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The new Billy Elliot love thread- Page 32

The new Billy Elliot love thread

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#775The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 2:46am

dan o played the dad tuesday night, and matt m as small boy.

#776The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 8:50am

Just a little reminder--His name is Keean.

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#777The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 11:58am

Does anyone have any predictions for who will be Billy at both shows?

#778The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 1:50pm

Broadwaygirl, I know you are the OP for this thread, but at 32 pages and 777 posts (and growing) haven't we had enough "whose playing tonight?" questions?

I for one would like to see posts that will be interesting to read for more than 3 minutes after they are made. Sorry if this sounds insulting, but there are plenty of sources tracking who did what when...

After all, there are actually interesting things happening around this show (amazing ticket sales, people leaving, new cast members arriving, a national tour starting, etc).

Just asking.


yankees1253 Profile Photo
#779The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 1:55pm

Tommy/David B today's matinee and best bet Kiril tonight.

Greg's site has who left the show and who is in the cast right now.

artifact11 Profile Photo
#780The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 4:48pm

Ed, there are people who are very interested in who is playing Billy on any given day. Why not post it here? If you have something interesting to say, please do- but just look away if the acting updates cause you such upset and see if you can find something else that piques your imagination.

#781The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 5:35pm

"Ed, there are people who are very interested in who is playing Billy on any given day. Why not post it here? If you have something interesting to say, please do- but just look away if the acting updates cause you such upset and see if you can find something else that piques your imagination."

I agree with Ed. The contents of this thread really don't have anything to do with the heading. The fact that there are people trying to determine who goes on and when is actually pretty sad and pathetic. It's one thing to like a show, but you people really need to get a life.

Billy Whiz
#782The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 7:08pm

Broadwaygirl. If you go here

or here

then you can find who played Billy, Michael and Small Boy. No predictions are made on who will be playing Billy.

artifact11 Profile Photo
#783The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 7:19pm

Fosse, worry about your own life. Maybe you can work on that nasty edge you seem to carry.

#784The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/22/09 at 10:38pm

Hey Guys! Just bought tickets for my mom and I to see the show on August 16th, 2009 at 3:00 pm. We purchased House Right Partial View seating in Row L. Being the first time we are seeing the show, I am a little nervous about are seating choices. Are they good seats? Also, are Greg and Haydn contracted to be in the show through this date? What about Carole Shelley? Thanks!

bundy5000 Profile Photo
#785The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 12:13am

As far as I know Greg is on vacation in Florida but is contracted through Oct. Hadwyne Is contract through Sept. and I am not sure about Carole. You should be fine but regardless you'll have a good time.

I can't give you any advice on seating cause I need a stronger prescription for my glasses. Even Orch. Row K was to far but if you go on the BE website you can see an estimated distance with a chart. When I was on row K though I had partial view to the right tho, but all I "REALLY" missed was Billy in the shack during the angry dance. You should be good to go. Make sure you understand the plot so your not trying to figure it out during the show. Even tho it is not hard to follow. Have a great time!

Herbie: "Honey, Don't you know there's a depression?"
Rose: "Of Course I know, I Watch Fox News"
Broadway Schedule
December 5th- Hamilton, On Your Feet
December 19th- Noises Off, Edith Piaf Concert at Town Hall

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#786The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 2:01am

Forgive me but I thought that this was a place to discuss all things Billy Elliot. Are we supposed to talk about how crowded it is everynight, I mean really, everyone knows that. Sometimes we run out of news and people are very curious about who is there and who they will be seeing because they heard certain things about certain actors. If you have something interesting and some news, share but get used to the fact that we are going to talk about who is going and if you dont like it then dont read it this thread. we will discuss it whether you like it or not.

I know there are sites to find out who is Billy, I follow all of them. Most of the time the Twitter goes up late and I want to know a little early depending on the circumstances. I might be wanting to see it and want to know right away before I stand on the cancellation line for 2 to 3 hrs. I know that some people ask the Billys so I wondered if anyone had an info.

Thats my response to those questions and attacks so no one can question me anymore. Thank you.

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#787The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 2:28am

I agree with artifact.
Wed Eve:
Michael-David B
Small Boy-Matt
Dad-Dan O(Not so great of a dad)
forgot the other adult u/s's
Kara Klein was on for Meg G as Karen Davidson
Brianna F was on for Rachel Resheff as Julie Hope
~Maria C is on full time Keeley Gobson the playbill is wrong~

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#788The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 2:39am

It was the Pit Supervisor which is Jeff Kready.
Why was he not good, Dan that is.
Thanks for agreeing with me, by the way.

#789The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 8:25am

"Thats my response to those questions and attacks so no one can question me anymore."

Ok then.

lindatnyc2 Profile Photo
#790The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 11:45am

"Most of the time the Twitter goes up late ..."

First, I want thank the twitter team for doing a superb job.

Broadwaygirl99 (and others): We report closest to the time the board goes up, which is generally 1 1/2 hr. before showtime.

And unless you or new or don't know better, the routine question of who's playing Billy does become annoying.

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#791The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 3:50pm

I knew that what I said about the twitter would get twisted around. I am very greatful and happy that these people take their time and find out who is going everyday. I just know that some people ask the Billy's the night before who is going and then they know, so I was just curious if anyone had any new info. Thats all, dont twist my words around because this is what I said in my response before, you should really read my responses before attacking me. Cause I know that people around her who dont like certian people just dont like them and dont even listen to what they have to say, they just attack and insinuate. Which is wrong and everyone, no matter how young should have a chance to speak.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#792The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 4:29pm

Let me just say, sometimes going to check that board is like risking your life. It's actually amusing how many times I've been elbowed in the side.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?

#793The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 4:30pm

Linda, I appreciate your clarification of my point.

B'way, please don't take things so personally. Not all communication is altercation. I'm sure Linda's comments and mine were intended as a friendly perspective (and certainly not the only valid one).


broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#794The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 4:44pm

I really dont understand how it is annoying! Im am just asking a question, can I not ask a simple question around here. If it is annoying to you IGNORE it!! You dont have to respond and make people feel stupid. I'm really disappointed in all the people on this board for not seeing the importance of knowing who is going when and not understnading that I dont want to stand on the line for 3 hrs if it is just going to be someone that i dont care for as Billy( I know I will have to suffer for putting this up too but Ill say it anyway becuase it is the truth) Im sorry for all the trouble I have caused on this board and the arugments that i have brought up, but I feel that I am going to continue to do what i do and ask what I ask and the people who understand me can respond and the people who find me annoying can just ignore me and go on with their lives, instead of consering yourself with what I do.

bythesword84 Profile Photo
#795The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 4:47pm

I'll clarify because I understand why it can be annoying: Sometimes, people (myself included) go out of their way to find out who is on the board for that night and then to constantly be asked can become tedious. I understand that people want to know, because if I didn't want to know I wouldn't bother checking, but it's a matter of seeming like you're looking a gift horse in the mouth. People do the best they can, trust it will be up there. If you want to know it early then you have to make the effort to check it yourself.

Edited to add: I'm not going to attack you for saying you don't want to see certain Billys, having seen some way more than I've seen other yes, sometimes I can walk in and say well I'd have preferred it was so and so, but that doesn't stop me from going. The reason they don't announce who is on when is partly to prevent exactly what you're talking about, people picking and choosing who they want to see.

And hang on, when did you win the discus?
Updated On: 7/23/09 at 04:47 PM

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#796The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 4:56pm

Well when there are so many Billys and they all look different and perform so differently it is bound to happen and im sure it happens all the time. There are so different that everyone can identify with each Billy so get used to it.

Shubert Alley Cat Profile Photo
Shubert Alley Cat
#797The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 7:37pm

I was at the show Wed evening 7/23. Kiril as Billy and David B as Michael. Dan O as dad.

This was my second trip -- I saw Kiril and David B last time . . . and I almost wouldn't have it any other way. These two kids are just perfection in my book. I loved the show even more this time. It is just a genius combination of dance, music (yes I love the score), story, and staging.

There were many moments that stopped the show last night and Kiril even got a standing O from several folks in the mezz (where I was) at the end of Electricity. The only other performer I've seen get a standing O at the end of a number (not at the finale) was Patti in GYPSY and she pretty much hammed it up for that response.

Both Kiril and David were great at the stage door. Both are extremely humble kids.

Haydn also was a pleasure to meet. I found so much to enjoy in her characterization of Mrs. W tonight. This is the perfect combination of actor and role.

I would also add that I thought Will Chase was swell and that Dan O was adequate as Dad. Really missed Greg J. Carole Shelley is still a treasure.

I love this show and wish I could go again tonight!

broadwaygirl99 Profile Photo
#798The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/23/09 at 10:24pm

Thanks so much for the review and Im glad you had a good time! I hope you get to see it again soon.

yankees1253 Profile Photo
#799The new Billy Elliot love thread
Posted: 7/24/09 at 2:23pm

I was also at this past wednesday evening performance second row center orch. I agree with you about the night Shubert Alley Cat. Alot of people wanted to stand up and clap after soliditary but there were so many kids were in the orch so it was respectful not to. Shine was the exact same way too.

Will Chase and Kiril do look like Brothers. Erin was excellent was always and it was cute seeing Maria next to her at one point. The birdie flew off her finger. The ballet girls were lovely and funny and have great chemistry with one another. Matthew Mindler got the aww's.

Fourth Time seeing it ***** out of ***** as always.
Heres the order I saw the billy's and michaels:
Trent/David B, Small Boy Mitchell
Tommy/Frank, Small Boy Matthew
David/David, Small Boy Matthew, Debbie Maria Connelly
Kiril/David, Small Boy Matthew

planning fifth time late august.
