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Unpopular opinions you hold

#150Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 1:07pm

I found SpiderMan: Turn Off The Dark (#1) moving

I think Book Of Mormon is overrated

I think Catch Me If You Can is underrated; ditto People In The Picture (but less so)

I don't think Jude Law would have had a career if he had a face like a babboon's bottom

I thought Trevor Nunn's reduction of Night Music was exquisite

#151Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 1:37pm

I don't think it's an accident all 3 leads from the Phantom movie got action figures.

Broadway should look into manga as source material- Death Note in particular.

#152Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 4:28pm

1. I think Andrew Lloyd Webber's greatest musical is Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. I actually think that most of his other ones suck.
2. I love almost all of Sondheim's musicals, and actually think Anyone Can Whistle is amongst is top 5.
3. Legally Blonde The Musical was actually a great musical. Compared to all the crappy musical adaptations of films, I think it was actually good.
4. I can't sit trough Phantom Of The Opera or Les Miserables. I know some say that they're "two of the greatest musicals of all time", but i cant seem to sit through them.
5. Donna Murphy is the greatest Broadway actress working today.
6. Idina Menzel's greatest performance was in The Wild Party
7. I miss truly original musicals. Not based on any movie. Not based on any book. Not featuring the music of any bands (jukebox musicals). I think we need more original musicals.
8. I agree with the people that say that Bernadette Peters sounds like a baby. i cant sit through any song of hers.
9. I HATE Glee. (Then again, I dont think that opinion is too unpopular nowadays...)
10. Andrew Rannells licks his lips too much when he sings (hehehe :p)

addamsfamily#1fan Profile Photo
#153Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 4:39pm

1: I don't like Stephen Sondheim's music that much. I only like a few of the shows he wrote music for.

2: The only good thing about the Little Night Music revival was Angela Lansbury.

3: I thought Wonderland was going to be the next Wicked.

4: Kate Shindle is the most brilliant actress of out time!

Rage and Love Profile Photo
Rage and Love
#154Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 5:36pm

I think American Idiot was more than a jukebox show. It's my favorite show ever.
Oh and I don't mind Webber's Love Nevr Dies. The music is AMAZING.

"And that was that or so it seemed. Is this the end or the beginning? All I know is, she was right. I am an idiot. It’s even on my birth certificate in so many words. This is my rage. This is my love. This is my town. This is my city. This is my life."

AvenueQResident Profile Photo
#155Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 6:26pm

The West Side Story movie is incredibly dated and nowhere near a patch on the stage version.

I love Lea Michele and I'm for one, happy that someone with her degree of talent is in the mainstream public eye.

Harvey Fierstein is incredible to watch on stage. Not so much to listen to on a recording, though.

I think The Nightmare Before Christmas would work on Broadway, all year round. It wouldn't need to be a seasonal show.

Everything in only for now.
Updated On: 7/30/11 at 06:26 PM

#156Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 8:03pm

"I think this thread points out who is in their teenage years and know absolutely nothing about musical theater. And while it's great they do love the theater, they do need to stop pretending they know everything there is to know about it at the tender age of 16. Some of their posts bug the sh*t out of me."

This is why I love Jordan (and of course his ever rotating cast of avatars).

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#157Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 9:54pm

>> "I think this thread points out who is in their teenage years and know absolutely nothing about musical theater. And while it's great they do love the theater, they do need to stop pretending they know everything there is to know about it at the tender age of 16. Some of their posts bug the sh*t out of me."

This is why I love Jordan (and of course his ever rotating cast of avatars).

LOL -- the last time I was on here with any real regularity, SPRING AWAKENING was the *only* thing worth talking about -- how *wonderful* it was, how *fabulous* the cast was, etc etc ad nauseum. Jordan's take above mirrors exactly the same thing I saw back then.

And the show still sucks... and not in that warm, pleasant kind of way, either. Unpopular opinions you hold The music was impossibly derivative, the staging about as "cutting edge" as a black box university show. The only reason it got where it did was because it was about a bunch of marginally cute teens having sex and then feeling all angsty about it. Big whoop. Glad to see it gone.

bwayrose7 Profile Photo
#158Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/30/11 at 11:57pm

-Wicked is my favorite show. I find it rather moving.
-Although I agree it took a bit of a dip last season, I love Glee and applaud how it has drawn young people to music and brought attention to the difficulties facing arts programs.
-I enjoyed Spring Awakening
-Rent the movie wasn't terrible
-I think old classic musicals are classic for a reason; they should not be
relegated to jokes and high school theater

pinoyidol2006 Profile Photo
#159Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/31/11 at 1:24am

I like Raul Esparza's singing.
I think some of Richard Rodgers' best work was with Lorenz Hart.
I don't think WoTV was good. Few good songs, but that's it. Months ago, I was definitely into it but repeat listens to the cast album just turned me off.
I think BoM is much deeper than people give it credit for. At least for me, I found something underneath the c*nts and f*cks.
I loved Mary Poppins.
I wish Daniel Radcliffe would continue being on Broadway.

I like your imperturbable perspicacity.

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#160Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/31/11 at 5:41pm

I loved Spring Awakening and always will.

Billy Elliot did not impress me at all.

I enjoyed The People in the Picture.

Rent is an incredibly tired show no many how many times people will insist upon revamping it.

Doyle's sleek, dark, metropolitan design of Company topped the original.

Bernadette Peters was not very good at all in Night Music.

There was nothing so terribly wrong with the La Cage revival.

I am waiting for the day Mary Louise Parker plays Diana.

I know you. I know you. I know you.

showchoirguy Profile Photo
#161Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/31/11 at 6:31pm

"I think this thread points out who is in their teenage years and know absolutely nothing about musical theater. And while it's great they do love the theater, they do need to stop pretending they know everything there is to know about it at the tender age of 16. Some of their posts bug the sh*t out of me."

Jordan, I totally agree, even thought I am 16 XD

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#162Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/31/11 at 7:44pm

>> "Doyle's sleek, dark, metropolitan design of Company topped the original"





James885 Profile Photo
#163Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/31/11 at 7:49pm

"I think this thread points out who is in their teenage years and know absolutely nothing about musical theater. And while it's great they do love the theater, they do need to stop pretending they know everything there is to know about it at the tender age of 16. Some of their posts bug the sh*t out of me."


- I don't think Frank Wildhorn is a god-awful composer. I think some of his work is excellent.
- I wasn't impressed with Nathan Lane in The Addams Family. I thought he was playing himself.
- The score to Follies doesn't faze me. I've listened to it several times and every single time it left me cold.
- Lea Michele is overrated. (but that's not exactly an unpopular opinion around these parts)
- I loved Beauty and The Beast.
- The Producers is vastly overrated and did not deserve those 12 Tonys.
- I loved the Sam Mendes production of Gypsy
- The Book of Mormon was a good chuckle. Best musical in years? No way.
- I hated In The Heights.

"You drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!" - Betty Parris to Abigail Williams in Arthur Miller's The Crucible
Updated On: 8/1/11 at 07:49 PM

GlindatheGood22  Profile Photo
#164Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 7/31/11 at 8:52pm

>> "Doyle's sleek, dark, metropolitan design of Company topped the original"





In fact I am, hence the term "unpopular opinion."

I know you. I know you. I know you.

Sophiia Profile Photo
#165Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 10:22am

I think most frequent posters on BWW (and this thread especially) are Broadway Snobs.

I think Cats is an amazing piece of theater- classic music, amazing dancing, and and a unique concept. Wish people would stop hating.

I think N2N, Spring Awakening, BoM, Wicked, etc. deserve all the praise they have received.

I enjoyed Catch Me If You Can.

I hate Alice Ripley's voice, but love her acting.

I can't stand Kerry Butler.

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#166Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 10:23am

I think most frequent posters on BWW (and this thread especially) are Broadway Snobs.

That's more like an inconvenient truth than an unpopular opinion.

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

AC126748 Profile Photo
#167Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 10:28am

Funny. I think most BWW posters are 16-year-olds who've seen 5 shows in their short life yet consider themselves aficionados of the theatre. I guess that makes me a snob. Unpopular opinions you hold

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

AKarp2013 Profile Photo
#168Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 10:36am

Gee, AC126748, funny you mention 16 year olds. As a matter of fact, I am 16 year olds and I have seen plenty shows. I've seen 42nd Street, Hairspray, Phantom, Wicked, Mamma Mia, Avenue Q, Elf, The Pirate Queen, Les Mis, Addams, Spider-Man (1.0 and 2.0), all the Disney shows, West Side Story, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Jersey Boys, the Dreamgirls revival, [title of show], In the Heights, Grease, Spring Awakening ... now do you want me to keep going down the line here?

theatrefreak0109 Profile Photo
#169Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 10:55am

look im 19 and like AKarp i have seen a great many shows. this however does not make me an expert. do i know a thing or two yes but i am no expert. now there are some 16 year olds that are abit premature, and do not have the experience to speak intelligently about theater and then there are those like Akarp who are very mature and you have enough experience to speak intelligently about the theater.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#170Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 11:49am

I think the point that was being made is that while it's wonderful young people love theater and see as much as they can (and are the future of theater), it's a tad annoying when people are trying to have a conversation on, say, the staging of the original BRIGADOON and the conversation gets turned into a "will Lea Michele do a revival" or "BRIGADOON is a weird name and it has nothing on NEXT TO NORMAL".

While I realize you guys (the under a certain age crowd) don't have as much knowledge yet about the vast catalog of shows from the American Musical Theater, always bringing the conversation around to the few newer shows you have seen is what annoys people.

SeanMartin Profile Photo
#171Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 11:53am

>> In fact I am, hence the term "unpopular opinion."

That's a whole other category of "unpopular opinion".


Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#172Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 11:56am

Does that belong in the "Offensive Opinions" Thread?

AC126748 Profile Photo
#173Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 11:59am

Jordan, what you said is exactly what I mean. When I was sixteen, I had already seen a lot of theatre--on Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional, community--but I really didn't know as much about theatre as I do now. And I didn't pretend to. And that's what I'm criticizing. I realize I am painting with a broad brush, but most of the young folks around here pretend and/or claim to know a lot more about theatre than they obviously do. A lot of their posts betray this fact. At sixteen, I was still very much learning about musical theatre. I didn't play the part of expert like some around here do.

And AKarp, not to sound confrontational, but I'd wonder based on your list how much you know about theatre not written in your lifetime.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

MarkieSunshine Profile Photo
#174Unpopular opinions you hold
Posted: 8/1/11 at 5:23pm

Idina Menzel has horrible vocal technique and I really don't understand the obsession with her.

I have not seen the stage show, but the film version of "Funny Girl" annoyed me to no end.

Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford irritate my ears.

I also love bootleg posters and those who film shows. Bootleg postings were how I learned about all this stuff. In fact, I think Broadway needs to put stage shows on DVD. Opera does it, and they're still alive and kickin'. It doesn't ruin the magic of live opera for me, either.

I'm equally fond of ALW and S.S.

I hate most, but not all, jukebox musicals.

I think "Hair" could eat "Rent" for breakfast.

I hate it when national tours come to New York State.

I feel like Tenor roles are being written higher and higher with more and more falsetto, and, as a countertenor training classically, that annoys me and makes me sad.

Love makes the world go round
