What bryan2 said. Alison, to the general public, is basically a nobody and is in a lead role on Broadway. How in the world anyone thinks she’s being jipped in beyond me.
The show needs to make money. Sparks isn’t popular as she once was, but at least people know the name and it can at least spark (no pun intended) some people’s interest in seeing it if they have time or desire for a Broadway show.
On another note - I’m looking forward to seeing the show again this Friday, but after seeing some things on Instagram, not looking forward to the audience full of obnoxiously loud teenagers. Hopefully they don’t go overboard.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "On another note - I’m looking forward to seeing the show again this Friday, but after seeing some things on Instagram, not looking forward to the audience full of obnoxiously loud teenagers. Hopefully they don’t go overboard."
Other than people actually running to the stage door while the show was still going on, the audience was fine... a bit louder than usual, but it was Colleen and Todrick’s first night, so that was expected...
What actually made it worse were people that were undecided between running to stage door or watching the end of the show, because they were shuffling in their seats while anxiously looking at other audience members leaving...
Stand-by Joined: 12/11/18
Has anyone seen Colleen and Todric yet? I'm curious on how you thought they did.
Was very impressed with the new cast last night! Colleen Ballinger nailed it as Dawn, I was so impressed with her voice, comedic skills, and physicality (her little walk was great). Easily my favorite of all of the actresses who have played the role. Todrick was good too as Ogie.
Alison Luff is giving a star performance as Jenna. Her voice was stunning and she nailed the emotions of the character. Rest of the cast was great as usual.
New cast is definitely worth checking out!
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
Kea4 said: "Has anyone seen Colleen and Todric yet? I'm curious on how you thought they did."
I posted my thoughts last night, it’s on page 3.
Chorus Member Joined: 5/20/19
Colleen was phenomenal. I've been a fan of hers for a few years and went in expecting her to be good but maybe a little cookie cutter. She was jittery in the beginning understandably, but sounded amazing and to me had shockingly fully formed her character. She had a few unique little isms that I haven't seen from any previous actresses, a cute little ploddy walk, and some hilarious line delivery choices. Despite having seen this show around 15 times (?) she made me laugh out loud on a few occasions. I love Miranda Sings and I admire everything Colleen as achieved on her own, but if she ever decides that she wants to focus on Musical Theatre exclusively, I think she would find a lot of success. I think I do a good job at being fair when critiquing people I like, but I truly was so impressed.
Todrick was fine, not particularly memorable, but he sounded very good and did the job well enough! I think he will settle in and find the comedy quickly. Last night was definitely her night.
It’s always great to see Waitress, but it is cool to see debuts! Colleen and Todrick crushed it!
Colleen nailed it as Dawn! She does her Miranda Sings speaking voice (less exagerrated), which is distracting at first. But, at the same time, the voice does suit a nerdy Dawn and you get used to it since it is fitting. She reminds me a lot of Kimino: Nerdy, but natural and quiet. Her waddle and hunched back posture kills me 🤣 Her WSSM was fantastic, I’m impressed that she kept her MS accent with her fabulous singing. Colleen will return to Broadway and she would be a phenomenal Penny in a Hairspray revival.
Todrick is so pure as Ogie. He is so hiliarious and excitable. His energy is contagious! He kept his singing in character during NGROM, but lost it during ILYLAT.
Colleen and Todrick worked together so well and you can tell they’re having a blast with one and another. And they are understandably awkward with their kisses. The kiss during ILYLAT was not even for a second.
But Alison Luff is the real star here. My favorite Jenna. Has the perfect sassiness and rawness. Her SUTBM was phenomenal and she was actually close to crying.
As expected, stage door was a mess. Has to leave during the bows because of my disability to get a good spot to no prevail. I narrowly survived the stampede to the door and by the time I was there, there was three rows. Had to squeeze my way to find a empty space and I shockingly did. And more shocking: the tween stage goers was completely understanding of my condition. And when Todrick came out, no one was pushing one another. So I was miraculously fine. Better than Spongebob closing night when I was crushed in the front of the stampede.
Colleen is Christy Altomare-level of sweetness and graciousness and generosity. Colleen was like I’m so sorry I can’t do everyone’s playbills or hugs or selfies bc of my show at 8, but let’s be in a vlog together and do group pics of all of your sections! So, she did selfies you see on Twitter and a story video...then taking her time to getting to everyone. She gave me a big hug and all :)
Is Alison Luff the feisty funny Jenna (like Jessie, Sara, and Shoshana) or the sad, winsome Jenna of Betsy, Kat McPhee, and Nicolette Robinson? Both can work.
disneybroadwayfan22 said: "Has to leave during the bows because of my disability to get a good spot to no prevail."
At least you didn't leave during "Take It From an Old Man" to get to the stage door, like some people did.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
poisonivy2 said: "Is Alison Luff the feisty funny Jenna (like Jessie, Sara, and Shoshana) or the sad, winsome Jenna of Betsy, Kat McPhee, and Nicolette Robinson? Both can work."
She also seemed like the angriest Jenna I’ve seen, which was good!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Colleen made a lovely post on her Instagram story discussing proper behavior to her fans. She reminded them of the rules of cell phones, pictures, videos, etc. But also addressed her fans leaving before the show is over to go to the stagedoor and how it disrespects her cast and crew. She was of course still so sweet about the whole thing. This is my favorite stunt casting in a while. Such a great young woman who clearly worked the hardest she could to be at her best for her run. She's a delight in the show and I haven't felt energy in the Brooks Atkinson like that in a long time!
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
She made videos on her Instagram Story as well but here is a screenshot of her summing it all up
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
poisonivy2 said: "Is Alison Luff the feisty funny Jenna (like Jessie, Sara, and Shoshana) or the sad, winsome Jenna of Betsy, Kat McPhee, and Nicolette Robinson? Both can work."
When I think of all the Jennas I’ve seen (and I’ve thought all have been really good) I def personally prefer the more sad and stoic Jenna. I just find that more realistic and moving. But yeah I like that there’s different ways you can play Jenna and it can still work. We all have our faves naturally but I think the Waitress TPTB have done a great job with all their Jenna castings these past 3/4 years <3
Broadway Star Joined: 6/25/18
ND_2000 said: "She made videos on her Instagram Story as well but here is a screenshot of her summing it all up
I know it’s only some of the Colleen fans, but I just think it’s so disrespectful to leave a Broadway show before the end specifically to get to stage door to see one star. Yes the ticket sales have been boosted by Colleen being in the show, but Waitress isn’t a Colleen show, and to leave early is basically saying you don’t care about the other cast or even the show itself.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/2/10
WestEndGal said: "ND_2000 said: "She made videos on her Instagram Story as well but here is a screenshot of her summing it all up
I know it’s only some of the Colleen fans, but I just think it’s so disrespectful to leave a Broadway show before the end specifically to get to stage door to see one star. Yes the ticket sales have been boosted by Colleen being in the show, but Waitress isn’t a Colleen show, and to leave early is basically saying you don’t care about the other cast or even the show itself.
I agree. It applies to all shows all the time. But It’s also really saying you don’t care about her. She and the other cast members just worked their butts of to give you the best show possible... and you don’t even stay long enough to applaud their efforts.
What it IS saying is that you care more about yourself then anyone you have seen and may profess to love. Besides there are people who haven’t even seen the show who are hogging the front of the stage door line anyway (also another big pet peeve) so just enjoy the whole show and get out when the lights come up.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
ND_2000 said: "Colleen made a lovely post on her Instagram story discussing proper behavior to her fans. She reminded them of the rules of cell phones, pictures, videos, etc. But also addressed her fans leaving before the show is over to go to the stagedoor and how it disrespects her cast and crew. She was of course still so sweet about the whole thing. This is my favorite stunt casting in a while. Such a great young woman who clearly worked the hardest she could to be at her bestfor her run. She's a delight in the show and I haven't felt energy in the Brooks Atkinson like that in a long time!"
Thanks for sharing this, I wouldn’t have seen it otherwise. It makes me like her even more now. I fully agree with what you said, she’s absolutely amazing in the show and the energy at Waitress hasn’t been like that since I saw it with Sara Bareilles on her first run.
I didn’t see anyone taking pictures or filming on Tuesday though, and while the fans rushing out to stage door is incredibly annoying, it’s also a bit understandable. It’s kinda like a domino effect, once one person does it, everyone else that really wants to stage door sees it and starts panicking thinking they won’t be able to see her at stage door. I don’t think it’s done intentionally or maliciously. Anyway, I’m glad she addressed the issue respectfully!
Yup, the audience was pretty bad. Phones rung in all of Act 2 and even during Jenna's monologue, it wouldn't stop ringing. It was awful. Bless Alison for keeping it together. Then, during Jenna and Joe's talk in the hospital, someone was unwrapping candy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
LxGstv said: "ND_2000 said: "Colleen made a lovely post on her Instagram story discussing proper behavior to her fans. She reminded them of the rules of cell phones, pictures, videos, etc. But also addressed her fans leaving before the show is over to go to the stagedoor and how it disrespects her cast and crew. She was of course still so sweet about the whole thing. This is my favorite stunt casting in a while. Such a great young woman who clearly worked the hardest she could to be at her bestfor her run. She's a delight in the show and I haven't felt energy in the Brooks Atkinson like that in a long time!"
Thanks for sharing this, I wouldn’t have seen it otherwise. It makes me like her even more now. Ifully agree with what you said, she’s absolutely amazing in the show and the energy at Waitress hasn’t been like that since I saw it with Sara Bareilles on her first run.
I didn’t see anyone taking pictures or filming on Tuesday though, and while the fans rushing out to stage door is incredibly annoying, it’s also a bit understandable. It’s kinda like a domino effect, once one person does it, everyone else that really wants to stage door sees it and starts panicking thinking they won’t be able to see her at stage door. I don’t think it’s done intentionally or maliciously.Anyway, I’m glad she addressed the issue respectfully!"
Totally! It's also safe to say that the majority of her fans who are coming are kids who haven't been to a Broadway show before and they simply don't know how it all works. Luckily, Colleen's run is introducing them to this world AND she's educating them on how to properly behave. I have a lot of faith that now that she has addressed the issue it won't be happening nearly as much. It's great that she is bringing so many first time theatregoers into the show and getting them into the magic of musical theatre!
Stand-by Joined: 7/16/19
I'm sure I've been living under a rock because I don't get all the pandemonium over these new cast members - I've never heard of Colleen or Todrick before they were announced joining the show.I wanted to see it in the next couple weeks but not sure now. Not sure if I wanna wait til Jordan Sparks joins. But I really wanted to see Alison Luff.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
poisonivy2 said: "Is Alison Luff the feisty funny Jenna (like Jessie, Sara, and Shoshana) or the sad, winsome Jenna of Betsy, Kat McPhee, and Nicolette Robinson? Both can work."
I'm surprised you would put Jessie in the feisty funny category. When I saw it she seemed either cold or perpetually on the verge of tears. Her Jenna seemed shell-shocked and nervous.
Sara is the only one who captured that sassy seen-it-all waitress attitude. She was perfect to me though I kind of wish I'd gone back for Jason or Gavin because her chemistry with Chris was just okay.
To me, Shoshana was a blend of earth mother warmth and dry delivery. I don't know if she sold a lot of the laugh lines on her own but as a whole the company made it a funny show.
Anyway, I hope Alison is in when I see the show next week. If so, I'll report back.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/22/16
VintageSnarker said: "poisonivy2 said: "Is Alison Luff the feisty funny Jenna (like Jessie, Sara, and Shoshana) or the sad, winsome Jenna of Betsy, Kat McPhee, and Nicolette Robinson? Both can work."
I'm surprised you would put Jessie in the feisty funny category. When I saw it she seemed either cold or perpetually on the verge of tears. Her Jenna seemed shell-shocked and nervous.
Sara is the only one who captured that sassy seen-it-all waitress attitude. She was perfect to me though I kind of wish I'd gone back for Jason or Gavin because her chemistry with Chris was just okay.
To me, Shoshana was a blend of earth mother warmth and dry delivery. I don't know if she sold a lot of the laugh lines on her own but as a whole the company made it a funny show.
Anyway, I hope Alison is in when I see the show next week. If so, I'll report back."
I saw the original post and thought the same thing... I’m glad I’m not the only one, Jessie Mueller for me was the most fragile Jenna.
I really enjoyed Alison’s take on the roles, the interaction on the bench with Dr. Pomatter was by far the most flirtatious, IMO. I didn’t see Shoshana though.
VintageSnarker said: "poisonivy2 said: "Is Alison Luff the feisty funny Jenna (like Jessie, Sara, and Shoshana) or the sad, winsome Jenna of Betsy, Kat McPhee, and Nicolette Robinson? Both can work."
I'm surprised you would put Jessie in the feisty funny category. When I saw it she seemed either cold or perpetually on the verge of tears. Her Jenna seemed shell-shocked and nervous.
Sara is the only one who captured that sassy seen-it-all waitress attitude. She was perfect to me though I kind of wish I'd gone back for Jason or Gavin because her chemistry with Chris was just okay.
To me, Shoshana was a blend of earth mother warmth and dry delivery. I don't know if she sold a lot of the laugh lines on her own but as a whole the company made it a funny show.
Anyway, I hope Alison is in when I see the show next week. If so, I'll report back."
I thought Jessie's Jenna had a down to earth sense of humor. I agree that Sara was the feistiest and she was my favorite. I thought Betsy was way too hangdog, Nicolette was rather sad but also the sweetest, and Kat was sort of blah. I thought Shoshana was a nice mix but I thought her vocals were a bit too show-offy for me.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/30/15
LxGstv said: "I really enjoyed Alison’s take on the roles, the interaction on the bench with Dr. Pomatter was by far the most flirtatious, IMO. I didn’t see Shoshana though."
Ooh, I'm excited. I think Shoshana and Jeremy sold the sexy scenes that were more broadly comedic but otherwise they had an awkward energy. There's only a 7 year age difference but they came across like a guy and the woman who used to babysit him. "You Matter to Me" is one of my favorite songs outside of the show and it sadly fell flat.
poisonivy2 said: "I thought Shoshana was a nice mix but I thought her vocals were a bit too show-offy for me."
Did you see it early on? I saw it towards the end of her run and I was actually disappointed in how much she was holding back. I wish she'd brought more of her personality and vocal stylings. It really only came out in "She Used to Be Mine."
Early on she did a lot of riffs and it was like a rock concert. I think she scaled it back when Jeremy Jordan came on to play Pomatter.
I thought after Sara Nicolette was my favorite Jenna. If Sara was funny and sassy Nicolette was sweet and winning. Loved both of those Jennas.