over it! I was waiting for the "bubble" descend!
Fri, Oct 19
10:00 AM "Legally Blonde: The Musical"
So, I just got finished watching the "exclusive" behind the scenes tour on mtv overdrive. It wasn't very exciting and had limited behind the scenes footage. It just consists of Laura Bell Bundy's short interview in her dressing room and very brief meetings with supporting cast members. "The Hills" girls were a little bit more personable, but probably because they weren't staring at a cue card. By the looks of it, alot more backstage footage was shot than what was seen on the broadcast.
I just looked at itunes and i have played "Legally Blonde" the title song 211 times since I got the CD when i came out... that is slightly embarrasing...
I just finished watching my recording. When I saw Legally Blonde in NYC over Labor Day, Andy Karl played Emmett and after seeing this on MTV I must say I preferred him over Christian Borle in the role.
Well, I have to say, it's already having some of the "why would I pay for this?" thing starting. I was going to the ATM next to the theatre today. There was a girl out front with flyers trying to talk people into going and I saw at least 5 people look at her and say 'Why would I bother spending money on it? I'm recording it on MTV right now."
Ok, I really can't understand the logic behind some decisions. How can releasing it on DVD HURT the sales, when
FACT # 1 The show aired on Television
FACT # 2 People who love the show, already taped it
FACT # 3 People who can't see the broadcast because they live
away, would gladly pay to buy an Official DVD (they
can't see the Broadway show anyway)
FACT # 4 You can find anything on the internet...
You do the math !
You left out the most important aspect of the math problem. The producers would have to pay an arm and a leg to the actors to be able to sell their performances, which would put them further in the red. It would hurt sales in the sense that it would take many, many more sales before they can even begin to make a profit.
I have a feeling MTV trimmed down the behind the scenes footage because of how god awful those 3 girls were/are.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Those girls really were godawful, like the living dead. The show was really fun, I thought. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought it would, but I felt like something was off when the leading lady had less charm than everyone else in the cast. I didn't not like her, but I really thought she was outshone by those around her.
They did. The bit where the girls are sitting in the audience was longer originally (unless I missed something where they showed more of it).
I think they might release it on DVD after the show closes. Or they may never release it at all. Who knows, cares... go see it at your local community theater/highschool in two years.
^^^ UR right, it most likely will be released once the show closes. Hopefully not for several years . I really hope they launch a tour soon. I have a feeling this MTV gig might really help a national tour more than the broadway show.
exactly RJ.
Not many shows have the option of releasing a performance DVD- so I think the Legally Blonde people and MTV are in a cool position.
I think once it does close - they should release it.
An LB revival? Doubtful. I'm watching it now... I DVRed it...out of curiosity.
Was it me or was Laura Bell VERY pitchy in "So Much Better"? Like all the way through?
I caught about half an hour of the broadcast while I was at the gym today (no TV at home... sad...) and loved it. I'll catch the re-broadcast tomorrow night.
And I'm sure it's been posted before, but this is fun:
I could see it being revived in thirty years when everyone's nostalgic for the 90s and the ott years if Broadway still exists then.
Are you guys talking about the hosts ?
Damn ..those girls are definitely unenthusiastic, huh? almost comparable to Britney's somnabulistic performance at the VMAs....
Is it just me ? or I am waayy to old for MTV now (in my 30's) but it seems to me that the new 'IT ' thing is to be that unethusiastic (basing upon the commercials- like THE HILLS & some girl singing live -b/w gig)...Its soo weird to see those host without any enery at all and next to all audience's unnecesary cheering & bombastic dance moves by the cast.
Can someone please give those b*tches some RED BULLs ?
Updated On: 10/14/07 at 02:00 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Finally watched it; I was gone all day so I had to tape it.
I really rather enjoyed it, but this show is a guilty pleasure for me.
What was up with the CONSTANT applause? It got really annoying.
Maybe I was crazy, but a lot of the cast seemed worn out vocally. I think I remember reading on the boards here that they had a lot of performances and were getting tired. The performances were still good, just something that I noticed. Or maybe it was just me. Still not that crazy about LBB, particularly vocally.
This back from the earlier pages, but...
sondhead and orangeskittles: Yes! I hate how the musical makes Elle improve only because of Emmett. I'd rather he propose at the end and she work hard by herself. I feel that they could have developed their relationship in different ways without detracting from Elle's character. Sure, Emmett in the movie wasn't as developed, but he was completely supportive without Elle leaning on him, and I miss that in the musical.
Not to mention she didn't even get into Harvard without emotionally manipulating the admissions director.
Also--and I've said this before--I don't think that developing the relationship that much and then skipping to three years later without so much as a kiss works very well. You don't know if they've been dating or what. At least the movie kept it very subtle throughout.
We watched and enjoyed it - not so much the scene,commercial, scene, commercial for Act Two.
By the time, What You Want was over, I was exhausted. The energy from the opening through What You Want was incredible. I also like the jump rope dance. I think the choreography really makes the show more than it is.
Still, I found Act Two more tedious - perhaps it was the commercials, but it doesn't have the flow of Act I, even though I like the musical numbers.
If LB is still playing in March, we may see it (if we get our Broadway trip organized), but it was already on the list from OBCR.
And the host girls - gag me with a fork.
when will the ratings for this broadcast come out?