Saw it this past weekend. Sat in a mezzanine box and I can’t recommend those seats more to those on a budget. The only thing of any importance we missed was about thirty seconds of Ebersole standing extreme left while she was singing. One gets the sense of the stage picture as from from the mezzanine but the intimacy as from front row orchestra.
LuPone and Ebersole were both absolutely terrific, and the crowd loved them – although, quite awkwardly, LuPone’s second entrance received applause while Ebersole’s did not. Terrific zingers, some truly touching moments in the final scene, and of course showstopping vocals. I read some complaints about LuPone’s accent work, and in a few songs the lyrics are obscured, but she seems to have at least gotten it down.
The score is amiable enough as one’s hearing it, but the only really memorable number is “Pink”. I do not think Frankel and Korie’s work stacks up to Grey Gardens. And yes, “Dinosaurs” is truly an awful and misguided song that should be scrapped immediately.
The real problem’s the book. These two ladies don’t really interact enough (dramatically, I mean, not physically) for the narrative to be really compelling as more than biographical montage. But Wright doesn’t want to eschew narrative and go for something artier, either. Additionally, the men truly aren’t fleshed out at all. But I didn’t mind the finale at all, despite what other posters have written; it’s fiction, and it’s dramatically satisfying to see them finally meet.
All in all, the evening mainly glides along on the strength of the splendid design work, flashy but not overdone, and on LuPone and Ebersole’s terrific performances. So a rather wonderful night – but one wonders how the musical would fare without two legendary divas.
Yes, the box seats have partial view but I liked sitting there. Just had to lean forward, and half the price of mezzanine ( which are getting high around $160-$200).
I think the prologue takes away from Christine's scene one entrance.
There is a lot of humor and very witty lines delivered by the two stars expertly.
Not a fan of all the songs--couldn't understand Patti sometimes--but of the solo's "Pink" and Patti's opening number "Back on Top" I liked a lot. Also the closing "Beauty in the World" btw... in my show Christine did say 'I never liked the color' at the end of Pink.
Patti's hairdo and shortness next to Christine made me think of Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Did the philosophy cosmetics brand steal Hope in a Jar from Rubenstein? (that's also one of the songs)
At the curtain call, Patti and Christine walk out together, then Christine moved forward to take a bow first. Wonder if they alternate this? Then the hug each other! So sweet!
^favorite part was when they were walking off the stage still embracing eachother. I almost cried.
I was surprised to see Ashley Park was in the ensemble for this show! I became a big fan of hers when she played one of the stepsisters in the current Cinderella touring cast. Which she left to play Tuptim in the recent revival of The King and I.
TheSassySam said: "I was surprised to see Ashley Park was in the ensemble for this show! I became a big fan of hers when she played one of the stepsisters in the current Cinderella touring cast. Which she left to play Tuptim in the recent revival of The King and I.
Nope. Ashley park isn't in the show. Stephanie park is!
I saw the show on Friday night and I enjoyed parts of the show but not the whole. Patti and Christine were both fabulous and in splendid voice. I found the score to all kind of blend together, with Pink being the only true standout in my mind. The problem I found with the show was it lacked an emotional core. It was cold and distant, and I felt it only truly came alive towards the ends of both acts. People may have complained about the meeting scene but I thought it was one of the best in the show, with both theatrical icons slinging insults at each other and in the end coming together emotionally. Sure, it didn't happen in real life but I didn't care.
The attempts to make the audience care for the men in the ladies' lives were well-founded but didn't come off as effective (and perhaps began too late in the evening, not being much for them to do for the first 45 minutes or so...however I didn't mind "Dinosaurs" as much as others). The chorus of ladies were terrific (and one of them was a dead ringer for Ms. Ebersole, to the point it distracted me). I left the show wishing so much that I had loved it but only enjoyed it for getting to see the stars. It's their show and if it succeeds it will be because of them (I agree with MOAI that Patti receiving applause on her second entrance made it slightly awkward considering Christine did not).
Call_me_jorge said: "TheSassySam said: "I was surprised to see Ashley Park was in the ensemble for this show! I became a big fan of hers when she played one of the stepsisters in the current Cinderella touring cast. Which she left to play Tuptim in the recent revival of The King and I.
Nope. Ashley park isn't in the show. Stephanie park is!
AH! I stand corrected.
I'm confused as to why it doesn't appear that the show is being worked on. Having just read Everything Was Possible and the recent Fosse biography, an out of town tryout used to mean a show was in constant flux until the creative team perfected it... or they ran out of time. There are obvious problems pointed out by folks here on this board and most of the reviewers... problems that seem like they could be fixed by a few smart adjustments... maybe a new song or two... but it seems like no major changes have been made.
What gives?
maybe they'll do some of that in the interim between now and Broadway?
Sure, absolutely. Why waste an opportunity in front of an audience though?
The same team made quite a few big changes for Grey Gardens from Off-Broadway to Broadway. I assume the same will be done here.
I saw it last Friday and I really enjoyed what I saw. It was one of those rare occurances where I felt the second act was much stronger then the first. Of course Patti and Christine exceed all expectations. For me, their last two numbers were definitely the strongest for both. The first act felt kind of repeatative and could definitley benefit from some cutting. I admit, I didn't really know anything about Arden and Rubenstein, so I found their stories really fascinating. The look and feel of this piece reminded me a lot of "the women" and that is not a bad thing. Also there were quite a lot of songs in this musical. Well obviously, it's a musical, but it was a few cut scenes away from being entirely sung though. Also for those who never got to see Patti Lupone in Evita, this may be the closest to seeing her in the essence of that role. Her hair is slicked back and wears some fabulous furs. Plus, quite a few of her scenes take place in her bedroom.
So overall with some cuts in that first act, this could potentially be a very strong piece. For me, this felt like Wicked for the older gay gentlemen.
Went to Chicago specifically to see WAR PAINT, extremely disappointing, even after reading the less than rapturous reviews for the show. Yes, Patti and Christine were great, and in great voice, but if the only laughs came from Patti's "funny" accent, and the score droned on all night (only song I liked was "If I'd Been a Man," touching and provocative), and Chis Gattelli was hired to do non-existent choreography for four non-dancing principals and a small ensemble that barely moved, and there was little or no drama to the "drama," then what's left? Any producer who would plunk down upwards of $10 million to bring this in without a total rewrite must be looking for a tax credit. Patti and Christine are not proven box office stars, such as Audra might be, and cannot withstand the critical drubbing this show would get in its present state.
Stand-by Joined: 5/22/14
Seems like the show has been doing incredible business in Chicago, with tickets jacked up to $200. Word of mouth must be really great.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
So interesting to see the different opinions. I loved the show. Does it need work? Absolutely, but I think it's brilliant. And there is a story in there. I also loved most of the score
Stand-by Joined: 7/5/16
Saw the show again this week. FYI orchestra seats are now 40% off on day of (mezz seats are still half off day of) so if any locals want to go again, it's totally worth checking in daily. I got my tickets at around 6:30 pm --5th row, center stage.
Act I seemed flatter this time. Patti was the only one to get applause during her second entrance. The line that got the biggest laugh was Arden's ("I always say.... treat a woman like a horse..... and a horse like a woman......... and they'll both win for you."
I saw the show during the first weekend, and I remember that Mr. Lewis drunkenly assaulting (nothing savage, but a lot of pulling and trying to kiss) one of the shopgirls when Arden catches them by the sauna. This was removed, and Arden just walks in now.
I enjoyed the title song much more. The cheoreography throughout seems so stiff, though, and I think the reason for this is because during "dance" moments (like in "War Paint" the dancers are made up of half young women and half of the older women (playing Arden's clients, technicians, etc).
The end no longer has the ensemble singing/saying lines about women during the last minute. It's all Arden/Rubenstein now.
Still a fan of "Dinosaurs," if not simply for the gift that is "Epidermis Rex"
There's a song on Youtube, if anyone wants a taste of the score. It's the finale.
jayinchelsea said: "Went to Chicago specifically to see WAR PAINT, extremely disappointing, even after reading the less than rapturous reviews for the show. Yes, Patti and Christine were great, and in great voice, but if the only laughs came from Patti's "funny" accent, and the score droned on all night (only song I liked was "If I'd Been a Man," touching and provocative), and Chis Gattelli was hired to do non-existent choreography for four non-dancing principals and a small ensemble that barely moved, and there was little or no drama to the "drama," then what's left? Any producer who would plunk down upwards of $10 million to bring this in without a total rewrite must be looking for a tax credit. Patti and Christine are not proven box office stars, such as Audra might be, and cannot withstand the critical drubbing this show would get in its present state.
Oh, and I am an older gay gentleman, and if this is any criteria, the show was an almost total bust. Aside from having the divas, who barely get to duel or have anything really fun and campy to say, the best thing about the show were the costumes. Wasn't it CAMELOT where they came out humming the scenery? We came out humming the dresses...
What about the over-40 women who are at least 50% of ticker buyers from what I've read? They will get the jokes---which are very witty--and they probably already love the two stars.
Swing Joined: 2/19/15
Perhaps, JayInChelsea, you're just a curmudgeonly old queen. Obviously, the word of mouth--perhaps among women-- is fueling the hot box office; it's the highest grossing show in the theater's history.
LeTigre said: "Perhaps, JayInChelsea, you're just a curmudgeonly old queen. Obviously, the word of mouth--perhaps among women-- is fueling the hot box office; it's the highest grossing show in the theater's history.
I also sense the financial record breaking is due to the inflated prices to see these two ladies. I don't think the Goodman has ever offered a $182 orchestra ticket. It's no surprise records were broken. I paid $82 for front row when tickets went on sale. Two weeks later the same seat was $182.
Also, they keep touting the sold out run. There seemed to be tickets available day of show for most shows.
They are trying to sell this as a hit to entice producers. It is a modest one I'm sure. We'll know once the books are balanced. Im sure the leading ladies don't come cheap.
What about the over-40 women who are at least 50% of ticker buyers from what I've read? They will get the jokes---which are very witty--and they probably already love the two stars.
My mother is 70, a subscriber to the Goodman, a fan of the stars and was excited about seeing the show. She left at intermission stating she found the show flat, repetitive and boring.
Bettyboy72 said: "LeTigre said: "Perhaps, JayInChelsea, you're just a curmudgeonly old queen. Obviously, the word of mouth--perhaps among women-- is fueling the hot box office; it's the highest grossing show in the theater's history.
I also sense the financial record breaking is due to the inflated prices to see these two ladies. I don't think the Goodman has ever offered a $182 orchestra ticket. It's no surprise records were broken. I paid $82 for front row when tickets went on sale. Two weeks later the same seat was $182.
Also, they keep touting the sold out run. There seemed to be tickets available day of show for most shows.
They are trying to sell this as a hit to entice producers. It is a modest one I'm sure. We'll know once the books are balanced. Im sure the leading ladies don't come cheap.
I've heard this argument used before on this forum but I'm not sure why it is relevant - it's not like the producers can set the prices at any level and expect them to sell. That is, yes of course the high prices are why this is the most financially successful musical at the Goodman - but what's impressive is that it actually sold the tickets at these high prices. If setting high prices were the key to financial success in the theatre, this would be easiest money making scheme in the world.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/2/14
I hope it transfers! I wanna see it again. It was so good. The score gets better with repeated listening. I love the naughty audio.
I loved the show (saw Saturday matinee). I think it's extremely ready for Broadway, with a few minor edits.
I agree with some people here that Patti's accent throws you off very much, especially during the songs. I could not understand her at all during her first solo number. And i definitely don't magically start understanding her as time goes on, the speaking is not an issue - it's the songs. I had to struggle through almost all of them. Her comic timing is SO good though, she totally stole the show for me. The show has a couple flaws in such that it halts completely in some moments. For eg., when Revson was first introduced, Christine has a (rather great) song which to me feels completely unnecessary till they bring back the character in the Second Act. I wish they'd work on that scene a little bit so it doesn't feel random.
Another issue was introducing male leads - they're "extras" till middle of the first Act, which I think is too late for important characters.