I mentioned this in another thread, but thought this topic could be it’s own. Does anyone have any ideas who will be Katherine and Drew’s replacements(and if Drew is only leaving temporarily)? Also if Chris or Caitlin are expected to leave soon? Both have been with the show for a while and I wouldn’t mind fresh faces.
I would imagine that this thread likely didn't gain much momentum when it was first posted, because no one knows or has any ideas. We have wishes and desires, but I don't think anything more.
Updated On: 4/27/18 at 04:18 PMStand-by Joined: 9/7/14
This might also be affected if McPhee's show gets cancelled and she has more availability.
"This might also be affected if McPhee's show gets cancelled and she has more availability. "
I think it has been renewed.
"I think it has been renewed."
It hasn't. Not yet, at least.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/23/12
I too was hoping for an announcement of some new faces. Well I just bought an audience rewards ticket for Mcphee's last week which would be the last chance for anyone new when seeing her.
Seeing it for the fifth time so would love to see someone different as Ogie and Dawn, even though they're both great. And preferred Chris D to Drew so hoping for someone new more similar to Chris.
Do they need a star to make it to Labour Day?
Well, Betsy Wolfe was their biggest star for a while and it was fine. Even if having a name helps a lot, Sara Bareilles' name being attached will always help no matter who is starring, especially considering the JCS attention she's gotten.
Strangely, I know they had auditions for Dawn in September, but that must have been before they knew Caitlin was extending. She just hit 1 year and 6 months a few weeks ago, so she could've just started a new six-month contract (or signed another full year contract after the first one, meaning she'd leave in October). I don't know, I've over-thinking this.
"It hasn't. Not yet, at least"
That is odd, decision is usually made by now. Ratings have not been good especially after moving to the 10pm slot. I believe they have enough episodes for syndication already so it will be interesting to see what happens.
Stand-by Joined: 12/30/17
Replacements have been in my mind lately as I’d like to see the show again. I can’t help but imagine that we’d hear something soon about the replacement for Katharine McPhee as she is leaving in a little over a month (given she doesn’t extend)
No updates yet as to who is replacing McPhee next month?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
I'd really like to see Megan Hilty do it or Carmen Cusack.
I hope Christine Dwyer gets to do it or understudy the part at one point. She’s brilliant, plus she has numerous connections to the show
Understudy Joined: 4/17/18
I know there is no word on Katharine's replacement yet, but todaytix tickets go up by like $10-$20 post McPhee leaving so I guess they have a slightly bigger name lined up?
broadwayboy223 said: "I'd really like to see Megan Hilty do it or Carmen Cusack."
I think Carmen would be brilliant, but she’s a bit on the older side for it.
I reallt want to see Laurel Harris (former Elphaba/understudy Carole King) step into the role at some point. She’d be wonderful. However, I feel like they’re going to try and get another big name in there.
Understudy Joined: 4/17/18
I think Rachel Bloom of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend would be a big name that would draw in fans of the show and I think she'd be great in the role if she wanted to do Broadway.
Well, CBS cancelled McPhee's show today. Wonder if this means she'll stick around.
TJJ1296 said: "I think Rachel Bloom of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend would be abig name that would draw in fans of the show and I think she'd be great in the role if she wanted to do Broadway."
I'm not a huge fan of Waitress per se, but I would definitely buy a ticket if Rachel Bloom did a turn as Jenna. I dunno if the role is "comedic" enough for her, though.
Last Rumor I heard was that Jenna will be an unkown, and they will bring in stars for becky and dawn. My prediction is that Jessica Vosk will play Jenna untill July when wicked is free.
Stars for Becky and dawn? Is Keala a big enough star? Would love for her to rejoin the show.
A lot of people on twitter were talking about it
everythingtaboo said: "Well, CBS cancelled McPhee's show today. Wonder if this means she'll stick around."
I know she said in a recent interview that if the show was cancelled, she’d try to extend. Let’s see if that ends up happening.
Erich Bergen is the next Dr. Pomatter! https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Erich-Bergen-to-Have-Some-Bad-Ideas-as-Next-Doctor-Pomatter-in-WAITRESS-20180514
Bwayfan292 said: "Last Rumor I heard was that Jenna will be an unkown, and they will bring in stars for becky and dawn. My prediction is that Jessica Vosk will play Jenna untill July when wicked is free."
By unknown, you mean to the general public or to us as well?