"Thats odd about them all being blonde because the top five should have atleast one brunette because there are two right now, maybe whatever brunette is left over dyed her hair blonde?"
^^how do make that into italics?^^
ok now what I was going to say...I read an article about the show that says they had to dye their hair platinum blonde during one of the weeks so thats probably why they were all blonde. Also I think the one in the back is Autumn.
alex ~ you put < i > (minus the spaces) in front of what you want to italicize and < /i > (again, minus the spaces) at the end of what you want to italicize. :)
what professional theater credits do Rhiannon and Lauren have?
I thought the only one who had Brodway Credits was Emma. But I mean how hard is it to get cast in daddy's show. Im not saying she shouldn't be in the competition but it is an unfair disadvantage to the other girls like Bailey who is fresh out of high school.
If you look at Autumn's page on the MTV site, she has some video messages to fans in which her hair is blonde. I'm guessing the brunettes bleach their hair at some point in the competition.
Ummm.... why? Has MTV never heard of wigs?
thanks Jordangirl
And yeah thats what I thought...they were wigs in the actual broadway show so I'm not sure why they made them dye their hair for the reality show.
I actually think that Autumn did because she wanted too.
About Bailey and Lauren moving to NY (according to their facebooks as was posted on this thread) – shouldn’t the winner have already been in NY rehearsing? Maybe they got other jobs in NY or are just moving here to persue their career? I know it’s all just speculation right now, but I wouldn’t automatically assume one of them won just b/c they’re heading to NY. But I would really hope that the new Elle is rehearsing already and will be ready for her debut.
And about Lauren being the Margot on tour – well, if that’s true then good for her. And she should be an Elle u/s at least. She’s my favorite at this point.
I do think that Lauren is the Tour's Margot. Also does anyone else think that Cassie would be a good Amber in Hairspray?
Updated On: 6/28/08 at 07:29 PM
Even Bundy, who is a Blonde, wears a wig. It came off, in the Bend and Snap scene, at a performance my friend attended.
Understudy Joined: 6/6/06
LMAO! I would have loved to see that. That must have been hilarious!
Does anyone watch Shear Genuis? I could have sworn Celina was a hair model for the first short cut challenge.
Stand-by Joined: 8/23/07
Broadway Star Joined: 11/29/06
I agree, Cassie would be a good Amber in Hairspray. But she still has a horrible attitude.
Excuse my ignorance but who is "Paul Canaan" And why is he described as being a "Broadway veteran" when he has less than a handful of understudy/ensemble roles.
I also hate how they keep saying "Legally Blonde: The Musical", and I hate Haylee Duff's acting (or lack thereof).
It's still addicting, though :P.
Chorus Member Joined: 11/14/05
earlier on natalie's mtv page, someone asks her about being blonde. she says that she was blonde about a year ago and those are old pictures of her. And on facebook she has blonde pictures from may of 2007.
She said "Paulette, help me put my hair on!" And Orfeh couldn't get it on so Laura said "Thank you for coming to Legally Bald" and they all ran off.
Does anyone understand why Lindsey got kicked off? She was the only one that I liked....now I'm rooting for emma
And yeah thats what I thought...they were wigs in the actual broadway show so I'm not sure why they made them dye their hair for the reality show.
Probably because having them all bleach their hair is much more dramatic for a reality TV show.
My top 3 were Natalie, Autumn and Bailey, but I was unimpressed me last week, but Autumn and Natalie were still okay. Rhiannon rocked it.
Anybody else think it's strategic, and not necessarily sweet, for Lauren to take Cassie and Autumn to take Celina? It's smart to take someone who you might not feel is competition.
I'm a sucker for Autumn's personality - adorable.
Stand-by Joined: 1/19/08
Lindsey got kicked off because she couldn't sing or act.
"She said "Paulette, help me put my hair on!" And Orfeh couldn't get it on so Laura said "Thank you for coming to Legally Bald" and they all ran off."
That's hilarious.
I feel like I'm the only one that was upset when Cassie S. got kicked off. I loved her! I know she seemed a bit whiny, but you know it had to be enhanced with the editing. They WANTED people to hate her. Now that Cassie's gone, I'm definitely rooting for Bailey and Lauren. That seems to be the general consensus though. I'll be in the city in August and hopefully I'll get to see one of them starring as Elle!
Lauren won't win she is playing Margot on tour.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/19/08