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The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR- Page 6

The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#125The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 4:49pm

One thing about Barbour is, you don't have to know him to not like him. The black spot he put on actor's in general is enough to want to see him punished for his crime(s).
I can't think of one actor/actress who has done anything this vile in the last few decades.
Yes I know, he did some time.

So who do we think will replace him?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#126The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 5:35pm

He put a black spot on actors? Really? How? I'm fairly certain that if you ask the audience members of any b'way show on any given night who he was, you'd have LESS than 10% correctly identify him and/or this particular act. I hardly thinks that qualifies as creating a black spot.

According to Corey Feldman...LOTS worse goes on in Hollywood everyday. I consider Mel Gibson's actions and beliefs to be pretty reprehensible but I don't think that sullied other actors. I won't spend a penny on any project he is connected with.

Personally, I am torn on this issue. I do believe that he served his time and society needs to allow him to make a life for himself. I'm just not sure if I can/will put my money there.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Kad Profile Photo
#127The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 5:37pm

Most people who do not regularly follow theatre do not know who he is. Even before he was charged, he was not a Broadway "star". I doubt Barbour's actions have ruined the reputation of actors.

As for other actors up to vile deeds... well, one needs not look further than Hollywood to find a share.

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

#128The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 5:47pm

"The black spot he put on actor's in general is enough to want to see him punished for his crime"

BWAHAHAHA!!! There have already been a few head-scratching/jaw-dropping statements made in this thread, but that has truly taken the cake.

I think it's time for a few nuns to run on out and join everyone in a rousing chorus of "Holier Than Thou!"

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#129The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 5:51pm

Since in this case "holier than thou" means NOT having stuck one's adult dick in a teenager's mouth, I can only hope that that's a pretty strong chorus.

#130The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 6:55pm

"Totally. Now go after the people who have been using innuendo to smear the girl who accused Barbour! The Machiavellian grandmother, the claims that she did this to other performers, the claims it was all about money, the fact that she may not have been a virgin when she met Barbour... there's just so much to work with, I can't wait to see you set THAT straight, too!"

I go after anyone who uses innuendo without facts - and I think you know that very well Phyl, really I do. What nomdeplume is doing in this thread is disgusting and typical. And anyone who's smearing the girl without having facts to back it up, i.e. asking "questions" where no answers will ever suffice or are even wanted, is equally as disgusting.

Mr. Barbour did whatever he did. He accepted a plea bargain. He accepted the plea bargain, abided by its terms, and served the time asked of him. Hate him, forgive him, ignore him - but in THIS case justice was served and that is the end of that. I'm would like to think the girl has moved on, Mr. Barbour has moved on - funnily, the only people who don't seem to be able to move on are right here on this board and yes, they are more than a little holier than thou.

#131The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 8:42pm

It's easy and proper to judge Barbour's acts as "wrong" when one knows all the facts. But did HE know all the facts at the time? I've seen 15 year old girls that easily looked *18*. Did she lie about her age? When was the last time you carded someone you slept with? What is the difference between having sex with a girl who is 15 years and 364 days old, and with having sex with her on her 16th birthday?

Again, what he did was clearly wrong, and he paid for it, but it's unfair to lump him in with pedophiles who seek to have sex with prepubescent children.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#132The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 8:58pm


But did HE know all the facts at the time?

According to the man himself, he did. If he didn't and just took that time at Rikers for sh*ts and grins, then he's got even deeper issues, I guess.

I've seen 15 year old girls that easily looked *18*. Did she lie about her age?

No, it would seem that she didn't. I don't think that part is in dispute, despite how many people seem to be holding tight to that one. If he was set up and trapped, then it would be a different story. But there is nothing that suggests that to be the case. And you know that.

When was the last time you carded someone you slept with?

Never. But I've never met a sex partner under the circumstances that Barbour met the girl who pressed charges.

What is the difference between having sex with a girl who is 15 years and 364 days old, and with having sex with her on her 16th birthday?

Provided that 16 is the age of consent in your scenario, then the difference is that that 16 year old can consent to sex with an adult and a fifteen year old can't. It's still disgusting either way. What grown person without serious issues would want to f@ck a sixteen year old? What's the point of this question, anyway? Are you suggesting that because consent laws are imperfect and arbitrary, that there should be none? That a man in his 30s shouldn't be expected to know better?

Again, what he did was clearly wrong, and he paid for it, but it's unfair to lump him in with pedophiles who seek to have sex with prepubescent children.

I don't think anyone (except maybe nomdeplume, whose posts are best just ignored) is doing that.

Why do you end by saying it was "clearly" wrong, when everything you said beforehand was clearly an attempt to make it less clear?
Did you even read this thread? Updated On: 8/20/11 at 08:58 PM

#133The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/20/11 at 11:01pm

I think our society in general sets a pretty big double standard when it comes to kids (and yes, that's what they are) in that age bracket. These Hollywood starlets and stars are held up and viewed as these "look, but don't touch" idols. Look at how many website there were devoted to the 18th birthday of the Olsen twins. Look at how many people drooled over Taylor Lautner when they first saw his body in that second Twilight movie, despite him being 16/17 when that was filmed and released. And I'm sure the same has happened with many many other young stars. Am I honestly expected to believe that the people running the 18th birthday countdown site, and those supplying them with their web traffic, really waited until these kids turned 18 to fantasize about everything they wanted to do to them?

That being said I would say I fall under the camp that finds this whole situation to be one horrible mess with no clear cut answers. I may choose to not support Mr. Barbour by not going to see shows or projects he is involved in, but I do not think that he should be denied the right to work.

And I do laugh at the idea of protecting "family values" by removing him from a production of The Rocky Horror Show.

trentsketch Profile Photo
#134The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 8:53am

Acting holier than thou doesn't mean that you never did anything like Barbour. It means that you think, after he served his sentence for his crime, that you have the right to judge him as a piece of garbage for the rest of his life, cheer him being chased out of a production and every professional failure he has, and making broad sweeping statements like he personally ruined the reputation of all actors for this crime.

I hope no one here ever is charged with a crime and has it lorded over their heads for the rest of their lives even after finishing their punishment.

best12bars Profile Photo
#135The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 9:01am

I'm unclear about something ... was he asked to leave by the theatre, fired, or did he quit the show of his own accord when the publicity started?

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#136The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 9:12am

Officially he left of his own accord. Where part of this debate stemmed from is the fact that some conservative radio host began causing a stink about him being hired and then shortly after he chose to leave the production. So, understandably, people have begun speculating as to the actual nature of his leaving.

best12bars Profile Photo
#137The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 9:25am

Oh, I definitely understand that he left the show after the bad publicity started, but there seems to be an awful lot of speculation that he was fired or asked to leave by the producers.

Is that merely speculation and nothing more? The majority of the comments are treating it as fact that he was "let go."

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#138The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 9:37am

As far as I can see it's all speculation. I may have missed something, but there has been no actual word from the theatre or from him that the reasons listed in the press release are only half of the story.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#139The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 9:52am

We haven't seen anything that tells us he was asked to leave, in any way. (or at least, no one has posted anything to prove that there was any sort of conversation.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#140The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 11:02am

As philly's been saying, his wife is actually pregnant so it could very well be related to that.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

Producer2 Profile Photo
#141The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 11:13am

Call the Weisslers and Kander and Ebb, this epic saga sounds like a hit new musical to me.
"Barbour- the White Elephant!" starring Nathan Lane and Bernadette Peters as the 15 year old girl.

#142The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 1:36pm

This thread is so long that I didn't see, but did anyone bring up the 13 year old girl from the 1999 production of Jane Eyre that came forward as a witness?

#143The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/21/11 at 2:28pm

Why don't you provide a link to this startling "fact." Provide it and we can all read it and see exactly what you're talking about. Please do so now because I just googled "James Barbour, Jane Eyre, witness, crime, case" and came up empty.
Updated On: 8/21/11 at 02:28 PM

#145The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/22/11 at 12:59am

Phyllis, I confess I didn't read all 130+ comments in this thread before posting. Thank you for explaining the points of the case I was unaware of. I figured I was familiar enough with the case from reading the several threads that have appeared here before about it, all complete with people equating him with being a "child molester".

By "clearly wrong", I only meant clear when one has all the facts. I was only questioning whether or not he did.

CurtainPullDowner Profile Photo
#146The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/22/11 at 1:54am

That fox news piece is worse than anything said here, but his own words are more upsetting; oral sex with a 15 year old is fine but intercourse, nope. His words, read em.


Idiot Profile Photo
#147The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/22/11 at 3:12am

Okay, let's remove from the performing arts libraries around the world any piece that was created by an artist who engaged in deviant behavior. That includes any play, musical, or film written, directed, choreographed or performed by a deviant (by society's standards at the time the work was created).

#148The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/22/11 at 11:09am

Phyllis rogers.....wrote "Posted On:8/20/11 at 05:51
Since in this case "holier than thou" means NOT having stuck one's adult dick in a teenager's mouth, I can only hope that that's a pretty strong chorus.

WHY is this person still allowed to write ANY message!
Violation of Terms of Service is a mild understatement!
This was supposed to be a 'family' board. Many minors and underage children read this board.
it takes a lot to offend me....but this just did!


#149The REAL Reason Barbour Left ROCKY HORROR
Posted: 8/22/11 at 11:55am


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