broadwayboy223 said: "Does that mean she will be singing it on the great white way or that she can't sing it because she's not doing it on Broadway?
It doesn't mean either. It just means they still plan to come to Broadway and don't want the song sung in other venues until that happens
Might they hold off until the Fall considering the large amount of new musicals this season?
I know someone on here said they were going into a shubert house, so I could see them waiting for the Cort to be ready.
It would be a major loss to lose Ebersole. Her voice is glorious and those songs were written for her. I'd rather see Murphy replace LuPone.
Ebersole was the best thing in it and the composers owes her so much that I doubt they would get rid of her
Stand-by Joined: 2/13/15
Christine Ebersole was on WBAI yesterday morning with David Rothenberg. She said nothing definite yet, but she'd like to see it come to Broadway.
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
Patti LuPone was just on Sirius Radio 's My Favorite Song hosted by John Benjamin Hickey and she said its coming this spring!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
YAAAAAAASSS! Honestly I'm kind of curious to see how Donna would handle the material
The heat is on like Saigon!
I love the artwork!
Featured Actor Joined: 8/15/16
It's official! Looking forward to seeing how it's revised from the Chicago production.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
"I know someone on here said they were going into a shubert house"
Reason why you don't listen to "someone on here" #100000