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Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked! - Page 2

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked! Profile Photo
#25Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:42am

JSquared2 said: "GreeneStreet said: Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I’m associated with this idiot. "

Umm, actually yes it does.

Umm, actually it doesnt necessarily.

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#26Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:43am

BroadwayConcierge said: "Do the theatre owner organizations like the Nederlander, Shubert, Jujamcyn, etc., have code of conduct policies prohibiting public demonstrations or political protests inside their theaters? I'm as big an advocate of free speech as it gets, but this behavior inside or outside a Broadway theater is beyond obnoxious and bizarrely misplaced. Internal policies from these private organizations is the only way to go about it, I think."

GreeneStreet is not the only Trump voter posting on this thread. BroadwayConcierge is another.

#27Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:55am

rayoflight104 said: "Lot666 said: "LxGstv said: "if the “other candidate” as you put it, had won, this thread wouldn’t even exist in the first place."

^ This.


The context of the posts would be different. We'd be talking about those deleted emails.
You can't discuss politics with the left. they aren't as open minded and see things two ways like people on the right do. i can state this because the responses i will get from this message will prove my point. can't wait to read their 'justifications'.
i do question that though - why can't people on the left see things two ways? it's either their way or no way at all.
oh boy - they're gonna come for me now.... armor is on.


We would be talking about her deleted emails on a broadway message board?! What?? The only reason this is even being “discussed” here is because of the inappropriate actions of a man supporting an inappropriate president.

This isn’t about left or right. But since you bring it up, it’s funny how it goes isn’t it...

right: yells “go trump” during BCEFA speech.

left: you can’t do that.

right: ugh, you need to be more open minded. It’s not always my way or the highway.

Bottom line is, you can’t discuss politics with anyone that doesn’t want to or knows how to discuss politics. And again, this is a broadway message board.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#28Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:55am

Wow, ya really got me, Erik! Nobody’s ever pointed that out on here ever before. You’re so groundbreaking and original!

Holding political preferences does not mean that you condone others who share those preferences screaming them at curtain calls. Which is the point of what both I and GreeneStreet have written on here. But sure, let’s pick some fights anyway, huh? Profile Photo
#29Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:55am

rayoflight104 said: "Lot666 said: "LxGstv said: "if the “other candidate” as you put it, had won, this thread wouldn’t even exist in the first place."

^ This.


The context of the posts would be different. We'd be talking about those deleted emails.
You can't discuss politics with the left. they aren't as open minded and see things two ways like people on the right do. i can state this because the responses i will get from this message will prove my point. can't wait to read their 'justifications'.
i do question that though - why can't people on the left see things two ways? it's either their way or no way at all.
oh boy - they're gonna come for me now.... armor is on.


No we really wouldnt be talking about the emails.  The theater community has strong leanings to the left.   The "other candidate" has achieved sainthood status.  POTUS is demonized .  Kathy Gifford has certainly created a photo that has become vivid in our minds. 

I do not respect the Trump supporter.   I do not respect the protesters in the Kavanagh hearings. they too were extremely disruptive.  They were allowed to protest as their freedom of speech.  Disruptive protest whether in a theater or the halls of Congress seems to be a new norm, again under the freedom of speech.  



To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#30Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:58am

You can't discuss politics with the left. they aren't as open minded and see things two ways like people on the right do.

why can't people on the left see things two ways? it's either their way or no way at all.

Because the first thing that one thinks of when hearing the word "conservative" is open-mindedness?  When did this suddenly happen?  When Trump "won" the "war on Christmas"?  I can't wait to hear the open-minded two (or more) ways the right views issues like abortion, LGBT rights, trans in the military, the 2nd Amendment, political guidance in church as it relates to tax status, health care and education.  Happy Holidays!

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian Profile Photo
#31Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:03am

LxGstv said: "rayoflight104 said: "Lot666 said: "LxGstv said: "if the “other candidate” as you put it, had won, this thread wouldn’t even exist in the first place."

^ This.


The context of the posts would be different. We'd be talking about those deleted emails.
You can't discuss politics with the left. they aren't as open minded and see things two ways like people on the right do. i can state this because the responses i will get from this message will prove my point. can't wait to read their 'justifications'.
i do question that though - why can't people on the left see things two ways? it's either their way or no way at all.
oh boy - they're gonna come for me now.... armor is on.


We would be talking about her deleted emails on a broadway message board?! What?? The only reason this is even being “discussed” here is because of the inappropriate actions of a man supporting an inappropriate president.

This isn’t about left or right. But since you bring it up, it’s funny how it goes isn’t it...

right: yells “go trump” during BCEFA speech.

left: you can’t do that.

right: ugh, you need to be more open minded. It’s not always my way or the highway.

Bottom line is, you can’t discuss politics with anyone that doesn’t want to or knows how to discuss politics. And again, this is a broadway message board.

The shout of go Trump probably helped the BCEFA collection.  Folks probably got so mad the gave more to the collection!  I would have!

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#32Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:13am

All this mudslinging is getting ugly and ultimately pointless to both sides, so can we go back to the original point of freedom of speech vs theatre decorum? I'm not saying it wasn't rude, inappropriate and gross, but the Broadway Cares speech is technically post-curtain call, so everything that the ticket buyer was entitled to had been fulfilled, so maybe at that point there's not much anyone can do about it except roll with it.

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#33Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:13am

rayoflight104 said: "The context of the posts would be different. We'd be talking about those deleted emails.
You can't discuss politics with the left. they aren't as open minded and see things two ways like people on the right do.

Spot-on, rayoflight. The key difference between the left and the right, at least today, is that one side—and only one—will still defend to the death the other side's right to hold and express opinions with which they disagree. 

Note that on this thread alone, a user—who has simply expressed a political opinion and not called for any form of action—has been called "irresponsible, selfish, childish and enormously stupid," a "racist traitor [who] disgust[s] me," and complicit with someone that he/she literally, explicitly condemned. But it doesn't matter: GreeneStreet just now, because he isn't in line with leftist standards, needs to be punished and castrated for believing what he believes, right?

But now I'm bringing back the kind of opinions that got me in hot water here in 2016 (but for which users like BobbyBubby (formerly Mildred Plota) and Erikwhatshisname still feel the need to hunt me down on here for). So I'm going to bow out of this thread now. Gotta love the tolerant left.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#34Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:30am

I never claimed to be tolerant of racists. Or apologists for racism. Or those who support racism, homophobia, and misogyny with their votes.

#35Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:36am

BroadwayConcierge said: “Spot-on, rayoflight. The key difference between the left and the right, at least today, is that one side—and only one—will still defend to the death the other side's right to hold and express opinions with which they disagree."

This whole thread is about someone holding and expressing an opinion in the most absurd and inappropriate place. Not to mention that homophobia, misogyny, racism and hate speech in general aren’t really opinions.

Also, good job on brushing past everything that was already said and continuously repeating the same points over and over. Very Trump like of you, and no, it’s not a compliment.

Charley Kringas Inc Profile Photo
Charley Kringas Inc
#36Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:39am

I would be fascinated to know what exactly it is that Trump supports and says that doesn't adhere strictly to the conservative playbook. As far as I can tell, he's functionally the physical embodiment of right-wing rhetoric. Frankly, it seems like conservatives are more upset that he's just coming out and saying it, which blows their cover.

#37Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:53am

I think there's some willful blindness going on every time someone says "the right is the side that will defend your right to express yourself." Actually, they only defend a certain segment of the population's right to do so and to say horrendous things. Saying horrendous things is fine, but they also defend people spreading misinformation, lies, propaganda, bigotry, and other hateful rhetoric that incites actual violence and harm to those already most vulnerable. Every time someone from a certain minority group speaks out and expresses THEIR opinion, they get called all kinds of favorite right-wing phrases and are told to shut up and sit down. What they really want is the right for racists/sexists to speak but shut down any criticism or responses to what they are saying.

And saying the right is more open-minded about political discourse? That's just tribal thinking. Both sides have extremists who do nothing but go on news website comments sections, argue on social media, post weird Tumblrs, and go on Twitter to rant and rave. So whatever example you are using to paint "the left" can easily be found on the right. I don't see much open mindedness there.

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 10:53 AM

haterobics Profile Photo
#38Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 10:54am

BroadwayConcierge said: "The key difference between the left and the right, at least today, is that one side—and only one—will still defend to the death the other side's right to hold and express opinions with which they disagree."

If someone yelled something I agreed with weirdly and during a curtain call speech, I would be against them doing it, too. The fact that this moron is pro-Trump is secondary to the odd places and times he chooses to let people know about it.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#39Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:02am

The key difference between the left and the right, at least today, is that one side—and only one—will still defend to the death the other side's right to hold and express opinions with which they disagree. 

That is false

Note that on this thread alone, a user—who has simply expressed a political opinion and not called for any form of action—has been called "irresponsible, selfish, childish and enormously stupid," a "racist traitor [who] disgust[s] me," and complicit with someone that he/she literally, explicitly condemned. But it doesn't matter: GreeneStreet just now, because he isn't in line with leftist standards, needs to be punished and castrated for believing what he believes, right?

Nobody has castrated or punished anyone.

Gotta love the tolerant left.

I love it when you guys toss out the word "tolerant" in this way as an attempt to accuse liberals of hypocrisy.  You merely illustrate that you have never paid attention to any discussion on the topic of tolerance.

The "other candidate" has achieved sainthood status.  POTUS is demonized .  Kathy Gifford has certainly created a photo that has become vivid in our minds. 

Your exaggerations are truly Trumpian.  No one has achieved sainthood status.  Far from it.  And what is this photo by "Kathy Gifford"?!?!  I'm SUPER excited to find out about that!  Do tell!

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Elfuhbuh Profile Photo
#40Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:05am

What this guy keeps doing would be obnoxious even if he were a diehard Clinton supporter. There.

"Was uns befreit, das muss stärker sein als wir es sind." -Tanz der Vampire

#41Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:05am

He's just repeating the same ol' tired right-wing talking points. He doesn't even know the origins of those points. I too would love see this photo by "Kathy Gifford" that has "become vivid in our minds". He doesn't know the photo, just that a Kathy did something that involving a photo.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#42Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:40am

It’s very funny to me, that you all claim trump spreads hatred, but here you are spreading hate towards me for voting red during the election.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#43Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:47am

The fact of the matter is that this behavior is extremely inappropriate. It’s not okay in the theatre, but instead I guess Im associated with it cause I voted for him! Ha!

haterobics Profile Photo
#44Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:50am

GreeneStreet said: "It’s very funny to me, that you all claim trump spreads hatred, but here you are spreading hate towards me for voting red during the election."

If Trump spreads hatred, and you are experiencing more hatred after Trump was elected, that would seem to prove this theory, no? Why assume it would only be linear?

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#45Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:51am

GreeneStreet said: "It’s very funny to me, that you all claim trump spreads hatred, but here you are spreading hate towards me for voting red during the election."

No, people are calling you out for voting for someone who endorses this behavior and then complaining about it.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#46Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 11:57am

This board isn’t worth my time anymore. I mean come on, I’m deemed a racist for saying this supporters actions are whack. I mean what the heck is wrong with you guys? You are so filled with hate and go against the things your party even stands for all because I voted for someone. Jesus Christ. Well ya got your wish! Im leaving! it gets harder to be in this theatre community as a conservative, because theres so many better things for people to put their energy towards then attacking a trump supporter!

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#47Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 12:00pm

Hmm, probably because, amongst other things, Republican views of everyone who isn’t a straight white dude go against everything the theatre community has stood for years. Move along

#48Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 12:07pm

And people say only people on the left play victim or are snowflakes. You voted for Trump, you have to deal with what that entails. Voting for someone IS supporting them or at least enabling them. At best it shows a real ignorance and serious privilege that you characterized your act as "just voting". "Just voting" is one of the most powerful tools people have in this country to shape it. What do you think you were supporting when you voted for him? Trump did NOT hide any of this nor did he hide who his biggest supporters and friends were and what sort of regressive and racist/nationalistic/xenophobic/jingoistic policies he'd be pushing through because of who he allied himself with. None of this was hidden. None of what he said in the OPEN during the campaign was a secret and you revealed yourself to be somebody who endorsed it. So yes, people will take you to task for it, and nobody is buying your playing innocent or dumb act. Political opinions and exercises are NOT polite dinner conversational points as they deal with real life actions and issues that affect real life people. It's not as simple as saying "I prefer pepperoni over sausage."

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 12:07 PM

bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#49Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 12:10pm

GreeneStreet said: "Well ya got your wish! Im leaving!”

All I can say is THANK. GOD.




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