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Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked! - Page 4

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

#75Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 1:46pm

GreeneStreet said: "I’m throwing a tantrum?"


Kad Profile Photo
#76Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 1:47pm

GreeneStreet said: "Seems I struck a nerve. Why don’t you all go back to your safe spaces and we can create a peaceful protest in the streets!"

Weren't you the one saying you were leaving?


"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#77Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 1:50pm

"I know i’m not the only one who did, since I have received mutiple pm’s of relief that theres another conservative voice."

LOL. Donald Trump is NOT a conservative.And if you think he is you've been fooled.

And if you voted for Trump you either are a racist, are you are OK with racism. Just as bad.


#78Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 1:57pm

Wait, you said "safe spaces"? You're like a bot...just regurgitating tired old alt-right phrases popularized by trolls with no interest in having a discussion. For a moment, I will take your comment on good faith. You REALIZE that YOU are the one who is begging for a safe space, right? You're the one who keeps complaining about people "attacking" you and calling you all kinds of "names" (which we have seen little-to-no evidence thereof) and you want people to leave you alone so  you can talk about Broadway. Aren't you the one BEGGING for a safe space? This goes back to my point about people who self-identify on the right or as conservative think they're tolerant of open discussions when they're really not at all.

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 01:57 PM

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#79Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:02pm

I brought up trump and was attacked for it. You do the math.

Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#80Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:06pm

Barely anyone is attacking you. All they said was you can’t be suprised by this behavior when you voted for someone who supports it, not that hard of a concept to understand, I would think.

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18
Updated On: 11/30/18 at 02:06 PM

#81Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:08pm

So you want a safe space on this board to be free from people calling you out for your life choices that show the kind of person you are and what you enabled to happen?

#82Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:09pm

I am a conservative. I support low taxes, free markets (including free trade), and reducing government regulations. I also support LGBTQ+ rights, minority rights, and reasonable gun control legislation. And frankly no policy position on financial matters was enough to make me look beyond Trump's racism and homophobia. Human rights come first. If you voted for Trump because of his platform on taxes etc, you're saying that your pocketbook is more important than the rights of others. To quote Matilda, "and that's not right."


You may not be homophobic or racist, but you certainly are okay with empowering those who are. So what does that say about you?

#83Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:10pm

Bwayfan292 said: "barely anyone is attacking you. All they said was you can’t be suprised for this behavior when you voted for someone who supports it. "


And also, calling out constant contradictions... which should happen for more often for the president as well. But let’s not get into that.

pacificnorthwest Profile Photo
#84Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:34pm

re: I find these sorts of comments staggering....

To Loopin’theloop: AMEN!


Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#85Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:40pm

Fun thread

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#86Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:40pm

What are you accomplishing from attacking me for my right to vote?

Nobody attacked your right to vote.

Why don’t you all go back to your safe spaces and we can create a peaceful protest in the streets!

"Safe spaces"?  An odd choice of words for someone who claims:

I brought up trump and was attacked for it.

Though in fact, you brought up Trump with this thread, in its headline and via the posted article.  You then announced that you voted for him and got all "butt hurt" (since you enjoy the use of that phrase) that we expressed our disdain in that choice.  The choice you wanted us to know about, in this thread, on these boards.  When the reaction is precisely what would be expected, you play the victim, exaggerate the events, make up stuff said about you and display familiar garden-variety hypocrisy we've seen a million times in this very common situation.  So tell us, how much did Trump charge you for using his playbook?  Did he autograph it for you?  Just curious.

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!





"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 11/30/18 at 02:40 PM

vanbrig Profile Photo
#87Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:48pm

BroadwayConcierge said: “Spot-on, rayoflight. The key difference between the left and the right, at least today, is that one side—and only one—will still defend to the death the other side's right to hold and express opinions with which they disagree” 

Is that why multiple conservatives get pissed at me every year when I say “Happy Holidays” to them at work instead of Merry Christmas? I’m not saying the left is perfect by any means, but I don’t think the right holds free speech as near and dear to their hearts as they claim to.

GreeneStreet said: "So with that logic, if a Hiliary supporter interrupted a broadway show shouting Clinton 2020, you would all be associated because you voted for her? mk."

Trump’s antics encourage that sort of behavior and always have. Say what you will about Clinton, but she tends to promote professionalism and decorum. So a Clinton supporter shouting during a BCEFA speech would go against Clinton’s message while the same thing from a Trump supporter is pretty in line with the attitude Trump portrays.

Now then—to answer the original question of “when will this end?” It’ll end when Trump condemns this behavior from his supports and asks them to be more respectful. I won’t hold my breath.


GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#88Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:03pm

His actions of shouting at the theatre, is NOT my fault. If anything its the liberal’s fault. If you didn’t complain about everything and anything trump does, you wouldn’t see this behavior.

Bwayfan292 Profile Photo
#89Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:09pm

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

"Why was my post about my post being deleted, deleted, causing my account to be banned from posting" - The Lion Roars 2k18

#90Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:12pm

Well, we are getting insight into how a Trump voter thinks.

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#91Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:13pm

GreeneStreet said: "His actions of shouting at the theatre, is NOT my fault. If anything its the liberal’s fault. If you didn’t complain about everything and anything trump does, you wouldn’t see this behavior."

That's definitely some Trump logic.

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 03:13 PM

haterobics Profile Photo
#92Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:20pm

GreeneStreet said: "His actions of shouting at the theatre, is NOT my fault. If anything its the liberal’s fault. If you didn’t complain about everything and anything trump does, you wouldn’t see this behavior."

I think they only complain when he does or says something stupid, so it just seems constant to keep up with his pace.

#93Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:27pm

GreeneStreet said: "His actions of shouting at the theatre, is NOT my fault. If anything its the liberal’s fault. If you didn’t complain about everything and anything trump does, you wouldn’t see this behavior."


Right,  and by Greene Street's Trumpian "logic", if the Jews, and the homosexuals, and the socialists had all just quit their bellyaching, kept their mouths shut and kept quietly walking into the ovens, we could have avoided so many problems in Nazi Germany.  

#94Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:30pm

GreeneStreet said: "His actions of shouting at the theatre, is NOT my fault. If anything its the liberal’s fault. If you didn’t complain about everything and anything trump does, you wouldn’t see this behavior. "

Well, it took 4 pages, but you finally answered your original question... this behavior will end when those damn liberals stop complaining, of course!!

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#95Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:30pm

BroadwayConcierge said: "Spot-on, rayoflight. The key difference between the left and the right, at least today, is that one side—and only one—will still defend to the death the other side's right to hold and express opinions with which they disagree."

That describes me - a free speech near-absolutist - but you are most certainly not on my side, so something about your statement is certainly false.

themysteriousgrowl Profile Photo
#96Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:34pm

I've learned over the past two, two and a half years that if you keep even the most seemingly rational and moderate Trump supporter talking long enough, particularly as talking points begin to give way to specifics, eventually their true colors will out. Et voilà.


fliponaswitch Profile Photo
#97Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:36pm

As a long time lurker and reader of these message boards I am enamored by this conversation.  

Background: I am not a conservative  Voted for Clinton but I was a huge Bernie supporter  I describe my political beliefs as severe left, however I live in Texas so that definition is different than I think most of the country  

Please stop attacking each other. Especially the OP. This whole Anti-Trump and Pro-Trump argument is honestly childish. You all have spent several minutes, hours, and days feeling malicious towards one man who voted for Trump. Even though he was the one to complain about the Trump supporter interrupting Ms. Vosk. 


Regardless of who voted for who, the person who interrupted the speech was in the wrong and it is clearly in our right to complain about it. However this long argument everyone is having is only feeding into the Pro-Trump rhetoric. Giving attention to it, instead of ignoring it, is exactly what these kinds of ppl want. I live in Texas, and while it’s not an everyday occurrence it’s not uncommon. Ignore it, move forward and use your political prowess to convince others. Stop shoving, screaming and using hurtful and derogatory meanings to support your argument. You are no better than them 


stop attacking the OP on his views. I’m sure they are an adult and you are not going to change their world because you called them out on who they voted for. Hopefully History Has it’s eyes on America, and if the midterm elections have taught us anything is that people are beginning to understand the Democratic party’s point of view. Especially here in Texas where Beto was a huge deal. 

I stopped watching the news and listening to NPResecially because I am tired of the coverage on the president. I love NPR and it sucks that now I have to listen to my favorite shows via podcasts versus when they are live. 


Be civil, or “go high” as they say. Also if you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me. Rofl. Don’t attack, belittle or condone, you are not going to change the world on a message board. Instead, vote with your attention, and time, and using the amazing ness of being a human in America to propel forward your agenda in a positive light versus a negative one. 

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 03:36 PM

Fetus Profile Photo
#98Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:42pm

Ignoring and staying silent by what exists to divide us only pushes their agenda to farther extremes. I can only fathom what this administration would be capable of if we didn't live in a digital age where its disgusting acts have been available for the masses to dissect.

Sad to see that even the theatre community has some people supporting this administration that doesn't even respect the arts.

BroadwayNYC2 Profile Photo
#99Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 3:43pm

Must be nice to be able to ignore people who support an administration that poses a threat to some of us here. I’ll keep calling them out, thanks for chiming in.
