Broadway Star Joined: 6/17/09
Let's see... where to start?
-I am not a fan of Sutton Foster, but I loved her in Anything Goes (and I loved the show).
-I love Million Dollar Quartet and am not ashamed to admit it.
-I hated The Scottsboro Boys. I mean HATED.
-I am not a fan of Norbert Leo Butz; Josh Gad should have won the Tony.
-I don't think Rory O'Malley deserved to be nominated for supporting actor; he just didn't have a big enough part for supporting actor.
-Also hated Phantom of the Opera.
-Hated the show "American Idiot" and the original GreenDay album, but love the cast recording. I'm guessing it's because I don's have to listen to Billie Joe sing through is nose anymore.
Did anyone else find the recent revival of NIGHT MUSIC to be akin to Sondheim plunked in the middle of Arkham Asylum?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/04
I think Hugh Jackman has a glorious bari-tenor and will do the movie of LES MIZ proud.
I also don't find anything aesthetically pleasing about Matthew Morrison, Justin Timberlake or Jennifer Lopez.
-I have yet to find a Wildhorn musical I don't enjoy. Jekyll & Hyde is one of my favorite scores.
-Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark is far from the worst thing to ever hit Broadway.
-Assassins is highly underrated.
-The Color Purple was the best musical I have ever seen on the Great White Way. Incredibly moving and powerful.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/13/06
This is probably unpopular, I didn't get board at the "Lion King."
Lauren Graham was done wrong by the creative team of the recent Guys & Dolls revival, and she deserves another shot at a Broadway show.
Kerry Butler's voice is akin to cats in heat.
I would welcome the unexpected retirement of Nathan Lane.
Raul Esparza is a good actor, not the greatest thing since sliced bread, and DHP fully deserved the Tony for Curtains.
Spamalot is the worst Best Musical ever.
Oh I have many ----
- Patti LuPone was TERRIBLE in "Gypsy"
- Hugh Jackman CANNOT sing.
- Sutton Foster looks BORED in everything I've ever seen her in.
- Harriet Harris was awful in "Millie" and I cannot believe she won a Tony.
- "Mother****er With The Hat" was the best production on Broadway last season (with the exception of "Scottsboro Boys")
- The book of "West Side Story" is a mess and amounts to very little.
- I enjoyed "High" and thought the two lead actors were astounding.
..... I'm sure I have more but will leave it at that for now!
I think that many of Sondheim's lyrics are just as forced as some of the lyrics in a Lloyd Webber show- but when he does it it's "brilliant", when a Webber lyricist does it it's because they are untalented
I think The Book Or Mormon is BEYOND overrated and am pretty tired of the whole concept of "shock" musical theatre
I think the more LuPone continues to trash ALW the better he looks
I think the more successful a show becomes the more "theatre people" learn to hate it
I think the score to La Cage is one of the best musical comedy scores ever written, if not THE best
I think that Phantom still holds up today as a fantastic evening at the theater
I think its silly to complain about a show being revived too many times- if the production is a good one then why the hell not? I'll pay to see Gypsy every few years as long as its entertaining and different- which the last two productions couldn't have been any different if they tried
I think Catch Me If You Can is an old fashioned musical that delivers and believe that it should have won the award for Best Musical
I really loved The Adams Family
Leading Actor Joined: 11/16/06
- Sondheim is overrated.
- The Pirate Queen had some good music in it and could have been re-tooled into a better overall piece.
- I enjoyed Sutton Foster in Anything Goes.
- Book of Mormon is hilarious but is unnecessarily offensive at times (the F U God song, in particular).
- Spider-Man TOTD was more enjoyable than Women on the Verge.
- Was surprised that Catch Me If You Can was even nominated for Best Musical. It's really not even close to being that good.
Heh. I enjoy that not enjoying Sutton Foster came up a few times at the beginning of the "unpopular opinions" thread and now enjoying her has come up as one. Maybe feelings toward her are more evenly split than I believed?
One more unpopular opinion: Xanadu wasn't funny. Lysistrata Jones is even worse. And Douglas Carter Beane should stay away from musicals. (I did like The Little Dog Laughed, though!)
Swing Joined: 4/5/11
NDR, I agree with your opinion of Book of Mormon.
Featured Actor Joined: 10/2/08
@Gypsy, I didn't think this thread was about commenting on peoples unpopular opinions, but, since you took the time I will simply say this. My problem is not with "color-blind" casting, it's with how one-sided color-blind casting is.
And, you're right...I'm a total racist. Tonya Pinkins performance is "Caroline, or Change" is one of the most brilliant things I have ever seen, and I've constantly said it was robbed the Best Musical like seeing a black lady as a maid. I'm THAT racist. please...
CATS is one of my all time favorite musicals. The only two shows I've seen more than CATS are Les Miserables and Next to Normal.
Understudy Joined: 10/20/09
-RENT is the most overrated musical.
-I loved Billy Elliot.
-Lion King was awful. and almost painful to watch.
-Not a fan of Jennifer Damiano and Aaron Tveit.
-I thought Alice Ripley was incredibly moving despite her cracking voice.
Swing Joined: 4/5/11
@littlegreen2 I've always wanted to hear the opinion of someone who loves CATS. What's the appeal?
I saw it once but I just left the theater rather confused and a bit dizzy from all the lights.
1. I love Andrew Lloyd Webber musicals
2. I enjoyed Cats because of the different song styles and the amazing dance numbers.
3. Passing Strange should never have been a Broadway show.
4. Same for American Idiot, Spring Awakening, and Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson.
5. Priscilla's marketing slogan should be "It's Fag-tastic" to adequately reflect the show.
6. I was underwhelmed by Follies at Kennedy Center but still want to see it again.
7. Grey Gardens is the most overrated musical I have seen.
Thought of some more:
- "Book Of Mormon" is incredible over-rated and has TERRIBLE lyrics and rhymes. How this won Best Score (which includes lyrics) is beyond me.
- "Next To Normal" was an offensive portrayal of mental illness that seemed to have no grounding in what real people go through with this kind of condition.
- "Passing Strange" was one of the most awful things I've ever seen.
- "Xanadu" was one of the worst things as well... Embarrassingly bad, and not bad in a campy/fun way. Just bad. I can't believe this was a Broadway show that ran (and shows like "The Scottsboro Boys" close in six weeks).
I am totally Team Julie (Taymor). I met her when she was in Rochester this spring to receive the 'Susan B. Anthony Failure is Impossible Award'. Not only was she one of the most gracious, kindest women I have ever met, she was also so inspiring. Hearing her side of the story really makes me look at 'Spiderman' differently. She said she was working on it for 9 years, and then was fired knowing she wouldn't be able to save her material. Not everything that happened during the rehearsal process was in her control, and people are only listening to the media. Taking risks and having artists use their imagination is what Broadway is all about. We can't rely on the "Golden Age" of musicals forever. In my humble opinion.
wickedpurple - I have been in CATS, and for the most part, we used the original Broadway choreography. My director is a huge fan of the show, so he knows all of these intricate plot twists and back stories that make the show incredible after you learn them. Each and every piece of blocking and choreo is centered around the back stories of the cats. Every reaction to a fellow member of the cast is intricately planned and rehearsed, and the details that are put into the production are absolutely stunning. I left the experience with a greater appreciation for the show I once found plotless and boring. Even if these stories aren't blatantly expressed with lyrics or lines, they are expressed through the body, and I think that is what makes Cats special.
It may not be a fantastic show musically or lyrically, but the amount of talent and detail that goes into a production of Cats never fails to astound me - that is, if the production has a director who elaborates on the importance of expression through dance and body movement. I am so in love with it.
Marin Mazzie does Ring Them Bells better than Liza.
Swing Joined: 4/25/07
I liked Wicked (with Megan Hilty and Eden Espinosa in Los Angeles). It exists smack in the middle of the extreme love and hate people have for it.
I like Kristin Chenoweth's personality in interviews, but find her too affected on stage. I was thrilled to see Promises Promises with her understudy who looked just like her but talked like an adult woman.
The Addams Family was on par with the 1990s films; it's better than the consensus here would have you believe.
Nathan Lane plays himself in everything, and I preferred Roger Rees in the Addams Family for really transforming into Gomez.
The role of Morticia Addams was a step down for Bebe Neuwirth and a step up for Brooke Shields. Bebe can do more challenging singing and Brooke surprisingly meets the challenge for a non-singer.
Rain was an amazing Beatles concert experience. I know the cast rotates, but I went on a good night. The real Paul McCartney no longer sounds as good as the "Paul" I saw. "John" doesn't have any competition obviously, but he nailed it too.
As an ABBA fan, I loved the way Mamma Mia incorporated the songs into the plot. If you don't like ABBA, or you saw the movie, I can see why you hate it.
Sutton Foster is very good in everything she does, but she's easy to replace… with Mara Davi.
Updated On: 7/25/11 at 09:33 PM
Swing Joined: 7/11/11
from reading everything about sister act, i do enjoy it...but i wish the score would have revolved from the soundtrack to the movie...i think it is the music in the movie that made it so enjoyable and taking it away left an empty feeling
I have a few...
- The only thing I liked in WEST SIDE STORY was "America"
- Andrew Lloyd Webber is my favorite composer of all time. My favs are JOSEPH, CATS, PHANTOM and LOVE NEVER DIES. The only one I hate is JCS.
- Broadway does NOT need a revival of GODSPELL and JCS.
- GODSPELL isn't that great of a show.
- THE PIRATE QUEEN has some of the best written score in a while. I'm sure with a clean and better book, it could be a hit.
- I enjoyed SPIDER-MAN: TOTD with a burning passion.
- I love CARRIE THE MUSICAL (can't wait for the revival)
- It's time for CHICAGO and MAMMA MIA to close.
- THE ADDAMS FAMILY is one of the best musicals I've seen.
- I enjoyed all the Christmas themed shows to ever hit Broadway.
- CAROLINE, OR CHANGE is probably the best and most beautiful pieces of musical theatre ever written.
- WICKED is only good to see once. It gets annoying seeing it over and over again.
- HAIR is one of the most boring and pointless shows I've ever seen.
- ANNIE is the best musical of all time! I also loved its sequel(s), ANNIE WARBUCKS and ANNIE 2.
- PRISCILLA just doesn't appeal to me.
- WONDERLAND had some pretty great music.
- TITANIC is a beautiful piece of musical theatre.
- I think they should have taken IN THE HEIGHTS back off-Broadway and not RENT.
- [title of show] is the most clever and most original musical in a long time and I loved it!
- Like Wicked, Rent is a show you only need to see once.
- I wish I chose THE WOMAN IN WHITE (Love it) over HOT FEET (Loath it)
- TABOO was more fun than the BYE BYE BIRDIE revival.
- LES MIZ and PHANTOM are the only true real pieces of musical theatre that should last forever.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/30/09
I've said a few of these before, and some of them might not be as unpopular as I think, but here goes:
-The Phantom movie was far superior to the stage version
-Sara Brightman should not be allowed to sing. Ever.
-I like the theatre scene here in Chicago more than in New York. With shows playing for only 2-3 months, you get a lot of different shows you can see, and you see a lot of performers in endless numbers of different shows. And the tickets are a lot cheaper I guess this could probably be said about any city's regional theaters
-I hate when actresses mix things that really should be belted. It sounds a lot less impressive when you mix. Sutton Foster is the worst offender to me.
-Andrew Lloyd Webber only wrote one good show--Evita--and it's still very flawed, and the main reason I like it is because of the really high belting that Eva does
-I absolutely love Anyone Can Whistle. It's quite possibly my favorite Sondheim score/show (except for Follies), even though I know the book is really weak. I feel a strong emotional connection to it, and the character of Fay is the only character in anything that I have been able to identify with
-In the Heights was really boring. Listening to the cast album is fun, but the book is so bland and uninspired.
Danny funny you say that I'm watching the Phantom movie and all I and think about is how cool it would be on stage but none of the affects are really cool on film.