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Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal- Page 25

Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

dancingthrulife04 Profile Photo
#600re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 10:41am

Someone posted about it before (I forget who), but I think they should do like they did for stagedoor at The Apple Tree. They rotated everyone; once you got your stuff signed you moved out of the way. I thought that was pretty effective and it would eliminate a good deal of the pushing and shoving that is going on (at least it was when I was there). (Please click and help me win!) I chose, and my world was shaken- So what?
The choice may have been mistaken, The choosing was not...
"Every day has the potential to be the greatest day of your life." - Lin-Manuel Miranda
"And when Idina Menzel is singing, I'm always slightly worried that her teeth are going to jump out of her mouth and chase me." - Schmerg_the_Impaler

HJAJtheFirst Profile Photo
#601re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 10:47am

They use the same procedure at "Curtains" and it works very well.

Ariella Profile Photo
#602re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 10:55am

I'm just surprised they didn't fix the arrangement sooner.

Lm4dham052 Profile Photo
#603re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:03am

So is that how it is now?? I shouldn't fear my life??

"I used to want to change the world, now i just want to leave the room with a little bit of dignity"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#604re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:54am

So am I, Ariella, but I also figured that they wouldn't see fit to make any changes until something DID go wrong.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

sweetdisaster Profile Photo
#605re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 12:00pm

Has anyone tried to get tickets the day of the show at the box office lately? I know at the beginning of their run, people were doing this with no problem. Just trying to decide if it's worth trying to get a cheaper ticket the day of or spending the extra money now. Thanks!

LuckyStar Profile Photo
#606re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 12:22pm

I was there on Monday, and I'll try my best to explain the new stage door setup. The double doors all the way to the right are barricaded off. The barricades poke straight out from there, and then turn to the right. It's in more of an L shape now, which makes it easier for people to spread out, and I thought things were considerably less chaotic looking. I hope that makes sense, I should have just taken a picture.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#607re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 12:24pm

if they had just listened to me from Day 1...... re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

greeneyed_one Profile Photo
#608re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 5:55pm

"Has anyone tried to get tickets the day of the show at the box office lately? I know at the beginning of their run, people were doing this with no problem. Just trying to decide if it's worth trying to get a cheaper ticket the day of or spending the extra money now. Thanks!"

Does anyone have an answer to this? Thanks.

Chloe Profile Photo
#609re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 6:02pm

I haven't tried to get a last minute ticket lately, but I had a lot of luck going for a single at 3pm during the first week. Other people seem to have done the same. I think they might release house seats or returns for that evening's performance around mid-afternoon.

#610re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 6:43pm

how early does someone need to get there to be up against the barricades?

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#611re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:04pm

Ok, I tried twice. I have now gotten lazy and am giving up. Here's the link to the album where I uploaded them, and I apologize in advance for the supid pictures of me. lol.

Edit (again): There's a storm going on here so I need to unplug the computer and give up the internet for a while. There are more pictures to upload, when the weather isn't threatening the livlihood of my connection to the broadway world. re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.
Updated On: 8/22/07 at 11:04 PM

MotorTink Profile Photo
#612re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:05pm

the links didn't work

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

RENTingFAME Profile Photo
#613re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:07pm

Yeah I see that and I don't know why. I'm having issues. I'm going to edit...

Measure your life in love, RENTheads, and keep it always in your heart.

Avatar: Me with Al Larson, Jonathan Larson's father.

Amneris Profile Photo
#614re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:29pm

Dear -

Amneris saw "RENT" tonight for her Birthday. She was touched to see Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal walk out on stage. But, annoyed at the canadians sitting behind her screaming and fighting that these men weren't the same men from the movie. And why is Adam Pascal married because they can not make out with him after the show. Anthony Rapp so nicely rolled his eyes at the shouting and screaming and he was so shaken that he stumbled his first line. But, recovered so brilliantly.
Mr Rapps performance was as fresh as it was in 1996. It's as if he never said goodbye like Norma Desmond. He carried the show for me.. him and Pascal with his beautiful Bon Jovi Teeth. I think Pascals agent should be fired because this guy is way too talented. He should be on Greys Anatomy... or something... He was better then he could have ever imagined himself to be. His acting has come such a long way since 1996-1997. He was so in the moment and his vocals were genious. Amernis Admits to the public tha she cried during just about all his solos and "halloween".
Tamyra Gray was lovely as Mimi vocally and acting wise. The fella who played Angel was delightful,delicious and delovely.
The SOL soloist you go girl..

Now for the rest of the cast, I could care less if they came back on stage. When you stay in a show for 10 years, you get bored. Leave... don't let the rest of us suffer because you don't want to be up there. I was getting bored when Rapp and Pascal weren't on stage. I admit.. it was their show tonight and Tamyras... I thought Collins and benny were so weak. Joanne was a horror show.. all her keys were lowered and she was flat. And Maureen ... Nicolette who was decent as Linda when Felicia was out of WS was an absolute nightmare trainwreck. I would rather of listened to nails on a chalk board then hear her sing another line. Shouting like Janis Joplin sober isn't singing to me. Her voice is so obviously shot.

Maybe I am just like the critics reviewing Grease... HA.. but, thats my opinion and I am sticking to it.

the mezz was pretty empty.

MotorTink Profile Photo
#615re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:38pm

who was playing Joanne?

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Amneris Profile Photo
#616re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:40pm

Merle something?

MotorTink Profile Photo
#617re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:42pm

Wow, I think you are the first person I have found that didn't like Merle! interesting.

Happy birthday by the way.

BroadwayBoobs: I'll give all of you who weren't there a hint of who took the pictures rhymes with shameless

SOMMS: I knew it was Tink!

Amneris Profile Photo
#618re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/22/07 at 11:44pm

thank you. Maybe she was having an off night? that's allowed.

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#619re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/23/07 at 12:11am

Merle Dandridge is amazing singer with a very strong voice. Didn't she play the role before? I have friends who saw Ms. Hart and really liked her take on Maureen. Plus, she's hot. To each his own...

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher
Updated On: 8/23/07 at 12:11 AM

Marissa2 Profile Photo
#620re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/23/07 at 1:27am

I was there tonight too, and it was a weird show for me. I don't know, I feel like something was off for everyone, and there were a bunch of missed lines (or maybe the mics didn't pick them up correctly?) Adam, Anthony, and Tamyra were all great, but the rest of the cast were a bit weak. Merle, who I usually find to be incredible, was just okay. I didn't feel as if Troy and Justin had ANY chemistry at all. I'm not a huge Nicolette fan to begin with, but I feel like she tries way too hard to get laughs. I can't really explain it, the show just didn't click the way it normally does to me (I don't know if that sentence even makes sense...)

#621re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/23/07 at 2:00am

and WHAT exactly is up with Maia Nkenge Wilson - that's the SOL soloist, right? There's one performance artist in Rent, and that's Maureen. I thought Maia's hand motioning/gesticulations during SOL was distracting, but not enough to distract from the fact that her singing was simply not up to par. I literally grimaced when she sang tonight.

As for the two golden boys - they were fantastic. Anthony did stumble on that first line. It was a little silly how those people screamed for Adam and interrupted him, but c'est la vie. Adam sounded better than Anthony vocally tonight. I think Anthony might have been taking it easy on his voice, but that was just my observation. Their "What You Own" was probably the best I've heard yet. And Tamyra is growing on me. I'm really starting to like and appreciate her Mimi. She only fell out of character once which is a real pet peeve of mine - during the beginning of "Another Day" right after the kiss. I get that that's usually a "funny" part, but I thought it sort of took away from Roger and Mimi's moment. For awhile after that, she sort of seemed apathetic as Adam sang, but then she stepped it up and sang with a lot of passion, and it was amazing.

Stagedoor situation - only Nicolette and Anthony came out. Sorry kids, no new Adam paparazzi photos re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
I had a good spot close by and everything. But I did get my Playbill signed by Anthony - yay!

More tomorrow, I'm beat.

ETA: Tonight, in "Happy New Year" during the part when Maureen, Joanne, and Mark walk down the fire escape stairs and everyone else is sort of crouching by the padlocked door, Justin Johnson mouthed - slightly audibly- all their lines while they were crouched down.

Does anyone else notice that he always moves/turns his head directly to the beat of the music? You can see him do it on the bww "welcome back Adam and Anthony" video when they show the clip of Finale B at the very end- he moves his head so dramatically to that drum beat before the "no day but today" line. I thought it was a one time thing, but tonight he did it more, lol.

Also, does D'Monroe's Benny always move like a mechanical object? I always feel like he's doing the 80's robot dance when he's on stage.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?
Updated On: 8/23/07 at 02:00 AM

Lm4dham052 Profile Photo
#622re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/23/07 at 8:08am

I'm not going to do the whole review thing because misschung pretty much summed it up....

Last night was an amazing experience for me, it had been 9 years since the last time I saw Rent, so it turned out to be an amazing show.

To make this short:

Adam and Anthony were awesome, minus a few moments that lines were a little flubbed (it happens)
Nicolette was amazing, I thought she did a brilliant job
Tamyra's Mimi was really good, i enjoyed it
Didn't like D'Monroe's Benny, just didn't do anything for me
And I think Merle was outstanding

"I used to want to change the world, now i just want to leave the room with a little bit of dignity"

GuitarGirl Profile Photo
#623re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/23/07 at 8:20am

Merle's still in, then? That's cool. I've been wanting to see her as Joanne as well.

"I'm sort of like a child genius without being a child or a genius."~Tim Rice-Oxley

#624re: Welcome Home Rapp & Pascal
Posted: 8/23/07 at 8:49am

Yeah, she was AMAZING
