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Thenardier Profile Photo
#75re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:11pm

I love the part where idina flies.

like HOW do they do it?

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#76re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:14pm

Idina can really fly! DUUUHHH!!!!111

Thenardier Profile Photo
#77re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:16pm

no wayzzz

like she is so totally cool like i new she was so awesome shes like my ido or w/e but like if she can like fly shes like so much like cooler like idina is so cool shes my hero and i want to babysit her future kids like what is scintillating???OMFG

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#78re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:19pm

ideena should be teh next prezident dont u agree and shoshhana green been is a evil hore too

Thenardier Profile Photo
#79re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:22pm

lyke i would vote 4 her i mean im only 12 now but i will vote 4 her so much like can we vote a lot 4 a prezident who carees i will vot 4 her over and over and teel all my freinds that they shood vote 4 her so like she wins and shoshananana luks so uglee like i saw her in green on her beany website and like she was almost naked she looked like a prositure!!!!!!

bless idina!

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#80re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:24pm

well i here if u live in florduh u can vote 4 prez as many tymes as u want.. i lyke toataly need to move their so i can vote 4 ideena as many tymes as it taykes omgz ideena 4 prez!!!!!!1111

Patronus Profile Photo
#81re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:24pm

<---- Quickly runs to Shoshanayanna's wEbsIgHt
Updated On: 8/28/05 at 11:24 PM

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#82re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:26pm

no trayter dont go their!!!!!11 we have to burn u at teh steak now

Thenardier Profile Photo
#83re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:26pm

no wayzzzzzzzzz lyke werez florduh?????lemme get my green lipstik and wiked shurt so i can look so totally fabu and lyke maybe indiana will see mee an lyke be my bestest freend in the wurld..that wood b soooooo coool!

WesternSky2 Profile Photo
#84re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:29pm

i tihnk florduh is somewere in yurop. we shuld go 2gether

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#85re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:31pm

I'm sick . . . get me a bucket.

orangeskittles Profile Photo
#86re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:42pm

Hehe, it's funny because it's true.

Like a firework unexploded
Wanting life but never knowing how

YouWantitWhen???? Profile Photo
#87re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:46pm

Here is some free advice:

Go visit

They love to talk about all things Wicked, and all things Idina, and would be happy to exchange Elphaba and Idina ideas with you.

This place is not the place for the kind of posts you are putting up.

hot_brdwy_diva Profile Photo
#88re: WICKED
Posted: 8/28/05 at 11:55pm

The wig was from good ol Wally World during Halloween last year after everything went on sale for beaucoup cheap!

It's made many fabulous appearances when my friends and I dress up... but it has yet to make it into a show.

Maybe I'll do rocky horror again sometime in the future and then it can make an appearance.

"You just have to do what your voice tells you to do." -Linda Eder
Updated On: 8/29/05 at 11:55 PM

ljay889 Profile Photo
#89re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:11am

HAHHH OMGZ i love wicklyn

iz amasin. my fivoratae elpablowa iz idshoania menespinsteyer
shez amazin i luv wen sha beltt doze note yo amazin i tellll u

but omgz stephene strawrtz is a amasin compeozr
so muhch betta den sky goldman glander & febb leopoard birdcage n staphan soundhimer

omg ahhahha wicklyn ahahha

Marlene Profile Photo
#90re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 12:24am

Hey, I< order to figure out who my favorite Elphaba is read your user name a 525,600 times...and then get back to me. Updated On: 8/29/05 at 12:24 AM

C is for Company
#91re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 2:23am

westernsky2, I know you purposely misspelled whore as "hore" for the obvious reasons at hand. Yet however, my math teacher actually really thought whore was spelled hor. In math she was talking about a bad "three letter word starting with an h". We all laughed very hard when she realized how foolish she felt. Again back to this "topic" of a thread

#92re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 10:03am

"no wayzzzzzzzzz lyke werez florduh?????lemme get my green lipstik and wiked shurt so i can look so totally fabu and lyke maybe indiana will see mee an lyke be my bestest freend in the wurld..that wood b soooooo coool! "

tenadire-thats a wiiicked (haha wicked!!) good idea!!! if i wear my green shirt all the time and my green lipstick mabye ill see hehr and she'll wanna b BFFS~

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#93re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 10:08am

"no wayzzzzzzzzz lyke werez florduh?????lemme get my green lipstik and wiked shurt so i can look so totally fabu and lyke maybe indiana will see mee an lyke be my bestest freend in the wurld..that wood b soooooo coool! "

OmG noOoOo wayyyyyyyyy do u think it would weRk? (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

#94re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 10:11am

YEAH! i kould wear my I<3 Idina shirt and my green lipstick and then we would lyke be BFFS

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#95re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 10:14am

Wow Ms. Coster is an asshole.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#96re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 10:21am

whoz mr coster?

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#97re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 10:27am

I'm late to this thread but oh. my. lord.

If youre someone who is attempting to make a joke, Do you notice how unfunny you are? "The OMGzZ i <33 iDdInNAa NnNdD wAaNAnNaA hhHAaVvEeE hUuRrR bBbAabBbIeEeSsS" thing has been done over and over and over and wasn't even funny the first time and it's certainly not now. It's just repetative and increasingly annoying and aggrivating.

If youre serious: I suggest you leave this site and go to one of the thousands of Wicked fan boards where you can talk to people who love Idina maybe a little less than you but that's the best youre gonna get. However, you'll probably be kicked out of those boards if you keep acting like this because youre being extremley annoying and rude (saying 'who cares' to the Gypsy pix post is just uncalled for). If you want to make a good impression, it's too late. If you wanna make everyone's life easier (including yours) just leave or at least attempt to stop being so irritating.
Updated On: 8/29/05 at 10:27 AM

#98re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 11:01am

well. first of all, you're mean. and second of all. if you are making fun of my typing like ThIs i wouldnt talk because your user name happens to be "WiCkEdRoCkS" which is a few steps down from how obnoxious i am, but still quite annoying.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#99re: WICKED
Posted: 8/29/05 at 11:07am

uh lik yo u stipid biotch u giv us wicklyn fans a bad name yo!
u betta getz yo azz off dis bord loser child whoo iz ubsessed wit indinana Menzpinosa
