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Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal- Page 15

Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

ben1986 Profile Photo
#350re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/4/07 at 9:25pm

The stage door is actually to doors down from the box offic door and has a picture of the original cast. Now after the show they have two sets of barricades lined down the left and the right side and the bottom at the street is wide open. This was where the major issues were because fans started crowding around that with nothing to hold them back.

It got the point where the crowd was so large that it started to block 41st street. Also Pascal/Rapp's car was supposed to be parked there and it wasn't. By time the car did arrive there were 100 people blocking the way and a big shouting match ensued. They finally moved but at one point anyone could have knocked the barricades down and did something to the two stars.

I agree they do need better security and the fans need to calm down, understand they will sign, no pictures and stop being so rude. I mean seriously I still cannot get over how rude many of the fans were.
Updated On: 8/4/07 at 09:25 PM

WithoutATrace Profile Photo
#351re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/4/07 at 10:08pm

Yikes! This sounds like it is worse than the stage door experience at THREE DAYS OF RAIN! I didn't think that was humanly possible...

As you know, I already attended their first performance, but did not stage door. I do hope to try and brave the crowd one evening before they leave. Maybe one night this coming week...

Thanks for all the updates...and I'm so glad audiences are loving Adam and Anthony's performances!

#352re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/4/07 at 10:12pm

I went on opening night and it was fantastic. There are hardly words to describe how amazing it was to see Adam and Anthony walk out onto the stage. This was my first trip to New York and my first time every seeing Rent, but it was the most fun I have ever had in a theatre. Ever. Every single audience member was beyond thrilled to be there. There was applause for everything - the beginning of songs, the endings of songs, particularly special Rent moments. As soon as Anthony climbed up onto that table for La Vie Boheme, Adam had the biggest smile on his face. You could tell that they were both genuinely excited to be back onstage at the Nederlander.
The stage door, as has been said, was completely insane. I would say that between 300 and 350 people were waiting for Anthony, Adam and Tamyra to walk out of the door. They hadn't put up any barriers, so they had to have security guards come form a path for them to walk down. There were even some NYPD cops out in the street, which I found particularly ironic b/c of the show. When they finally came out, it was like a riot. People were snapping pictures everywhere, yelling the actors' names and sticking playbills, posters and other memorabilia out for them to sign. It took them a couple of minutes to walk the 15 feet from the stage door to the car, escorted by no less than six security team members. Totally chaotic. But, Anthony did manage to sign my playbill, so I'm glad I risked being trampled to death re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Ok, this is the longest post ever, but long story short - GO SEE THIS SHOW!!! It was life-changing.

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#353re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/4/07 at 10:15pm

I saw today's matinee. While the stagedoor was possibly the most unpleasant experiences I've had in a while, I just have to say "welcome home." Today was even more amazing than I could have possibly imagined. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

RevolutionaryCostume Profile Photo
#354re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/4/07 at 10:15pm

Hi all!

I was reading through the thread, but I didn't see much mentioned about the lotto except for the SRO stuff.

Has it been insane for every performance since A&A have been back?

I'm leaving tomorrow morning for the city, and I'm just hoping I'll be able to snag a ticket to see them before I leave.

It says it was on TKTS this week. . so I guess that's a good sign. .

I guess I'm just asking is the lotto turnout horrendous?


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#355re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/4/07 at 10:26pm

I work in the area, so I've passed the theater around lotto-drawing time several times on my way to the subway. It's been pretty insane.

People have been asking me for days how the show was on Wednesday, and I still just kind of stutter at them. I'm hardly ever without something to say, but I guess this one was just that wild. I'm still in this bizarre state of disbelief, I guess. Not only that they were perfect, but that I even saw them play these roles. re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

I'll try to post more constructive thoughts eventually, though.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

la_vie_boheme_et_moi Profile Photo
#356re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/4/07 at 10:34pm

God, I want to see them so bad! I have tickets and everything, but they're for three weeks from now and I don't live in the city so I can't just lotto or anything to try to get in faster.

And then I feel like an obsessive fangirl, whom I hate. *sigh*

I can't believe how awful the stage door sounds! I hope no one gets hurt.

Grown-ups never understand anything for themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them. Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "The Little Prince", 1943

baddadnpa Profile Photo
#357re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 11:49am

Saw the show yesterday and thought that Adam and Anthony were terrific and didn't stand out because of their ages. Both looked great, sang and acted great.

If anything, I think Merle Dandridge, whom I love as an actor and singer, looked way older than anyone else on the stage, especially when paired with the actress playing Maureen (sorry, don't know her name).

I am not a Renthead, a big Anthony or Adam fan, but I was thrilled to see them again in Rent and thought they rocked the house.

The truly beautiful should be lawfully restricted from wearing clothing; and the truly butt-ugly should be lawfully mandated from going naked.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#358re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 11:57am

I did lotto on Wednesday and it was busier than I'd seen it in a while, but not mad crazy insane. NOTHING like the stage door, which I avoided like the plague once I got out of the theatre and knew I'd be ok if a fire broke out in there. I was seriously worried for a little because there were so many people blocking the exits we were literally stuck for a few minutes. As much as I love the show, I seriously contemplated calling the fire department to come see the fire hazard that was the Nederlander because it's just unsafe.

One thing they were doing differently at the lottery (at least from when I'd been there before) was there's no lining up by name and seeing if all your group gets tickets. Your name is pulled you go straight in to buy your ticket(s). They were checking your id as you went in the door. You went to the window, gave them your ID, money and card, and you got your ID and ticket and were on your way. Made it nice!

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#359re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 12:03pm

The opinion that Nicolette Hart is something of a lackluster Maureen seems to be shared by quite a few people on this board, so you'd be pleased to hear that Kelly Karbacz went on for her at yesterday's matinee. She has always been one of my favorite Maureens, she really gets the character and her chemistry with Merle is unbeatable. Together, they are without a doubt my favorite Maureen/Joanne pair. So seeing her onstage again with Merle was a real treat.

As for the rest of the cast, I still say Justin Johnston is phoning it in from Pluto. I used to really like him, but now he just seems bored, tired, and unimpressive. I've seen his understudy, Telly Leung, go on as Angel, and I think he is much better in the part, has loads more energy, and a better voice. So, maybe that can be remedied soon. Troy Horne is still not a standout as Collins, though he is better than when I last saw him. He doesn't seem to have a visible connection to Angel until the I'll Cover You Reprise, which bothers me. D'Monroe is the same as he's always been. Not my favorite Benny, but definitely a good performance, and very consistent. Merle Dandridge and Kelly Karbacz are the best Maureen and Joanne I've ever seen on the Nederlander stage. They know the characters so well, Kelly plays Maureen ver young and flirty and flighty, but very serious about her performance art, very much taking herself to seriously and trying to impress and make others laugh, and Merle's Joanne is constantly having to calm her down and balance out her wild energy. She's stubborn, strong, and fierce, while still giving into Maureen at the right moments and showing her weakness for the girl. It's also obvious that Joanne loves Maureen, and that's why she puts up with so much from her. There was a nice moment during Happy New Year B when Merle was rubbing Kelly's shoulders after Maureen had just yelled at Benny. Between the small nuances like that, and they're ELECTRIC Take Me or Leave Me, it was an amazing show to watch. Anthony and Adam were also great (lol, can you tell I'm a Maureen/Joanne girl?). Anthony gave the same performance he gave the other time I saw him, without any changes, but it was a very good performance. He knows Mark very well and even though he doesn't make many changes night to night, it's because he knows what works and he's good at delivering it. Adam added some riffs to Glory that were very impressive, and funny nuances in Light My Candle. He's incredible in this role, he's transformed into an actor, singer, and all around great performer, and it's a pleasure to see him doing so well. Without a doubt my favorite Roger.

All in all, the show was better yesterday than I'd seen it in awhile, and I don't think I'll go back anytime soon, I'd like to savor a good show in my memory for awhile.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell
Updated On: 8/5/07 at 12:03 PM

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#360re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 6:49pm

and they're ELECTRIC Take Me or Leave Me,

Agreed! Kelly and Merle both have great voices and insane amounts of chemistry. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

TheHumanTorch Profile Photo
#361re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 7:38pm

saw Saturday's matinée... I thought Adam and Anthony were absolutely incredible... Tamyra was pretty good, her vocals were incredible, but I thought some of her line delivery was pretty poor... The rest of the cast was okay, but I thought Kelly Karbacz screamed her way through the show... during her Take Me or Leave Me there were some notes that were way way off. Other than that what a great show, and as much of a fan I am of Adam's Roger, Anthony's Mark was completely flawless... I think he proved himself to be the best on the stage by far.

A question to those who went to the stagedoor after the show... did Adam eventually come out? I only stayed to see Tamyra and Anthony...

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#362re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 7:50pm

No, he didn't. (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

StarUsher Profile Photo
#363re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 8:44pm

I also saw the Sat matinee. It was the best of the four times I have seen RENT hands down. It is amazing after all the time Adam and Anthony have worked on this material, played these characters in the various incarnations, that they still manage to find new moments and can go through the show making you feel like it's all brand new. In addition the rest of the cast is definately as talented and passionate about it as they are. If anyone was thinking about going to see it, now is the time.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#364re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 8:56pm

I also notice on "...Glory", that he belted "Glory" in a much higher key than I was used to hearing.

That last note, I believe, is the one he's been singing in the arrangement he uses at his solo shows.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#365re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 9:15pm

Being the OCD person I am, I don't think I'll be stage-dooring. Or, I'll just watch from afar just to see the chaos.

So, they don't allow pictures at all? Do they announce this or they just don't...pose? Do people snap pictures anyway or are all of the cameras confiscated?

"How bout a little black dress?"~hannahshule "I have a penis, not a vagina." ~munkustrap178

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#366re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 9:19pm

You can take pictures of them. I don't know if there's some sort of "no pictures with them" rule, or if it's just not happening because things are too fast and chaotic -- but regardless, I don't think they're taking pictures WITH fans.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#367re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/5/07 at 9:36pm

I don't think they're taking pictures WITH fans.

And who can blame them? The "fans" at the stage door, according to everything posted here, are insane and out of control.

"I've lost everything! Luis, Marty, my baby with Chris, Chris himself, James. All I ever wanted was love." --Sheridan Crane "Passions" ------- "Housework is like bad sex. Every time I do it, I swear I'll never do it again til the next time company comes."--"Lulu" from "Can't Stop The Music" ----- "When the right doors didn't open for him, he went through the wrong ones" - "Sweet Bird of Youth" ------------ --------- "Passions" is uncancelled! See for more info.

robin3 Profile Photo
#368re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/7/07 at 4:07am

did anyone go tonight? how was it??

LuPonatic Profile Photo
#369re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/7/07 at 4:20am

apparently this was a good idea for Rent, because they zoomed up to 100 percent attendance this past week. Good for them!

bwaylover86 Profile Photo
#370re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/7/07 at 9:11am

I could be wrong about this because like I said, I am just under five foot and was seriously smushed in the stage door crowd, but I could have sworn I saw Adam pose with a fan for a quick picture. I only saw him for a few seconds since I was being shoved to the ground lol so I am not sure if he did this more than once or if he just looked up for the picture while still signing.. but they definitely allow pictures they just don't pose for them all, if any.

"That boy could use some Prozac"

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#371re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/7/07 at 11:31am

You strike fear into my heart as a short person myself... lol.

I am too excited for words about seeing them on Monday. I've been looking forward to this for 3 months. YAAY!

And it is amazing to see what their return has done for the box office.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#372re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/7/07 at 11:31am

You strike fear into my heart as a short person myself... lol.

I am too excited for words about seeing them on Monday. I've been looking forward to this for 3 months. YAAY!

And it is amazing to see what their return has done for the box office.

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#373re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/7/07 at 12:21pm

Over 100%! That is amazing!

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley

bwaylover86 Profile Photo
#374re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/7/07 at 12:59pm

LOL sorry Renting Fame I did not mean to scare you! It was pretty crazy though I will warn you. People literally just reached over my head to get pictures and to shove playbills foward I was pretty much just trapped in there and couldn't get a picture or anything, so maybe bring a taser, just in case. re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

"That boy could use some Prozac"
