Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
KathyNYC2 said: "WestEndGal said: "ND_2000 said: "She made videos on her Instagram Story as well but here is a screenshot of her summing it all up"
I know it’s only some of the Colleen fans, but I just think it’s so disrespectful to leave a Broadway show before the end specifically to get to stage door to see one star. Yes the ticket sales have been boosted by Colleen being in the show, but Waitress isn’t a Colleen show, and to leave early is basically saying you don’t care about the other cast or even the show itself.
I agree. It applies to all shows all the time. ButIt’s also really saying you don’t care about her. She and the other cast members just worked their butts of to give you the best show possible... and you don’t even stay long enough to applaud their efforts.
What it IS saying is that you care more aboutyourself then anyone you have seen and may profess to love. Besides there are people who haven’t even seen the show who are hogging the front of the stage door line anyway (also another bigpet peeve) so just enjoy the whole show and get out when the lights come up."
Yeah waiting at stagedoor when you’re not at the actual show bothers me! I don’t know a lot about Colleen other than knowing of Miranda Sings and seeing a few YouTube vids. I didn’t realize how enthusiastic her fans were, lol!
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
VintageSnarker said: "poisonivy2 said: "Is Alison Luff the feisty funny Jenna (like Jessie, Sara, and Shoshana) or the sad, winsome Jenna of Betsy, Kat McPhee, and Nicolette Robinson? Both can work."
I'm surprised you would put Jessie in the feisty funny category. When I saw it she seemed either cold or perpetually on the verge of tears. Her Jenna seemed shell-shocked and nervous.
Sara is the only one who captured that sassy seen-it-all waitress attitude. She was perfect to me though I kind of wish I'd gone back for Jason or Gavin because her chemistry with Chris was just okay.
To me, Shoshana was a blend of earth mother warmth and dry delivery. I don't know if she sold a lot of the laugh lines on her own but as a whole the company made it a funny show.
Anyway, I hope Alison is in when I see the show next week. If so, I'll report back."
idk, I think i’d put Jessie in the more sassy Jenna category from the show I saw, but I think maybe that’s her acting style which I find to be quite pronounced. Def not as sassy as Sara though, who wasn’t really my fave style for Jenna, but I really enjoyed her show which had a lot of energy and her voice was unreal, omg. Her and Kat to me have had the best live vocals on the show, and just made the the singing seem so effortless. I love Shoshana and liked her Jenna but her vocal riffing style distracted me a bit because I just wanted her to sing the melody as written by and large, and she didn’t always do that lol! I think my fave Jennas have been Kat and Stephanie. I’ve def cried more at their shows than any other and felt the most invested in their characters. It’s all splitting hairs though because like I said, all the Jennas I’ve seen have been strong.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
This is more of a rush question...if I get there between 4am-5am tomorrow morning, do you think I'll get a ticket?
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
magictodo123 said: "This is more of a rush question...if I get there between 4am-5am tomorrow morning, do you think I'll get a ticket?"
I’m gonna go with a confident yes! lol
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
are they gonna extend Todrick and Colleen? Hope so I'm going on Sep 28.
James Kerrigan2 said: "are they gonna extend Todrick and Colleen? Hope so I'm going on Sep 28.
No, they are both going on tour right after they’re done with their run.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
James Kerrigan2 said: "are they gonna extend Todrick and Colleen? Hope so I'm going on Sep 28.
Most likely not but you will see Jordin Sparks! I'm excited for her.
In my opinion, this current cast is the most “serviceable”. I’m spoiled because I have seen so many wonderful casts, so maybe my standard is higher than it should be.
Colleen and Todrick - I saw one of their first performances. They’re fun. Not really standout, especially when you think of other actors that have taken over these roles, but they check the boxes. Todrick gave Ogie little physically moments and adlibs that make the character his own.
The real stand out performances this time for me were Becky, Cal, and Earl. Who are normally just supporting characters to me, but they are really strong (and more interesting, to be frank) in this cast.
Alison Luff sings the score in a very contemporary-musical theatre style, which sounds nice, but for me almost clashes with the music. Her accent came & went, but the moments that I felt she really connected with the character were the more dramatic/serious ones. To me, her Jenna is...expressive? Energetic? Overall she is light & fun, which is a choice, but it doesn’t fit with the character of a waitress who’s tired of living the same thing day after day and in an emotionally/physically abusive relationship. It seems like she’s enjoying herself up there - which is just a different take. It’s not bad by any means, just not my cup of tea.
I would say this is the vocally weaker cast, in comparison to the last five times I have seen it. It’s solid for the kids coming for the first time to see Colleen & Todrick, though! I hope I don’t sound too harsh, and again, I know I’m spoiled with others I have seen.
Stage door is absolute madness and the audience was yelling & cheering for moments that normally are just standard applause. Lots of parents trying to take pics and videos for their kids, but the ushers were extremely on top of it. A little distracting, but hey, I’m glad they’re going to see a Broadway show.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "In my opinion, this current cast is the most “serviceable”. I’m spoiled because I have seen so many wonderful casts, so maybe my standard is higher than it should be.
Colleen and Todrick - I saw one of their first performances. They’re fun. Not really standout, especially when you think of other actors that have taken over these roles, but they check the boxes. Todrick gave Ogie little physically moments and adlibs that make the character his own.
The real stand out performances this time for me were Becky, Cal, and Earl. Who are normally just supporting characters to me, but they are really strong (and more interesting, to be frank) in this cast.
Alison Luff sings the score in a very contemporary-musical theatre style, which sounds nice, but for me almost clashes with the music. Her accent came & went, but the moments that I felt she really connected with the character were the more dramatic/serious ones. To me, her Jenna is...expressive? Energetic? Overall she is light & fun, which is a choice, but it doesn’t fit with the character of a waitress who’s tired of living the same thing day after day and in an emotionally/physically abusive relationship. It seems like she’s enjoying herself up there - which is just a different take. It’s not bad by any means, just not my cup of tea.
I would say this is the vocally weaker cast, in comparison to the last five times I have seen it. It’s solid for the kids coming for the first time to see Colleen & Todrick, though! I hope I don’t sound too harsh, and again, I know I’m spoiled with others I have seen.
Stage door is absolute madness and the audience was yelling & cheering for moments that normally are just standard applause. Lots of parents trying to take pics and videos for their kids, but the ushers were extremely on top of it. A little distracting, but hey, I’m glad they’re going to see a Broadway show."
I wonder who they are gonna get to replace Colleen & Todrick.
Stand-by Joined: 7/16/19
Does anyone know why they haven't had any current cast members on the website lately? Maybe the turnaround? I'm wondering if they'll update it when Jordan Sparks joins.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
They are probably updating all the playbills and advertisements when Jordin Sparks Comes.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
More thoughts later but I saw the show tonight and it's still in great shape. The cast led by Sara Bareilles with Will Swenson, Chris Diamantopoulus, Chris Fitzgerald, etc. is probably always going to be my favorite. I might switch out a few actors but on the whole I laughed the most during that show... I cried the most during that show... it hit all the melodramatic extremes I wanted and I felt like Sara really connected to certain things in the material that the other Jennas haven't.
I think Alison is my second favorite (I've seen Sara, Jessie, and Shoshana as well). Vocally, she finds the middle ground between Sara and Jessie. She's capable of powerhouse vocals throughout like Sara (whereas Jessie seemed to pick her moments) and she has Sara's ease with the score which doesn't fit everyone's voice even if it's in an actress' range. However, she does skew close to Jessie's accent as Jenna and she copies some of her tics that I assume makes it easier to slide into some of those high notes and otherwise navigate the score. Aside from Sara who played Jenna as more closed off until she starts connecting to Lulu, Alison has the most fully realized portrayal of Jenna that I've seen. And I saw Jessie a while into her run. Her Jenna isn't one note. She's angry and frustrated at first, without that sort of tired, worn out feeling that Shoshana brought. She's not so closed off though. She's gregarious even before she starts flirting with Jim. And she brings the sadness and depth too. She's really wonderful. I'm sad her run is so short because more people should be seeing her performance.
Mark Evans almost stole the show for me. He's so adorable as Dr. Pomatter and he has great chemistry with Alison. It's an interesting choice he makes to immediately transmit that he's so attracted to Jenna. It makes his character a little more morally suspect. Not my favorite vocals but maybe my favorite acting performance. Also, in addition to the neurotic, awkward energy, it was nice to have a Jim with more classic leading man looks. It was more like Nathan Fillion in the movie. It feels like more of a fantasy for Jenna.
Todrick was solid but miscast. Colleen was okay but almost too well cast. I did notice some vocal strain and a lot of breathiness but the big issue is that if you've seen the show before, there's nothing special to her Dawn because the material already gives her what she needs. Dawn is already awkward. There's no room to pile on more. But whether or not you liked it (I didn't mind because it's my fourth time seeing the show) Todrick's Ogie has quirks and vocal runs that the others don't.
"Colleen was okay but almost too well cast."
Genuinely curious... How can someone be "too well cast"???
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
VintageSnarker said: "More thoughts later but I saw the show tonight and it's still in great shape. The cast led by Sara Bareilles with Will Swenson, Chris Diamantopoulus, Chris Fitzgerald, etc. is probably always going to be my favorite. I might switch out a few actors but on the whole I laughed the most during that show... I cried the most during that show... it hit all the melodramatic extremes I wanted and I felt like Sara really connected to certain things in the material that the other Jennas haven't.
Alison is completely underrated right now but she is incredible!! Her and Mark might be my favorite Jenna/Pomatter pairing (and I've seen all of them on Broadway). She definitely had me crying at points-I know the person I saw it with was sobbing during SUTBM. I started crying at "You matter to me" and didn't stop for the rest of the show. I wish Alison's run was longer, to be honest.
I think Alison is my second favorite (I've seen Sara, Jessie, and Shoshana as well). Vocally, she finds the middle ground between Sara and Jessie. She's capable of powerhouse vocals throughout like Sara (whereas Jessie seemed to pick her moments) and she has Sara's ease with the score which doesn't fit everyone's voice even if it's in an actress' range. However, she does skew close to Jessie's accent as Jenna and she copies some of her tics that I assume makes it easier to slide into some of those high notes and otherwise navigate the score. Aside from Sara who played Jenna as more closed off until she starts connecting to Lulu, Alison has the most fully realized portrayal of Jenna that I've seen. And I saw Jessie a while into her run. Her Jenna isn't one note. She's angry and frustrated at first, without that sort of tired, worn out feeling that Shoshana brought. She's not so closed off though. She's gregarious even before she starts flirting with Jim. And she brings the sadness and depth too. She's really wonderful. I'm sad her run is so short because more people should be seeing her performance.
Mark Evans almost stole the show for me. He's so adorable as Dr. Pomatter and he has great chemistry with Alison. It's an interesting choice he makes to immediately transmit that he's so attracted to Jenna. It makes his character a little more morally suspect. Not my favorite vocals but maybe my favorite acting performance. Also, in addition to the neurotic, awkward energy, it was nice to have a Jim with more classic leading man looks. It was more like Nathan Fillion in the movie. It feels like more of a fantasy for Jenna.
MARK EVANS. The chemistry with Alison. Bad Idea. You Matter To Me. All of it. The adorable, awkward performance--he might actually take the title of being my favorite Dr. Pomatter.
Todrick was solid but miscast. Colleen was okay but almost too well cast. I did notice some vocal strain and a lot of breathiness but the big issue is that if you've seen the show before, there's nothing special to her Dawn because the material already gives her what she needs. Dawn is already awkward. There's no room to pile on more. But whether or not you liked it (I didn't mind because it's my fourth time seeing the show) Todrick's Ogie has quirks and vocal runs that the others don't."
Honestly, I think this is an incredible cast. From the leads, to the ensemble, but I also am so happy that Larry Marshall is back as Old Joe. He's phenomenal. He definitely had me sobbing during Take It From An Old Man. Just amazing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
SomeOtherMe said: ""Colleen was okay but almost too well cast."
Genuinely curious... How can someone be "too well cast"???"
I already explained... I thought the role didn't give her any room to inject her own personality or spin on the character. Anything she did that was funny was the same as every other Dawn has done because it's already written into the show.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
VintageSnarker said: "SomeOtherMe said: ""Colleen was okay but almost too well cast."
Genuinely curious... How can someone be "too well cast"???"
I already explained... I thought the role didn't give her any room to inject her own personality or spin on the character. Anything she did that was funny was the same as every other Dawn has done because it's already written into the show."
She would have been a better Jenna
James Kerrigan2 said: "She would have been a better Jenna"
100% agreed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
I've seen the show 20+ times, and I truly think this is an amazing cast, I don't think Colleen was miscast at all. She was fantastic! And I've seen every Dawn except for Jenna Ushkowitz. Maybe way in the future when there's a revival she could play Jenna, but I think she was perfect as Dawn. Alison Luff is not getting enough love as Jenna right now, but she's incredible. I wish her run was longer!
Colleen is my favorite Dawn. (And I was not familiar with her beforehand!)
Seems to be somewhat mixed reviews on Allison? How do people think she would be as a first Jenna? Haven't seen the show but I really enjoy the score from what I have heard. I understand performance opinions can be subjective, but I try not to read too much into reviews but a couple Ive read on here/reddit/twitter seems like she makes few different choices than other Jenna's have. So, ya, just curious anyone's opinion on her as someones first Jenna. Thanks in advance!
Mike Barrett said: "Seems to be somewhat mixed reviews on Allison? How do people think she would be as a first Jenna? Haven't seen the show but I really enjoy the score from what I have heard. I understand performance opinions can be subjective, but I try not to read too much into reviews but a couple Ive read on here/reddit/twitter seems like she makes few different choices than other Jenna's have. So, ya, just curious anyone's opinion on her as someones first Jenna. Thanks in advance!"
Alison is outstanding. Probably one of the best Jenna’s vocally, in my opinion. Her acting is beautiful and subtle, and works so well with the character. She has a TON of chemistry with Mark Evans (Dr. Pomatter). She’s incredible. I highly, highly recommend seeing her before she leaves.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/12/18
I am so excited for Jordin Sparks to join the cast. She's gonna be an amazing Jenna.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/18/19
James Kerrigan2 said: "I am so excited for Jordin Sparks to join the cast. She's gonna be an amazing Jenna."
While obviously you can be excited for Jordin, don't disregard the incredible cast that's current at the Brooks! Alison is criminally underappreciated right now. She deserves to be appreciated more while she's there and for the rest of her run.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
Mike Barrett said: "Seems to be somewhat mixed reviews on Allison? How do people think she would be as a first Jenna? Haven't seen the show but I really enjoy the score from what I have heard. I understand performance opinions can be subjective, but I try not to read too much into reviews but a couple Ive read on here/reddit/twitter seems like she makes few different choices than other Jenna's have. So, ya, just curious anyone's opinion on her as someones first Jenna. Thanks in advance!"
Mixed? Unless Sara comes back, I think Alison is the best Jenna you could see before the show closes. Her voice is well suited to the score and she's truly acting the part.
“Alison is criminally underappreciated right now”
Every single person under the age of 20 online keeps going on and on about how “amazing” “outstanding” “incredible” she is and that “she’s the BEST Jenna”. She’s far from underappreciated, if anything she’s getting overhyped.
She’s a fine Jenna, but her performance is pretty standard. I personally didn’t get half of the layers in the character as I did with other actresses. She sings the score as a musical theatre actor does. She’s not bad by any means, but the way kids are describing her performance is really surprising.