Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Friends in the UK were raving about this last week, having seen it in previews, especially its male lead, Sam Tutty.
Well, the reviews out today seem to align with their opinions. Almost universally positive for this two-hander. And lots of praise for its stars.
Would be nice to see it here in NY. Wonder if we’d be uncynical enough to embrace it?
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/22/21
I enjoyed it, but it does have a bit of a Hallmark special vibe that some would perceive as overly earnest.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Would be interested to hear your take on the stars. My friends liked Dujonna but LOVED Tutty. Apparently they had also seen him over there in Dear Evan Hansen.
Updated On: 11/18/23 at 11:23 AM
This show recently released an EP, which I quite like.
Spotify link
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
I watched their launch party from Abbey Road studios - both leads seem very charming and unassuming. I hope this is a hit for them in the West End. Would love to see it over here one day.
OuttaTowner said: "I watched their launch party from Abbey Road studios - both leads seem very charming and unassuming. I hope this is a hit for them in the West End. Would love to see it over here one day."
Yes! I’m loving the EP!
Just listened to the album. Love the opening number.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
This might sit nicely in an off Broadway venue.
Seems like it would be swallowed up in a larger house.
It appears that the production has a very active social media team (which is almost a must these days), which could only help if they ever attempted to bring it over.
This show was one of the biggest surprises of last year, for me and was so surprised just how much I enjoyed it. It’s a show that absolutely could become a hit over here but yes it’s the definition of “Off-Broadway”. Hopefully I’ll get to catch it this summer at The Criterion but something like this really benefits (artistically and I’m sure financially) from a more intimate space.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Please report back if you do, Jordan!
Would like to see this land here at someplace like the Roth, downtown.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Had two friends excitedly call me a little while ago to report a Sam Tutty sighting in Times Square today. Would be lovely to think he might be here to discuss a transfer of Two Strangers (but more than likely just spending some of his downtime here in advance of the show’s West End run).
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Jordan - please keep us posted if you catch the show in the West End. Their social media team has been really active promoting the run across platforms. It officially opens in less than two weeks. Am hoping we see it here one day.
Seeing it towards the end of the run
Fan123 said: "This show recently released an EP, which I quite like.
Spotify link"
Thanks for this. Love the music, especially opening number New York
Just listened to the soundtrack and love it. Rather hoping that Mirvish has this lined up for the upcoming off-Mirvish season in Toronto. Since they delayed announcing it maybe they just waiting for it to get glowing reviews in London. He certainly loves bringing in shows from London rather than Broadway!
The last time I walked out of a show before this one thinking it was so "utterly charming" was Kimberly Akimbo. This show may not be as expertly written but it's full of so much heart, humour and some catchy tunes that I would be shocked if anyone didn't walk out with a big smile. The cast is great - Sam in particular has found his own special kind of lead role in a new show, and although occasionally it feels like the legacy of Michael Greif's direction might slip through for those who saw his Evan - it's definitely a new character and pretty amazing that he (and his co-star) manage to keep the audience's attention for so long with just the two of them. I would not be surprised to see this off broadway in NYC one day with both leads, or at least Sam. The audience really loved it. You can kind of feel the hype is building.
thank you for sharing. I plan to go to London early summer and will add this to my list!
OuttaTowner said: "Had two friends excitedly call me a little while ago to report a Sam Tutty sighting in Times Square today. Would be lovely to think he might be here to discuss a transfer of Two Strangers (but more than likely just spending some of his downtime here in advance of the show’s West End run)."
The two leads were in NYC in March.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Some really nice notices up from the reviewers for the West End transfer of this which opened on Monday. A couple of the songs are real ear worms!
Am wondering if anyone has heard possibility of this transferring over here after their limited run ends this summer?
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Today they announced a West End extension to August 31, thanks to critical and audience response. Good for them!
Full cast recording now out: https://open.spotify.com/album/0YLqQrbaUR5R6PFO5YZUtL?si=4RCy-jD-QyCvdsS1Q4vbxw
Is that how the show actually ends? The last song kind of just fizzles out.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
Now that this show is in the final weeks of its West End run…any word on whether it’ll transfer over here? There are some lovely mid-sized off Broadway houses where it might nicely fit.
Leading Actor Joined: 5/30/05
With the flurry of show announcements coming fast and furious into the spring, I thought we might hear something of an Off Broadway berth for this.
Other than titles being produced by one of the city’s many theater companies, I’ve heard little of any “independent” OB shows coming in for later in the ‘24-25 season.
Just listened to the album. I'm impressed at how much character is able to come through. It's no Last Five Years but they're more distinct than your generic "boy meets girl" story. Sam's got the showier role. He's full of musical theater joy. When he sinks he's got some specific things to be sad about. Dujonna on the other hand is stuck singing mopey songs about generic quarter life crisis problems. There's nothing unique about working a service job in your 20's and struggling with depression.