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Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition! - Page 2

Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!

Cupid Boy2 Profile Photo
Cupid Boy2
#25Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/6/16 at 9:50pm

ARTc3 said: "Part of the cell phone issue isn't that the announcement isn't effective, its that latecomers don't hear the announcement. Latecomers should all be personally be instructed to turn off their phones before being allowed into the house."

It's not just the latecomers. The truth is, people just don't have the patience to listen without additional stimulation to grab their attention in this day and age of instant gratification. After all, there's a reason why overtures are going by the wayside. 

Marianne2 Profile Photo
#26Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/6/16 at 10:07pm

When I saw South Pacific, there was a slip in there about no cell phones and videos. I remember people looked at it and were laughing. So this will definitely do nothing. 

"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005 "You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy. Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates

HogansHero Profile Photo
#27Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/6/16 at 10:07pm

Although I support it, there is not much chance of getting jamming legalized; there are too many people who would worry about the implications. But I do not think any law would be broken by employing signal detection and it would force people to turn off their phones or at least put them in airplane mode. Since I am convinced that most phones that go off are owned by people who do not know how to make the sound go away, this would also provide them with what we like to call a learning opportunity. 

#28Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/6/16 at 10:47pm

The other thing to consider when talking about jamming signals is the wide array of wireless signals that Broadway shows require to operate now; microphones, com systems, wireless signals for automation and lighting, and wifi networks. I would imagine that anything that would block cell signals could also cause a disruption to any of those things as well. 

GavestonPS Profile Photo
#29Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/6/16 at 11:09pm

Phantom4ever said: "...Then, the next day at school, one of them informs me that they are all protesting MY rudeness by not being part of the school musical production next fall. They understand that phones are bad, but they vigorously defended their right to quietly talk and make comments in live theater if only the people who are talking can actually hear them. 

Normally students that I take to theater are perfectly behaved. But the world seems to be moving closer and closer to a place where we just have to give up and try our best to hear and see the show over the distractions.  I know I am ready to give up. 



We've had entire threads here where BWW POSTERS vehemently defended their right to talk during a performance. Of course they swear that THEIR mid-show commentary was brief, quiet and disturbed no one. But of course we didn't get to hear from their neighbors. Some people here even complained that applause after musical numbers "broke" their concentration!

As I used to say to box office patrons who whined when we only had singles left, "You shouldn't be talking to your companions during the show anyway."


I understand that smart phones have made theater distractions worse in some ways, but there have always been rude people in theaters. Before there were smart phones, there were flash cameras. And before there were flash cameras there were prostitutes and fruit sellers advertising their wares (see the Restoration Era). Moliere was famous for dealing with hecklers and doing so in rhymed couplets!

The OP rightly mentions the responsibility of the audience, but part of that responsibility is to learn to concentrate despite the fact that, as Sartre says, "Hell is other people."

Updated On: 5/6/16 at 11:09 PM

#30Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 1:10am

I signed it. I truly doubt that this with work, but why not try? Then again, will something like that really be effective? Who knows, but there's no downside in trying. I'm not sure if/how much Playbill charges for extra slips though, so that may be an issue.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#31Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 7:54am

Playbill has nothing thing to do qith inserts.....the theater's ushers insert those.


I'm assuming the op suggests a permanent page to be part of the playbill. 

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Julie Yard
#32Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 8:25am

When I was a kid going to the movies, the usher (matron) came down the aisle and sort of bawled everybody out and told us how to behave. Of course we were kids and wild, but maybe the usher's making a variation of that contact ... doing the slow walk up the aisle, directing people to turn off their phones, and not talk during the show. I know, there aren't enough of them, and they're not paid enough to do it, but maybe that's what's required.

The most effective (and least offensive) technique I saw was at the David Cromer Our Town. As the light went down, he made that long walk around the Barrow holding a lit cell phone and it shut the audience down, and people behaved during that show. Of course the show was amazing, but I'm sure there were clods in the audience and even they toed the line.



#33Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 8:26am

It's not just Broadway where there's terrible Behavior by the audiences. I was at a performance at the Metropolitan Opera a few weeks ago. People were taking many many pictures during intermission , conversations were going on during the performance and one woman seated a few seats away from me was texting throughout the evening. It was a distraction to me as well as to the performers on stage.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
Updated On: 5/7/16 at 08:26 AM

#34Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 9:29am

The only thing that will work aggressive ushers. It should not be our job to police our fellow patrons and tell people what to do. People take their phones out and talk because they don't think anyone will stop them. If the ushers stop them, well, that's that then. 

I was pleasantly surprised at the reaction to one of the movie chains considering having cellphone-friendly theater. I thought perhaps that people would say this is the wave of the future. But apparently they got enough backlash to forget the idea. 

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
#35Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 10:27am

"The lack of any sort of a dress code simply pains me...Recently at The Father, I sat next to someone wearing a bandana...Really? How does anyone convince themselves this is acceptable?"


I understand and I felt the same way having brunch in Sardi's and seeing somebody there in gym shorts and flip flops.

Mr Roxy Profile Photo
Mr Roxy
#36Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 11:09am

Surprised Sardi's allowed it. I thought they had a dress code. Sounds more like Juniors than Sardi's

Poster Emeritus
Updated On: 5/7/16 at 11:09 AM

HogansHero Profile Photo
#37Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 11:52am

i feel truly sorry for anyone "pained" by how someone else dresses. sheesh, join a club for old wasps.

Princeton Returns Profile Photo
Princeton Returns
#38Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 12:44pm

This is why a do's and don't would never work because people disagree on what is and isn't acceptable.

Even cell phones, yes they are annoying and I'd agree it would be nice if they could be stopped. but for people to say it's ruined a whole performance for them, really?! 

The bandana comment is ridiculous, what harm is that doing to you. I'd rather have someone dressed like that than some smartly dress person with aftershave or perfume wafting everywhere for example. I think I've worn shorts once or twice to the theatre, it wouldn't be my first choice but when it's 90 degrees and no air con im dressing for comfort. Which is also better for everyone around me.

I've seen people moan about latecomers (sometimes it can't be helped, I left an hour to do a ten minute journey once and the tube broke down), people leaving to go to the toilet, people coughing etc etc. I think some people are maybe best not go anywhere where they might have to have human interaction. Yes it's a bit of a faff to stand up for a few seconds, but it's hardly the end of the world.

Also, for all you know you may have annoying habits in life that you're not even aware of.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#40Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 5:13pm

That post didn't blame you.  And even you have to admit.....not all ushers do the same job that you do.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Dysquith13 Profile Photo
#42Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
Posted: 5/7/16 at 8:54pm

Not sure how effective this was, but Gentleman's Guide had a pretty hilarious page on etiquette in its Playbill.'s+Guide+to+Attending+the+Theatre.jpg

Updated On: 5/7/16 at 08:54 PM
