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Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#1Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/29/18 at 11:03pm


Updated On: 11/30/18 at 11:03 PM

uncageg Profile Photo
#2Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/29/18 at 11:20pm

Unfortunately no time soon.

Just give the world Love.

DiscoCrows Profile Photo
#3Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/29/18 at 11:29pm

Tweet from Katie Ladner:


Going on a limb and assuming this is disassociated with the other two incidents that happened at Frozen and Bronx Tale. Horrible nonetheless, I will never understand how someone could be so inconsiderate.

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#4Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/29/18 at 11:31pm

It's the same guy from Frozen and from Disney World.

Someone needs to slap the sh!t out of him.

Broadway World's Fireman.

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#5Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/29/18 at 11:36pm

Do the theatre owner organizations like the Nederlander, Shubert, Jujamcyn, etc., have code of conduct policies prohibiting public demonstrations or political protests inside their theaters? I'm as big an advocate of free speech as it gets, but this behavior inside or outside a Broadway theater is beyond obnoxious and bizarrely misplaced. Internal policies from these private organizations is the only way to go about it, I think.

haterobics Profile Photo
#6Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/29/18 at 11:54pm

Dude buys a ticket, and only pipes up at the curtain call... seems like a waste of money. But not much you can do about it, if he waits until after the show is technically over. You can kick him out, but he'll just be on the street two minutes before everyone else.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#7Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 1:16am

Updated On: 1/2/19 at 01:16 AM

Sondheimite Profile Photo
#8Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 1:31am

adamgreer said: "He pulled this stunt twice here in Disneyworld. The first time was at the train station in the Magic Kingdom. He was trespassed and had his pass revoked, but somehow, miraculously, convinced them to give it back to him. About three weeks ago he returned and unfurled another banner, this time as he was coming out for the big drop on Splash Mountain. He’s had his pass revoked again and been given a lifetime ban this time."

Four times!

There was an unreported time at EPCOT and Magic Kingdom.

He's also one of those people who rents electric wheelchairs when he doesn't need one in order to get around the park in the laziest way possible.

Dude is SCUM of the earth.  

Broadway World's Fireman.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#9Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 1:59am

GreeneStreet said: "Apparently, at the speech at the end of the show while jessica was talking, someone yelled Go donald trump 3 times from the front row.

When will this end?

Didn’t you say in another thread that you voted for Trump? 

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#10Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:08am

Yes. But just because I vote for trump, doesn’t mean I condem poor behavior. I believe politics are a private thing, keep it out of the theatre, keep it out of amusement parks. Im sure you will say if I think it’s a private thing, why did I bring it up in a thread, and that was to make a point.

Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I’m associated with this idiot.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#11Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:18am

You voted for someone who says what they want, gets away with whatever they want, lies daily, and treats people without compassion. And you’re surprised his supporters are following his lead? He’s basically given people permission to be assholes. Trump created people like this guy. And far worse than him. There’s a reason hate crimes are on the ride. You voted for that. People said this is what would happen if Trump was elected. And it has. Congratulations.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#12Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:28am

Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I agree with every single thing he does. At the time, he was just better then the other candidate.

BobbyBubby Profile Photo
#13Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:35am

Yeah. A racist, sexist, trans-phobic criminal and assaulter of women was a better alternative.

GreeneStreet Profile Photo
#14Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 2:44am

At the end of the day, it’s all opinions. You have them about Trump, and I have them about Clinton. We agree to disagree! Haha. But, In order to get through the rest of his term, fighting isn’t going to get us anywhere.

I can admit that mabye, I voted for the wrong candidate. Do I regret it? No. But if we keep fighting meaning the left and the right, we can’t progress as a nation.

LuPita2 Profile Photo
#15Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 4:16am

Your asshole President is a rapist who brags about sexually assaulting women and tear gassing infants.  A racist, homophobic horror of a person. Hillary was cold, sure, but she was a real politician who would not have acted like a child daily.  

You support rape, hatred, and the suffering of anyone who doesn't look like him.  Congratulations.

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#16Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 4:37am

GreeneStreet said: "Yes. But just because I vote for trump, doesn’t mean I condem poor behavior"

Condem and condone are not interchangeable. 

"Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I’m associated with this idiot. "

Yes, you are because you supported this very behavior in your choice of your president. 

He didnt create these assholes, he has embolden them.  It will take years to undo the hateful danage he had wrought.  He has donr NOTHING for this country but divide us.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#17Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 5:51am

GreeneStreet said: "Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I agree with every single thing he does. At the time, he was just better then the other candidate.

I find these sorts of comments staggering. You vote for the best option for the future not the candidate you like the best. How anyone could think that a multi time bankrupt supposed business person, TV personality and sexual abuser was a better option than the candidate with political experience is terrifying. I don’t ‘like’ HIlary Clinton but pretending that any politician doesn’t have skeletons in their closet is naive. The inner workings of the system are rotten and always will be, that’s what power does. You have a choice of two people and your responsibilitiy as a citizen and  as a human being is to choose what’s best for the future. The argument ‘I didn’t like Hilary’ so I had to vote T is completely irresponsible, selfish, childish and enormously stupid. If you voted for T because you felt he was the best. Fine. If you voted for him because you agreed with his policy. Fine. If you really truly believed that he would make a good leader for the country. Fine. I don’t need to agree with you, as you say your politics are your business but to say, as many do that you voted T simply because you didn’t want to vote Hilary and act as though your hands were tied and that was your only option is pathetic. You have failed your country by choosing apathy over thought. 

dmwnc1959 Profile Photo
#18Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 6:50am

Loopin’theloop said: "You have failed your country by choosing apathy over thought."

^ ^ ^ This.


bwayphreak234 Profile Photo
#19Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 7:29am

GreeneStreet said: "Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I’m associated with this idiot."

Ummmm that's EXACTLY what it means. 

"There’s nothing quite like the power and the passion of Broadway music. "

Capeguy Profile Photo
#20Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 7:46am

GreeneStreet said: "At the end of the day, it’s all opinions. You have them about Trump, and I have them about Clinton. We agree to disagree! Haha. But, In order to get through the rest of his term, fighting isn’t going to get us anywhere.

I can admit that mabye, I voted for the wrong candidate. Do I regret it? No. But if we keep fighting meaning the left and the right, we can’t progress as a nation.

You don't regret it? It's people like you who are responsible for exactly what is happening in this country. You are no better than Racist, Traitor Trump. People like you disgust me.

#21Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 8:26am

GreeneStreet said: "Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I agree with every single thing he does. At the time, he was just better then the other candidate.



Also, if the “other candidate” as you put it, had won, this thread wouldn’t even exist in the first place. But I’m glad you have no regrets.

Trump supporters are gonna act like Trump supporters. I’m shocked.

Lot666 Profile Photo
#22Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 8:49am

LxGstv said: "if the “other candidate” as you put it, had won, this thread wouldn’t even exist in the first place."

^ This.


==> this board is a nest of vipers <==

"Michael Riedel...The Perez Hilton of the New York Theatre scene"
- Craig Hepworth, What's On Stage

rayoflight104 Profile Photo
#23Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:06am

Lot666 said: "LxGstv said: "if the “other candidate” as you put it, had won, this thread wouldn’t even exist in the first place."

^ This.


The context of the posts would be different. We'd be talking about those deleted emails.
You can't discuss politics with the left. they aren't as open minded and see things two ways like people on the right do. i can state this because the responses i will get from this message will prove my point. can't wait to read their 'justifications'.
i do question that though - why can't people on the left see things two ways? it's either their way or no way at all.
oh boy - they're gonna come for me now.... armor is on.

Updated On: 11/30/18 at 09:06 AM

#24Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:23am

GreeneStreet said:  Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I’m associated with this idiot. "

Umm, actually yes it does. Profile Photo
#25Trump supporter- Strikes again! At wicked!
Posted: 11/30/18 at 9:42am

JSquared2 said: "GreeneStreet said: Just because I voted for trump, doesn’t mean I’m associated with this idiot. "

Umm, actually yes it does.

Umm, actually it doesnt necessarily.

To seek revenge may lead to hell yet everyone does it but seldom as well......
